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Presentation On Oxides

Published in: Chemistry | Singing

This PPT is suitable for the IGCSE and O Level Chemistry students. It only provides theoretical background of the topic. The worksheets and topical questions will be discussed during the tutoring sessions

Tahzeeb I / Dubai

5 years of teaching experience

Qualification: Masters in Telecommunications Engineering

Teaches: Advanced Maths, Basic Computer, Coding & Programming, Mathematics, MATLAB, Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Science, Maths

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  1. Oxides Chemistry (IGCSE / O-Level)
  2. What will you learn in this lesson? • Classification between acidic and basic oxides • Neutral and amphoteric oxides
  3. Acidic Oxides Non-metals burn with oxygen to produce acidic oxides Sts) Acidic oxides are oxides of non-metals that will react with bases and dissolve in water to produce acid solutions Acid solutions turn litmus paper red Bwnino sulfur in a oas jar of oxyon.
  4. Basic Oxides Burning metals produce metal oxides called basic oxides Basic oxides react with acids to neutralize the acid. The solution of basic oxide turn litmus paper blue. HOW it reacts burns bright blue colourlcss oas (sulfw dioxide, SOz) bwns white Solid (phosphoru*V) gms red bums Bith yellm•u colourless oas (carMn dbdde, C02) solid Na20) Effect of adding with litmus dissolves, turns litm us dissolves, turns litmus dissilv SS turns litmus red dissolves, turns litmus slightly, turns Wtmus dissolves, turns litmus white solid {magnesium oxide. MOO) b red name white solid (calcium oxid e, Cao) blue—black solid (iron oxide. FeO) dos rnt bum, tums black solid Oxide, CuO)
  5. Neutral Oxides Oxides of non-metals that do not react with either acid or alkali These are the exception to the broad rule that non-metal oxides are acidic Non-metal oxides Acidic oxides. e.g. coy soy SOY NOY P.O* Neufra CO NO
  6. Amphoteric Oxides Oxides of metals that react with both acid and alkalis to produce salt and water are called amphoteric oxides These oxides neutralize acids and act as bases. They can also neutralize bases and act as acids h oxides. e.g. ZnO. Al.o, Metal oxides CuO. K,o, Na.o. Feo.
  7. Amphoteric Oxides (contd.) ZnO and A1203 are examples of amphoteric oxides ZOO(s) ZnOC,) zinc oxide A120s(,) oxide 2HC1(aq) 2NaOH(aq) 2NåOH(aQ) ZnCb(aq) Na2Zn02(aq) sodium zincate 2NaA102(aq) æduxninat.e H20(1) + U20(1) water H20(1) water
  8. Practice Question 7 a Whatcorouristheffame*ensulfurburns? b write thesynfbdl equationf«thereactionwhensulfurbumsinoxygen. c writethewotdlequatiomformagnesiumlburning in Sin Oefinetheterrn •mphofericcx/de. Write the balancedsymbWäquäGonsforthe reaåOn of aluminiurnoxidewith hydrochlorieäcid and sodium hydroxide. g and symbol With sodium