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Finding dedicated Indian Curriculum (ICSE/CBSE) Islamic Banking/Finance tutors for Secondary students in Ghayl, Sharjah, is now easier with MyPrivateTutor. Our platform connects you with private home tutors and online tutors who specialize in teaching Islamic Banking/Finance for Indian Curriculum (ICSE/CBSE). They offer expert guidance and personalized attention to help students achieve excellent grades and top marks in exams. Begin your Islamic Banking/Finance lessons today with the tutor of your choice!
Aditya, is very knowledgeable, sincere, and dedicated teacher. He understands the student's requirement and approach accordingly.
I took classes from Mr Maher just a month or so before my final exams. After two years of self studying calculus I kept failing then came a few failed tutors... then i contacted Mr Maher. He explained the subject in much easier terms and with a friendly approach, helped me through out the way and was always in touch regarding my questions, thanks to him i was able to pass my exams with great happiness . He has vast knowledge in the subjects of mathematics and physics. I would highly recommend suffering math students to take classes from him... Once again Thank you Mr Maher!
She always goes above and beyond to help me, and her support has significantly improved my grade—I can’t imagine where I’d be without her!
I've never had a better chemistry tutor, where I actually learn and have fun learning. She has been the kindest and most supportive tutor and made me fall in love with chemistry. Due to her, my grades had a significant increase and I've been performing incredibly since then. Her tips and tricks are what helped me understand chemistry even more since I am more of a visual learner so she used to make me understand while drawing it out or showing me what the topic usually was. She is the sweetest tutor I have ever come across and because of her I love chemistry.
Miss Eleza has been one of the most helpful tutors I've ever had. She explains topics with clarity and detail, making everything easy to understand. After missing a month of school, she helped me significantly improve my chemistry grades. Not only is she a top-notch tutor, but she's also kind and approachable, making her great to work with.
I had such an amazing time with Ms. Eleza. She was super nice and made every session so much fun. Not only was she patient, but she also explained things in a way that made learning enjoyable and easy to understand. I always looked forward to our lessons, and I learned so much because of her. She's an excellent tutor and I had enjoyed every lesson with her.
She is incredibly kind and always has a smile on her face. She explains everything clearly and has helped me improve significantly.
My goal was to find a tutor who would cultivate an interest in Mathematics for my daughters in grades 8 and 5. Ms. Humeira has definitely made an impact in terms of creating this interest and improving their scores. She focuses on Mental maths as well and uses many online resources. Additionally, she helps with exam preps by giving tips and strategies.
She is highly committed and knowledgeable. Tries out a range of strategies with my daughter. My daughter is very happy with her and has improved remarkably.
She is an excellent teacher with lots of patience in dealing with students and have a good experience in the field of teaching.
I went to Ms. Ayesha for A-level Maths and Chemistry for the past two years. As a student who struggled with Maths and disliked the subject, Ms. Ayesha transformed me into a confident mathematician who now enjoys many aspects of it, especially mechanics. Not only has she improved my experience taking A-level Maths, she has also boosted my grade to give me predictions that enabled my admissions into top universities. I believe the reason that she excels as a tutor is because she is unbelievably patient, non-judgemental and thorough, providing an approachable environment to clear doubts and make mistakes. She takes great pride in her work and I can guarantee that you will come out the other end having made considerable progress. She is also very flexible, providing online sessions due to the pandemic and even having worked with me when I needed help at 3am before a test and spent 8 hours with me over one weekend to ensure I was confident for a projectiles test. In addition to being abundantly qualified and experienced, she is a great human being who truly wants to see the students under her care to succeed in all aspects of their lives. I went to her looking for academic support and came out of it with who I believe as a lifelong friend. There is no one like her so if you do take the subjects she teaches, please do yourself a favour and join her classes.
Miss Ayesha has been teaching me since O Levels, and it has been a wonderful experience. Her classes have been quite beneficial! She has a fantastic way of breaking things down into smaller parts while being light and fun. She is an excellent tutor, and I would recommend her to anyone who is interested in studying on their own, not only students in school. She is a thoughtful teacher who carefully considers how she presents the subject. Her lessons were interesting and practical, and she was gentle with everyone in the class, always encouraging them to try new things. I would strongly recommend anyone interested in learning to reach her.
Mechanical Engineer With A Zest For Teaching. Excellent Results For Students.
The way she teaches is excellent. The classes are fun and interactive. She teaches through different reference books and explains the concept clearly
Her method of teaching and dealing with children is excellent.
Very clever and devoted while teaching. My daughters got high grades as a result of her tremendous efforts and professional teaching skills. They also gained confidence thanks to her support and enthusiasm to ensure her students understand well the concepts. She is a very great teacher and always updates me about my children progress. I strongly recommend her to any parents who want their children to excel and succeed.
A Professional And Experienced Female Teacher Available For Tuitions From Kg1 To Grade Viii. Also Ielts Toefl Pte Trainer
Mind-blowing explanation of each and every topic. The methodology of teaching is marvellous.
I have got A* in Arabic under his guidance. Highly recommended.
Able To Teach All Subjects Except Arabic For Class 10th ,12th And Can Even Handle Engineering Subjects.
Her dedication and approach in making us understand is praise worthy. She explains everything in an easy manner giving tricky ways to remember which is special about her.
The way of explaining Engineering subjects in a clear and easy manner.
Great experience with the tutor. Highly recommended.
Good teaching methods and techniques. Nice attitude
Nice teaching attitude. Good command over the subjects.
Sanu is really a good teacher and has proved to be very helpful.
Most of our experienced teachers have a 5 star rating with over 570 positive reviews.