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Presentation On Physical Quantities And Measurement Techniques

Published in: Physics

This Physics PPT is suitable for both IGCSE (0625) and O level (5054) students for the theoretical background of the topic. The worksheets, topical questions and different tips and tricks will be discussed during the tutoring session.

Tahzeeb I / Dubai

5 years of teaching experience

Qualification: Masters in Telecommunications Engineering

Teaches: Advanced Maths, Basic Computer, Coding & Programming, Mathematics, MATLAB, Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Science, Maths

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  1. Physical Quantities and Measurement Techniques Physics (IGCSE/O Level)
  2. What will you learn in this lesson? • How to measure a variety of lengths with appropriate precision using tapes, rulers and micrometers (including reading the scale on an analogue micrometer)? • How to use a measuring cylinder to measure the volume of a liquid and to determine the volume of a solid by displacement? • How to measure a variety of time intervals using clocks and digital timers? • Determining an average value for a small distance and for a short interval of time by measuring multiples (including the period of oscillation of a pendulum) • Understanding that a scalar quantity has magnitude (size) only and that a vector quantity has magnitude and direction Distinguish between different scalar and vector quantities • Finding the resultant of two vectors at right angles, by calculation or graphically
  3. Measuring Length using Ruler & Scale The object must be straight and laid closely alongside the ruler : 80 Don't measure using this part of the scale to avoid Which is the correct way to use the ruler? Systematic Error 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 '0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Where would you place the object alongside the measuring scale either at 1 or 2?
  4. More Measurement Techniques How to measure width of the single sheet of paper using ruler? This method helps to minimize the measurement error of smaller values i.e. thickness of paper (which is in micrometers)
  5. More Measurement Techniques (contd.) The circumference of tree or any cylindrical surface can be measured using tape or rope Marking the rope at either end of the line and then lay it along the ruler to measure the length
  6. Measuring Volumes • Volume is the amount of space occupied. The unit of volume is cubic meter (m3) but commonly used unit is cubic centimeter (cm3) I cm3 100 ms = I O-0mS 11000000 • For cube or cuboid objects volume can be measured by using their length, width and height. volume = length x breadth x height
  7. Measuring Volume using Cylinders • Measuring cylinders are used to measure the volume of liquid • Liquid volumes are also expressed in litres (l); 1 litre = 1000 cm3 = 1 dm3 One millilitre (1 ml) = 1 cm3 Can you convert 1 cm3 to dm3 ? Always maintain your eye-level with the level of meniscus and measure the bottom of meniscus, if the meniscus is concave How will you measure volume if the meniscus is convex?
  8. Measuring Volume by Displacement To find the volume of irregular shaped object, a method called displacement is used. In this method the water is displaced and shows the volume of that object 100 object to be measured volume Of object volume of water
  9. Measuring Volume by Displacement (contd.) • Select the measuring cylinder that is 3 to 4 times the size of object. Partially fill it with water and measure the volume of water. • Now immerse the object in the water and measure the volume of water again • This displaced volume shows the volume of that irregular object
  10. Unit Conversions If the base unit is m. Convert 1 m to cm, mm, nm and km. Also convert 1m3 to cm3 and mm3 01 E h Prefix exa mega hecto aucto Multiplication Factor 000 000 1 000 000 100 Base unit .01 0.001 .000.001 .000 0 001 00 00 001
  11. Exercise A stack of paper contains 50 sheets of paper. The stack has dimensions of 0.297 m x 21.0 cm x 5.0 mm. 1. Calculate the width of each paper 2. What will be the volume of stack? Give your in cm3 and mm3
  12. Vernier Scales and Micrometers* Lengths can be measured with a ruler to an accuracy of about 1 mm. Some investigations may need a more accurate measurement of length, which can be achieved by using vernier calipers (Fig 1) or a micrometer screw gauge (Fig 2). Fig 1 Vernier Calipers *for O Students 0.01 Fig 2 Micrometer Screw Gauge
  13. Vernier Scales and Micrometers (contd.) * 1. Vernier Calipers: The simplest type enables a length to be measured to 0.01 cm. vernlerscale mm scale What will be the value of 1 Vernier Division? 1 vernier division = mm = 0.9mm = O.09cm *for O Students
  14. Vernier Scales and Micrometers (contd.) * 1. Vernier Calipers (contd.): The length or inner radius of any object can be measured using external jaws or internal jaws o 1 OA-OB AB Find the mark on Vernier Scale that coincides best with the main scale 2 OA = (1.90cm) — (6 vernier divisions) — 1.90 cm — = (1.90-OS4)cm — 1.36 cm •fur O Students
  15. Vernier Scales and Micrometers (contd.) * 2. Micrometer Screw Gauge: It measures very smaller length of 0.001 cm Ensures that the jaws exert the same force when the object is gripped o object 2 35 One revolution of the drum opens the shaft by 0.5 mm = 0.05 cm *for O Students
  16. Vernier Scales and Micrometers (contd.) * 2. Micrometer Screw Gauge (contd.): If the drum has 50 divisions and each rotation moves on shaft by 0.5 mm then each division of drum reads 0.5/50 = 0.01 mm or 0.001 cm The length of object shown in figure is 0.283 cm 012 35 2.5mm on the shaft scale + 33 divisions on the drum scale = 0.25cm + 33(0.001 = 0.283cm Always check for zero error before taking measurements *for O Students
  17. Analog and Digital Clocks '10
  18. Measuring Short Interval of Times Find the time for the bob to make several complete oscillations; one oscillation is from A to O to B to O to A. The time for one oscillation is the period T. suppo rt To avoid any inaccuracy caused by delay in starting and stopping time of stopwatch calculate the time period for large number of oscillations (perhaps 20 or 50) and then divide by the number of oscillations How the length of string would impact the time period of oscillation? metal plates
  19. Scalar and Vector Vector quantity has both magnitude and direction. While, scalar quantity has magnitude only Lets explore with the help of example. Suppose your school is 2 km away from your home If you only say my school is 2 k away from my home and without any specifi direction 2 km 1.75 km Actually your school is 1.75 km East then 250 m South to your home It shows a Vector quantity It is s Scalar quantity
  20. Scalar and Vector (contd.) Why temperature is Scalar and temperature change is Vector? The following quantities are Scalar: distance, speed, time, mass, energy and temperature SCALAR VOLUME TEMPERATURE VECTOR TEMPERATURE VELOCITY CHANGE WEIGHT The following quantities are vectors: force, weight, velocity, acceleration, momentum, electric field strength and gravitational field strength THRUST Can you tell whether the directions given by Google Maps are Scalar or Vector?
  21. Vector Addition (Vectors in Straight Line) When vectors (force or velocity) lie in straight line, the resultant vector can be found by adding two vectors Motion Pushing force Friction
  22. Vector Addition (Vectors in When vectors lie in different directions, the resultant vector can be found by the method of drawing a vector triangle Aircraft 4.0N Push by Thrust 3.0N Weight of Aircraft You can add two or more vectors by the following method (head to tail method)— simply keep adding arrows end-to-end: Draw arrows end-to-end, so that the end of one is the start of the next. Choose a scale that gives a large triangle. Join the start of the first arrow to the end of the last arrow to find the resultant.
  23. Vector Addition (Vectors in The resultant vector can be found by 1. Drawing a Scaled diagram 2. Using Pythagoras' theorem Both of the above methods will be explained on Whiteboard