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Presentation On IELTS Reading


Published in: English

IELTS Reading Tips and Techniques

Ms I / Dubai

12 years of teaching experience

Qualification: M.A English, M.A TEFL, UK certified Award Winning IELTS Trainer

Teaches: English, IELTS

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  2. Duration: 60 minutes, no answer transfer time Recommended time for each part: 20 minutes Questions: 40 items Test Parts: 3 sections GT / 3 Passages AC Basics
  3. Reading Academic vs. General Training Academic For the IELTS Academic exam, there are a variety of texts to read, such as descriptive, factual, and analytical, Research, Project etc. General Training There are three sections on reading part of the General Training exam. In the first section, there are two or three short texts. In the second section, there are two short, work-related texts. In the final section, there is one long text about a general interest topic 3rd section is similar to Academic
  4. Question Types Matching (information, headings, features, sentence endings), Multiple choice Identifying information (true/false/not given), Identifying writer's view/claims (yes/no/not given), Classification Sentence completion, Summary completion, Note completion, Table completion etc.
  5. 23-26 Reading Academic 27-29 Score 30-32 39-40 No. of correct answers 4-5 - 6-7 - 8-9 - 10-12 - 15- 18 - Score 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 No. of correct answers 19- 22 33- 34 35- 36 37- 38 Score 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0
  6. 27- 29 30-31 32-33 General 34-35 Training Score No. of correct answers 6-8 - 9-11 — 12-14 — 15-18 - 19-22 - 23- 26- No. of correct answers Score 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 36- 4.5 37- 5.0 40- Score 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0
  7. Reading Skills 1. Scanning - Finding specific information 2, Skimming - Getting general idea by going through the text quickly 3. Intensive Reading — Reading carefully
  8. Diagram Completion Skills Locating information in the passage Relating information to the diagram Choosing appropriate words Identify the type of word needed for each part of the flow chart Find information in the passage The information is usually located in one specific or two in the passage Check how many words you can use for the answer Check the number of words that can be used for each answer Answers do not ALWAYS come in order, but sometimes may be in order
  9. Categorization/Classification Questions Skills Locating information in the passage Categorization information Find information in the question Decide which category the information belongs to Look out for paraphrases Answers come in order
  10. Short Answer - Question Skills Locating information in the passage Understanding detail and specific information Identify the type of word needed for each gap (noun/verb/adjective) Paraphrase vocabulary in the question Scan the passage to locate the information Check how many words you can use for the answer Answers are most probably in order
  11. Matching Paragraph Information Question Skills Paraphrase the information in the Identifying Specific information question in the passage Find the information in the passage Scanning for information The answer is often a letter (A/B/C... ) read the instructions carefully to check Not all paragraphs may be used Answers do not come in order
  12. Matching Headings Skills Understanding the aim of a section. Identifying the difference between a main idea and supporting points Understanding aims of paragraphs & sections Understanding general content of paragraphs or sections Read the headings before you read the passage There are often more headings you need Analyse the headings before trying to match them to sections or paragraphs Answers are often numerals (i,ii,iii,iv,v)- read instructions carefully to check Answers don not come in order
  13. Skills Identifying Specific information in the passage Scanning and understanding information( T/F/N.G) Understanding the opinions of the writer (Y/N/N.G) Understand the meaning of each answer the same information is Yes/True found in the passage. the opposite information is No/Fa1se found in the passage Not Given--- information is not found in the passage Paraphrase the statement before trying to locate the answer Answers are found in order
  14. Summary Completion Question Skills Identifying Specific information in the passage Understanding ideas and supporting points Selecting appropriate words Scanning for information Identify the type of word needed for each gap (noun/verb/adjective) Locate the information in the passage in order to choose the right word If you choose words from the passage, check how many words can be used for each answer The summary must be grammatically correct Answers usually come in order
  15. Sentence Completion Question Skills Scanning Specific information in the passage Selecting appropriate words Understanding information in the passage Identify the type of word needed for each gap (noun/verb/adjective) Locate the information in the passage in order to choose the right word Check how many words can be used for each answer The sentence must be grammatically correct which help you in choosing the right word for the gap Answers usually come in order
  16. Multiple Choice Question Skills Scanning Specific information in the passage Understanding information in the passage Paraphrase the information in question and options Locate precise information in the passage Answers are usually letters (A,B,C or D) read instructions carefully to check The sentence must be grammatically correct which help you in choosing the right word for the gap Answers come in order
  17. List Selection Skills Scanning information Understanding information in the passage Identifying ideas relating to others Read through the list and prepare paraphrase Go through the question and identify the keywords Locate the information in the passage Answers are usually letters (A,B,C or D) read instructions carefully to check Answers come in order
  18. Choosing a Title/Heading Skills Identifying aims of the passage Distinguishing between detail and main aims Look at the differences between the possible titles/heading Pay attention to the opening and closing sentence of the passage Locate the information in the passage Answers are usually letters (A,B,C or D) read instructions carefully to check Answers come in order
  19. Matching Sentence Ending Skills Locating information in the passage Understanding information Read through the sentences and read through the possible endings Prepare paraphrases Find information in the passage Choose the best ending to match the information in the passage The completed sentence must be grammatically correct Sentence beginning follow the order of information the passage Answers are usually A-G read the instructions carefully There are usually more endings given than you need Answers come in order
  20. Table Completion Skills Locating information in the passage Choosing appropriate words Understanding details Read the column headings in the table Identify the type of word needed for each part of the table Scan the passage for information Answers are usually located in a specific part of the table Scan the passage for information Check how many words you can use for the answer
  21. Flow Chart Completion Skills Locating information in the passage Choosing appropriate words Understanding details and order of information Identify the type of word needed for each part of the flow chart Scan the passage for information Use the direction of the arrows and boxes to follow the order of information in the chart Select the appropriate words from the passage Check the number of words that can be used for each answer Answers do not always come in order
  22. Thank You Irum Shahzadi UK IELTS Cerified IELTS Trainer