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Presentation On Harappan Civilization

Published in: History

Why did the Harappans decide to live in the Indus Valley?

Vamsi P / Dubai

4 years of teaching experience

Qualification: Civil Engineering

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  2. About Harappan civilization The Harappan culture existed along the Indus River in what is present day Pakistan. This Indus Valley 'civilization" flourished around 4000-1000 B.C. REGION It was named after the city of Harappa. Harappa and the city of Mohenjo-Daro were important centers of the Indus valley civilization. H i meayan t.%untcins Highlan Thar Desert
  3. discovered by It was scientists and numerous archaeologists in 1921. Alexander Cunningham, the director general of the Archaeological Survey in India(AS1), visited the Harappan ruins to look at the Buddhist remains along with the next director of the ASI, John Marshall ALEXANDER CUNNINGHAM
  4. The Indus Valley is on the border between India Pakistan and Afghanistan. The main city may have been Mohenjo-Daro but it could have been HarappaTo the West of Mohenjo- Daro are the Highlands. North East of Mohenjo Daro are the Himalayan mountains. Ancient laidus Civilization
  5. DAVA RAM SAHNI Scientists set up an excavation to investigate the mysterious ancient ruins. The dig began in 1920 led by archaeologist Rai Bahadur Daya Ram Sahni.
  6. Many different artefacts have been uncovered in the Indus Valleys main cities, Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. ARTEFACTS
  7. Why did the Harappans decide to live in the Indus Valley? Because of the Indus River which flows through the valley. It over- flowed every year leaving soil perfect for growing crops in. It could of also been used for transport and food such as fish. The Indus Valley was also well protected by the Himalayan Mountain Range. INDUS VALLEY
  8. CITADEL A citadel is the core fortified area of a town or city. It may be a fortress, castle, or fortified center. The term is a diminutive of "city" and thus means "little city", so called because it is a smaller part of the city of which it is the defensive core. CITADEL
  9. had a Ancient Sparta citadel as did ma other Greek cities an towns.
  10. Streets There is a road, which runs through the city, where carts ran down to transport goods. These where pulled by camels, oxen and elephants, which where also used to travel on. HARRAPAN STREETS
  11. BUILDINGS The Indus tribe lived in houses just like today. They where built from bricks and cement and must have been very strong because lots of these buildings are still standing today. {'438: , IMAGINED TOWN BULIDINGS
  12. They had a very complex city structure with one to two floors, to each building, yet there has been no evidence that the tribe had doors separating any of the rooms. HARRAPA BUILDINGS
  13. The great bath was a special place in the Indus Valley. It was used for baptizing babies. Like the drains, the bricks were clay to make it waterproof so none of the water could escape. The only way the water could escape was through a special system where, if they wanted to, they can let the water out if it got to dirty and then they could fill it up again Great Bath GIC
  14. It also has a plug hole which was used for This is the plug Of the totally emptying out the bath. The bath is bath. made from tightly fitted bricks which had tar on the inside of the bath. The tar was used as a water proof layer so the people could bath. Archaeologists aren't sure how they filled it up but they found a well near by. The bath was 12 metres long and 7 metres wide.
  15. The Drainage system There is evidence of very sophisticated drainage systems in the cities of the Indus Civilisation. The drainage systems were so big that a human would have been able to walk through the middle of one. This was really helpful because if the drain was blocked, the drain could be easily accessed. DRAINAGE WAYS
  16. This drain is about 5 meters deep They were also very clever beca e they used cement and clay bricks to make the drains, which always sloped downhill. There is evidence which shows lots of small footprints in the bricks. This may indicate that children helped to make the bricks.
  17. Town Planning The Town Planning System of Indus Valley Civilization (Harappan Civilization) was city based. The excellent drainage and sanitation systems are remarkable. The Indus civilization flourished around cities.. Town plan
  18. The ruins of the cities, so far unearthed, show remarkable town planning, and excellent system of drainage and sanitation of the Indus Valley Civilization. INDUS CIVILIZATION
  19. PLANNING [house] eets System Cty made up of walled The city was the heart of the civilization. The life in the Indus cities gives the impression of "a democratic bourgeois economy" like that of ancient Crete
  20. Granary The "granary" of Harappa is found on Mound F. It is a brick structure that was built on a massive brick foundation over 45 meters north-south and 45 meters east-west.
  21. Two rows of six rooms that appear to be foundations are arranged along a central passageway that is about 7 meters wide and partly paved with baked bricks. Each room measures 15.2 by 6.1 meters and has three sleeper walls with air space between them. Granary
  22. GREAT WELLS A large public well and public bathing platforms were found in the southern part of Mound AB at Harappa.
  23. These public bathing areas may also have been used for washing clothes is as common in many traditional cities in Pakistan and India today. WELLS
  24. HARRAPA LATRINES It is often said that the ancient Indus people invented latrines. Mark Kenoyer writes "Many urban dwellers may have walked outside the city wall to the nearby fields relive to themselves, as is commonly done today throughout much of Asia. But current excavations at Harappa are finding what appear to be latrines in almost every house.
  25. Varying types of houses and buildings are found in both large and small settlements. Rural areas tend to have exclusively mud brick buildings whereas urban areas have buildings partially or wholly made of baked bricks. Houses range from 1-2 stories in height, with a central courtyard around which the rooms are arranged. Average thickness of walls was 70cm and average ceiling height about 3 meters. HOUSE PLANNING PLAN STRUCTURE
  26. STEPS {STAIRCASE} Stairs led to the upper stories through a side room or the courtyard and the size of foundations has shown that a third floor might also have ted at one point.
  27. The bathrooms itself were usually a small square or rectangular room with a carefully-laid brick pavement sloping towards one corner. In this corner was the outlet for the water, which, in some cases also ran through the latrine. In some cases the brick floors of the bathrooms had been polished by the friction of bare feet, while in others they show a deep red deposit. Harappan Bathrooms
  28. Indus valley civilization is the dream of today but shown yesterday. It is that civilization which laid the foundation of our culture. Town planning was marvelous. Drainage system was covered so that there is no pollution. There was food storage system from which all the people were benefited. They worship nature which is the need of today.. ..women were educated. Administration was proper. So, we can say that it is dream of todavs Conclusion
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