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Male, 24 Years
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Hourly Fees: AED 125
  • josxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx
  • +97xxxxxxxxxx
  • +97xxxxxxxxxx
  • 1 year of teaching experience
  • Khalifa City A, Abu Dhabi
  • Last Login: 1 month ago
  • Registered: 16 Aug, 2024
  • Teaches online: Yes
  • Teaching Time: As per Student's Needs
  • Offer Demo Class: Yes
  • Has Vehicle: Yes
  • Speaks: English

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Post Requirement


Finance / Economics / Business Trainer


Bachelor of Banking and Finance


Growing up in a family of doctors, I took up advanced level science subjects in high school. However, by the end of it, I realized my interests lay in understanding how corporations made money which led me to the world of Finance.

I graduated from a global top 50 university (Monash University - Melbourne) with a major in Banking & Finance and cleared the CFA Level 1. I've previously worked as an Equity Research Analyst (Generalist Team) in Sydney with a Boutique Financial Advisory Firm and as an Investment Analyst covering the Consumer Discretionary sector in the university student-managed fund.

While at University, they hired me as a Course Assistant to teach students weak in certain subjects collaborating with professors to execute efficient study plans for students (Math, Macro/Micro Economics, Corporate Finance, Financial Derivatives 1, Equity Investments).

I fell in love with the CFA curriculum after, and can safely say I've got a great grasp of all topics at the Level 1 level.


My previous students have credited me for breaking down topics to a granular level and perfecting the fundamentals before moving on to higher-level topics. I've always hated memorizing things and lean towards cementing the concepts more, which would allow you to apply them in various situations as they may arise.

I make sure to provide real-life examples that can be mirrored towards the concept, allowing you to never forget it again.


Salam Street, Khalifa City A, Khalifa Bin Zayed City, Khalifa City, Officers City, Bain Al Jessrain, Bain Al Jisrain, Rabdan, AlRaha Gardens, Al Raha Beach, Samaliya Island, Sas Al Nakhl, Umm Al Naar

Teaches Teaches

Academic Enrichment:
Academic Enrichment:
Communicative English, Language
Business Training:
Business Training:
Business Studies, Economics, Business Strategy, Finance: Banking, Finance: Corporate, Asset Management
College Level:
College Level:
Exam Preparation:
Exam Preparation:
High School:
High School:
Business Studies, Economics, Business Finance

Online Tutoring Online Tutoring

Online Tools:
Online Tools:

Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Team, Skype

Hourly Fees:
Hourly Fees:

USD 30