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Presentation On Energy Resources

Published in: Physics

This PPT is suitable for the IGCSE and O Level Physics students. It only provides theoretical background of the topic. The practice questions, worksheets and topical questions will be discussed during the tutoring sessions

Tahzeeb I / Dubai

5 years of teaching experience

Qualification: Masters in Telecommunications Engineering

Teaches: Advanced Maths, Basic Computer, Coding & Programming, Mathematics, MATLAB, Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Science, Maths

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  1. Energy Resources Physics (IGCSE / O-Level)
  2. What will you learn in this lesson? • Comparison between following useful energy resources, or electrical power generated, from (a) chemical energy stored in fossil fuels (b) chemical energy stored in biofuels (c) hydroelectric resources (d) solar radiation (e) nuclear fuel (f) geothermal resources (g) wind (h) tides (i) waves in the sea including references to a boiler, turbine and generator where they are used Advantages and disadvantages of each method • Sun as the source of energy • Nuclear fusion reactor (Artificial Sun)
  3. Renewables and Non-Renewables • Non-renewable: An energy resource that is gone forever once it has been used • Renewable: An energy resource that is naturally replenished (replaced) when it is used 4 In pie chart which energy resource is renewable or non-renewable? renewables ( oil (34%) ucléar (4%) hydro (7%) gas (24%) Fuel consumption of world population according to the data from 2018. Around 85% of all energy comes from fossil fuels
  4. Renewables and Non-Renewables (contd.) Renewables Energy directly from Sun (Solar Panels and Solar Cells) Wind Power Wave Power Hydroelectric Power Biomass Geothermal energy Tidal energy Non-Renewables Fossil fuels Nuclear fuels
  5. Energy Resources Energy directly from Sun: Solar panels and solar cells (photo cells or photovoltaic energy) Advantages Renewable Doesn't contribute to global warming Cheaper resource Can be used in remote areas such as deserts Water inside the panel absorbs energy from the sun, heats up and can be circulated around the house to provide cheap form of central heating and can also be used for washing purposes Disadvantages Unreliable because of variable intensity of sunlight
  6. Energy Resources (contd.) Wind Power: Wind Turbines (for electricity generation) and wind mills (for grinding and pumping) Advantages Renewable Doesn't contribute to global warming Disadvantages Unreliable because of variable speed of wind. The minimum speed of wind for wind turbines should be 5 m/s. If the speed exceeds 25 m/s, the turbine is turned off Dilute energy resource 'Wind farms' can extend up to several square kilometers to produce energy equivalent to fossil fuel power station Noisy
  7. Energy Resources (contd.) Wave Power: Waves are formed by friction between wind and water that causes the energy transfer Advantages Renewable Doesn't contribute to global warming Disadvantages Unreliable because height of wave can vary Cost is high because machine corrode in water Difficult to convert the up-and-down motion of waves into spinning motion required for turbines
  8. Energy Resources (contd.) Hydroelectric Power: Uses potential energy store of water to generate electricity Advantages Renewable Doesn't contribute to global warming Very short start-up time In non-peak hours, the water can be pumped up to store gravitational potential energy and avoid wastage of generated electricity Disadvantages Very high construction cost
  9. Energy Resources (contd.) Biomass Fuel: Materials, recently living, used as fuel such as wood, animal dunks etc. Advantages Renewable Doesn't contribute to global warming Reliable because it can be burned where needed Disadvantages Burning indoors can cause respiratory problems garbage Types of crops biomass landfill gas alcohol fuels How sunlight is the source of energy when wood is used as fuel?
  10. Energy Resources (contd.) Fossil Fuel: Materials, formed from long-dead materials, used as fuel such as oil, gas and coal. Advantages Reliability Efficiency Ease of Installing Power Plants and ease of transporting fuels Our Deep Knowledge of the Technology Disadvantages Burning fossil-fuels can release carbon dioxide which create greenhouse effect Reason behind current global warming Non-renewable Burning coal and oil produces Sulphur dioxide which leads to acid rain and damage to ecosystems and building Coal is the remains of plants that lived millions of years ago and their trunks got buried in the swampy land. They aren't rotten completely because of the lack of oxygen Gas Natural gas and oil can formed similar to the coal but instead of plants they are formed by tiny shrimp-like creatures called micro- plankton that lived in the ocean million of years ago
  11. Energy Resources (contd.) Nuclear Fuel: Inside a nuclear reactor, the radioactive decay of uranium (or plutonium) is speeded up so that the energy they store is released much more quickly. This is the process of nuclear fission. Advantages Nuclear fuel is relatively cheap and concentrated energy source Disadvantages Nuclear power has proved to be expensive because of the initial cost of building the power stations, and the costs of disposing of the radioactive spent fuel and decommissioning the stations at the end of their working lives.
  12. Energy Resources (contd.) Geothermal Energy: Energy stored in hot rocks (because of the presence of radioactive substances) underground. These underground rocks are found at active volcanoes region. Geothermal Power Plant Advantages Renewable Energy High Efficiency Low system maintenance cost Unlimited supply of geothermal energy Disadvantages Available at few places Inject i m o
  13. Energy Resources (contd.) Tidal Energy: A barrage is build across estuary creating a reservoir Advantages Renewable Energy Predictable Disadvantages Flooding estuaries can destroy wetlands Barrage can also block ship routes TIDE COMING IN This a s tide in TIDE GOING OUT
  14. Using Energy Resource to Generate Electricity coz I supply 4 water iurbine Fuels are used to boil water in the boiler to produce steam (thermal energy to steam) Steam turns the blades of turbine (steam to kinetic energy) Turbine rotates the generator coil under magnetic field to generate electricity (kinetic and magnetic energies to electrical energy ) Fuels use boiler to turn the turbine but moving air (wind energy) and moving water(tidal or hydroelectric power) directly turn the turbine
  15. Comparing Energy Resources Which energy resources do not depend on sun? Hydroelectric Fossil Fuel Renewability Cost of System/Plant Maintenance Cost Availability Reliability Scale Environmental impact Solar Energy Yes Low Low Easy No Small Nil Wind Energy Yes High High Easy No Large Tidal Wave Energy Power Yes High High Easy No Large Yes High High Easy No Large Power Yes Very high Very High Easy Yes Very large Can effect wildlife and wetland No Low Low Easy Yes Large Causes greenhouse gases to emit Biomass Fuel Yes Easy Yes Small Burning indoor can cause breathing problems Nuclear Fuel No High Very High Rare Yes Very Large Causes severe environmental hazard in case of leakage or exposure
  16. Nuclear Fusion on Sun* In nuclear fusion, four energetic hydrogen atoms collide and fuse (join together) to form an atom of helium https://www.voutube.com/watch?v=WIZQ4JBv3-Y •For IGCSE students only
  17. Nuclear Fusion Reactor on Earth* Inside the world's largest nuclear fusion reactor https://www.voutube.com/watch?v=ekub xEilJww •For IGCSE students only
  18. Nuclear Fusion Reactor on Earth* (contd.) • Fusion reactors on earth will fuse deuterium and tritium (two isotopes of hydrogen) to produce helium atom and neutron. • Neutrons hit the wall of tokamak and produce thermal energy • Heat exchangers transfer energy to heat up the water and produce steam that will run the turbine and produce electricity 4 •For IGCSE students only
  19. Nuclear Fusion Reactor on Earth* (contd.) • What is plasma? • How electricity is generated from nuclear fusion reactor? • How will we achieve the same effect of plasma as the sun? • What is the difference between nuclear fusion and nuclear fission? 4 •For IGCSE students only