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Our website connects students with local tutors in Muroor Rd, Abu Dhabi, offering private one-on-one lessons. Our tutors cover over 350 subjects across all stages and exam levels, from Primary to High School and beyond. Browse through our list of private tutors in Muroor Rd, Abu Dhabi below and get to know them better by reading their profiles, reviews, and ratings. Choose your preferred tutor and start your lessons today!
Knowledgeable and Patient Tutor. Mr Faiq is a wonderful tutor! He’s super patient and definitely knows what he’s talking about. He is very kind and always timely. With his help, I recieved an high marks in my physics course! I’m super grateful for all the work, time, and effort he puts in to our sessions. I would highly recommend him!
Excellent tutor Mr Faiq had a very flexible schedule and was extremely helpful during our session. He was very patient with me and thorough with all his explanations. Thanks to him, I have a much better grasp of the topics I was having trouble with. Faiq made it his priority to break everything down for me in a way that's easy to remember.
Faiq Knows everything about Physics Math and statistics Faiq took his time and asked me what I need help with. I brought a lot of materials to review and we went one by one each question. He also doesn't watch the clock and says your hour is up. I usually am stubborn and try to figure out concepts on my own, definetly never doing that again. Going to Faiq I saved time and my usual headache from frustration. Highly recommended to everyone for great performance
As a student I recommend Mr Faiq from the bottom of my heart My experience with Mr Faiq for Applied Mathematics and Applied Dynamics was great! He is an amazing tutor and I was very impressed with his level of knowledge. He is very intelligent and communicates his knowledge of the subject very well. Sessions with Mr Faiq was very smooth and enjoyable. I was very comfortable with him as he is patient and understanding. His experience in academia benefited me because he understands the curriculum and environment I was coming from. He was punctual and flexible. I appreciate and enjoyed his help and will undoubtedly study him in next semesters for further assistance. Thank you Mr Faiq .
Very Helpful Really great tutor. I had great difficulty in my Physics course but Faiq was patient and took the time to explain whatever I questioned. He always left the door to communication open if I had a question outside of the session he was able to help me. Very much worth it. Highly Appreciated and Highly recommended to Everyone
Experienced language tutor with 10 years of teaching experience
Good command of the English language. Conducts interesting and creative classes.
A great violonist. She sounds like coming from the heaven. She is in time. Teaching is not excellent according to my own evaluation so make your own experience and don't judge according to my review. As there are no many violonists in the Area you can try her. I tried my best to be honest.
Experienced primary school teacher passionate about personalized
The Learning Journey Is What Makes Reaching Your Goal The Most Enjoyable
Dear Lobna, Thank you for a wonderful class. I learned a lot from your knowledgeable and insightful teaching. Your encouragement and support has given me the confidence to achieve my academic goals. I look forward to learning more from you in the future.
His main goal is to make children understand the concepts
"Can learning be interesting and fun? Absolutely! Once you start understanding the concepts of the subjects, learning becomes a joy. Ma'am puts in her wholehearted efforts to ensure that my foundation is solid, building a rock-solid structure for future learning. She makes lessons so simple and engaging that I never feel bored and always look forward to the next class. As a Grade 8 student, I’ve made incredible progress in Physics and Biology after joining her tuition. I used to be afraid of these subjects, but now I’ve started scoring high marks, and even my friends and teachers at school have noticed the positive change in me. I am deeply grateful to her for being my guide and support throughout this journey of learning. Thank you, Bismi Aunty (Jasmin), for being there when it mattered most. Wishing you all the very best from the bottom of my heart. Sneha Sara Roy Grade 8 Student International School, Abu Dhabi"
Jasmin Ma'am is very interactive in her lessons and is always open to doubts, clearing them right away. She refers to many question papers and creates excellent ones herself. Her teaching methods are top-notch and highly enjoyable. I always looked forward to her classes every week." — Ann Mary, First-Year Physiotherapy Student.
Jasmin Maam's tuition is very much based on conceptual learning and the true understanding of the student. She is very genuine and sincere in her teaching. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with Maam as her tuition classes makes you feel like studying can also be fun.
The teacher helped me to have the language base. I can see progress in my language everyday. The teacher has a unique style of teaching which makes learning a new language is fun.
Teaching style is unique and she has a good knowledge on the subject. Also she is a passionate to the job.
Lisa is an excellent teacher. Very experienced and organized. She guided me when I first started learning Italian, and then she supported me when I enrolled for level B2 exam. The material she provided and her clear explanations helped me to progress in Italian quickly. I recommend her for anyone who would like learn Italian. Grazie mille, Lisa!
I really appreciated the effort Hassan put to make sure I understoof the material. As well, He was there until the last step. He helped with any missuderstadings I encountered.
Mr. Hassan is the best tutor you can find for mathematics, I was severely struggling in computation foundation and It was nearly impossible to find a tutor for this specific subject. He started tutoring me the next day and within a few hours I understood it all. He made the subject simple to understand and went through all the learning outcomes and I will forever be grateful for his help!
Classes have been so worthwhile. Hassan has a good way of breaking things down so that become understandable. My tutoring session went well and I am pleased with the tips given to help my specific needs.
Most of our experienced teachers have a 5 star rating with over 46 positive reviews.