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Atomic Structure And The Periodic Table

Published in: Chemistry

This PPT is suitable for the IGCSE and O Level Chemistry students. It only provides theoretical background of the topic. The practice questions, worksheets and topical questions will be discussed during the tutoring sessions

Tahzeeb I / Dubai

5 years of teaching experience

Qualification: Masters in Telecommunications Engineering

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  1. Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table Chemistry (IGCSE / O-Level)
  2. What will you learn in this lesson? • Structure of the atom • Properties of sub-atomic particles • Proton (or atomic) number and Nucleon (or mass) number • Electronic configuration of an atom • Electronic structure • Electronic configuration and periodic table • Electronic configuration of noble gases
  3. Atoms and Element • Every substance around us is made up of atom Decreasing size Grain Of sand Bacteria 0000 M o' Ecu] e Of haemogl Obin Atom 1 crn • A substance made up of just one type of atom is called an element. Elements can be broken down into anything simpler by chemical reactions • There are 118 known elements Can you differentiate between elements and compounds?
  4. Structure of the Atom Atoms are made up of 3 subatomic particles Electrons: A subatomic particle with negligible mass and relative charge of -1. Electrons are present in all the atoms, located in the shells or energy levels outside the nucleus. Protons: A subatomic particle with relative atomic mass of 1 and relative charge of +1. They are found inside the nucleus of all elements. Neutrons: An uncharged subatomic particle present in the nucleus of atoms. A neutron is a charge of 1 relative to proton. Nucleus: The central region of an atom that us made up of proton and neutron. The electrons orbit around the nucleus in different shells or energy levels electron e•QtricÅ nucleus
  5. Properties of Sub-Atomic Particles • The negatively charged electrons are held within the atom by electrostatic force of attraction between them and positively charged protons inside the nucleus proton neutron electron Relative mass 1 1 (negligible) —1 Location in in nucleus in nucleus outside nucleus • Atoms are electrically neutral because they contain same number of protons and electrons
  6. Properties of Sub-Atomic Particles (contd.) • Hydrogen is the simplest atom with one proton, one electron and no neutron. Next simpler element is helium. • The number of neutrons required to hold the nucleus together increases as the atomic size increases. For e.g., an atom of gold consists of 79 118 neutrons and 79 protons, electrons Mie. d massofoneumiLJ coage thes e thuge tar-cel cut i€ith hardy any 'torn
  7. Proton (Atomic) Number and Mass (Nucleon) Number • The number of protons on the nucleus of an atom determines which element it is. This is known as proton number or atomic number of an atom. The proton number is given the symbol Z. • The total number of protons and neutrons present in the nucleus of an atom is called mass number or nucleon number. The mass number is given the symbol A. • General format is'* where X represents the symbol of element This is the mag number. the number of protons and neutrons together- This Is fie atomlc number {proton nurnben.—• This is the symbol for helium.
  8. Proton (Atomic) Number and Mass (Nucleon) Number (contd.) proton number (Z ) number of protons in the nucleus mass number (A ) — number of protons + number of neutrons number of electrons = number of protons = atomic number number of neutrons = mass number — atomic number = A —Z Calculate the atomic number, mass number, number of electrons, protons and neutrons of these elements: 1800 and The most important number is proton number as it defines which element it belongs to
  9. Electronic Configuration of Elements Electrons are present in shells or energy levels around the nucleus of an atom third level sometimes appear&full with eight electrons But an øuand to a tanl of 18 enery and distance second level onb' room for eight first level only room for two electrons
  10. Electronic Configuration of Elements (contd.) Bohr's theory of the arrangement of electrons in an atom First or lowest energy Electrons are in orbit around the central nucleus of the atom On two electrons can fit into this "l. The electron orbits are called electron shells (or energy levels) and have different energies Shells that are further from the nucleus have higher energies Shells are filled starting with the one with lowest energy (closest to nucleus) First shell can hold only two electrons Second and subsequent shells can hold eight electrons to give a stable (noble gas) arrangement of electrons nucleus made of protons and neutrons Second energy level, Eght gloctrons can fit into this level. Third energy level. Eight oloctrons can fit into this level to give a stable arrangement.
  11. Electronic Configu ration helium lithium fbu "d ium m. gneyum silicon ch I crine A short-hand method of describing the arrangement of electrons within an atom. Also called electronic structure 2.e,5
  12. Electronic Structure Ã…Li 12.111 potassium 128,11 Figure 2.15: Different ways of showing electron structure.
  13. Electronic Configuration and the Periodic Table Electronic configuration of an element can be linked to the position of element in periodic table. The properties and characteristics of each element can be compared by their positions in periodic table. GROUPS K Ca epasaa BBBRBB atom a atom What are your observations on group number and period number with electronic configuration?
  14. Electronic Configuration and the Periodic Table (contd.) • The number of outer electrons in an atom is the same as the group number. Elements in the same group have same number of electrons in outer shell. • The number of occupied electron shells in an atom are period (or row) number of element in the periodic table
  15. Noble Gases Electronic Configuration • Nobles Gases (Group Vlll) is the group of very stable and unreactive gases. They have stable arrangement of electrons in the outermost shells • Their atoms exist naturally as single atom • Their atoms do not make chemical bonds with other elements by sharing or transferring of outer-shell electrons lement Helium Atomic 2 Period 1 2 3 Electronic configuration 2 Number of outer electrons* 2 8 8The other noble gases in Group (krypton, xenon, and radon) also have eight outer electrons.
  16. Practice Question The electronic configurations of the atoms of four elements are: a b c d e Which two elements are in Group IV of the Periodic Table? Explain your answer. Which element is a noble gas? Explain your answer. Which of these elements is in Group VII of the Periodic Table? Explain your answer. Which two elements are in the third period (row) of the Periodic Table? Explain your answer. What is the proton number of element C? Explain your answer.