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Cyber Security

Published in: Cyber Security

This one explains about cyber security, cyber attacks etc.

Roshin S / Sharjah

2 years of teaching experience

Qualification: Masters in computer science

Teaches: IELTS, OET, GED, GATE, Computer Science, English, Science, MS Office, Web Development, C Language, C++, Computer, Maths

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  1. Cyber Security Cyber security is the protection of internet connected systems such as hardware, software and data from cyber threats It protect against unauthorized access to data centres and other computerized systems. Why is Cyber Security important ? With an increasing number of users, devices and programs in the modern enterpr'se, combined with the increased deluge of data, much of which is confidential or sensitive, the important of cyber secur'ty continues to grow. dangers attack
  2. Types of cyber threats Malware is software that is installed on a computer without the user's consent and that performs ma icious actions, such as stealing passwords or money. Phishing is a type of social engineering often used to steal user data including login credentia s and credit card numbers. Spear phishing attackers take a narrow focus and craft detailed, targeted email messages to a specific recipient or group. Man in the middle attack that allows attackers to eavesdrop on the communication between two targets. Top Cybersecurity Threats Denial of service obstruct a network or resource by flooding a target with artificial traffic, which restr'cts user access to the respective service be'ng attacked. Sq' injection targets these databases using specifically crafted SQL statements to trick the systems into doing unexpected and undesired things. DNS attack is where cyber-criminals exploit vulnerabilities found in the Domain Name System (DNS) of a server.
  3. Different types of cyber security The 5 Types Of Cyber Security 1. Network Security involves controls and measures designed to protect your networking infrastructure. o 2. Application Security involves continuously take measures to ensure that all applications properly secured. 3. Cloud Security helps businesses monitor and protect sensitive data on cloud-based resources. 4. Internet Security is distinct from Other forms Of cybersecurity simply because of the prevalence and sheer magnitude of internet threats. 5. Endpoint Security implementing it could effectively avoid many Security threats including theft of credentials, phishing and more
  4. Install antivirus software. Create strong passwords. Enforce security policies. Use firewalls. Monitor activity. How to prevent network attacks? Firewall Network Security Monitoring e McAfee Monitoring Cyber Security Policies
  5. Types of Security Controls Administrative Controls Administrative Control is a set of security rules, policies, procedures, or guidelines specified by the management to control access and usage of confidential information. User Management Privilege Management Employee Security, Clearance, and Evaluation Employee training and awareness, etc. TECHNICAL CONTROLS ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS PHYSICAL CONTROLS
  6. Types of Security Controls Technical Controls (Conti...) Technical Control is to control the access of confidential information over the network using technology. Technical funct'ons are involved in managing and controlling the access of the employee. Some examples of technical controls are: Access controls Firewalls Network Authentication Encryption, etc.
  7. Types of Security Controls Physical Controls (Conti...) Physical Control is a set of security controls implemented physically to prevent unauthorized access to the data and security risks. Some examples of physical controls are: Surveillance cameras Biometrics • Identity Cards Alarm systems, etc.