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Mwaffag Sharadga

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  • Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi
  • Last Login: 10 years ago
  • Registered: 09 Feb, 2015
  • Teaches online: No
  • Teaching Time: As per Student's Needs
  • Offer Demo Class: No
  • Has Vehicle: Yes
  • Speaks: English

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Mwaffag Sharadga


Master in mathematics and statistics


TEACHING: My teaching experience has been focused on designing and supporting teaching and learning mathematics using a broad range of educational technology. Theoretical knowledge, multiple perspectives and related issues are coupled with the acquisition of skills and practice. Teaching formats included presentations\\lectures, demonstrations, interactive sessions\\workshops with different group sizes and individual sessions. Organization of learning environments shows creativity and either formal or informal settings, it must be stimulating and the students self-disciplined. I truly believe that technology is the future for the students and this is why I have become so involved in it. Technology engages students in more interesting ways of learning, and students are guided to becoming learners that are more independent. TEACHING PERSPECTIVE : • The role of the instructor is to design and facilitate active learning that addresses the needs of students and prepares them for future. • The instructor is able to use knowledge and information to extend the knowledge of students. • The instructor must take great care to explain in simple steps the progression and the’ thinking’ that would lead students to their answers in a safe environment. Where students partake in structured activities to develop their understanding of concepts, apply this knowledge and advance related skills. • Excellent mutual respect is evident between the instructor and students to support instructional models and objectives rather than the driving force behind a course. • The selection and employment of technology is based on its applicability to meet students’ learning needs. • The instructor also ensures that all aspects of the course (i.e. content, objectives, activities, and assessments) are inter-related and based on sound instructional design. • The instructor targets student’s strength and weaknesses with different teaching strategies depending on instructional objectives. • Instructors who are committed to their own instructional enhancement are reflective practitioners and open to learning with and from their students. • The role of the instructor let the student to participate actively and encouraged to exchange ideas with confidence and be creative. • Excellent balance between differentiation and curriculum. • Planning must very clear, logical and sequential. • When students answer the Instructor questions, he further clarifies these answers with extra explanation to enhance understanding. • To obtain a challenging position in the field of education that would enable the instructor to contribute to an organization by utilizing his experience


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College Level:
College Level:
Mathematics, Statistics
High School:
High School:
Statistics, Maths
Mathematics, Statistics

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