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PPT On Exploring The Impacts Of World War 1 Outside Europe

Published in: English

A lesson exploring the impacts of World War 1 outside Europe by examining contemporary poetry.

Phil H / Abu Dhabi

14 years of teaching experience

Qualification: B.Sc.(hons) & PGCE (Cantab)

Teaches: English, IELTS, SAT, IGCSE/AS/AL, Geography, History, Social Studies, ESS Environmental Systems And Societies, Humanities Social Sciences

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  1. Starter: Morals are standards held by people according to what they believe is 'right' or 'just'. Joining the British army in World War 1 Moral decision was a moral decision. Remember: L2=explaining with an example. Not a moral decision L3=explaining with an example AND linking a cause to effect OR analysing/comparing examples.
  2. WORLD War 1 Objective: To understand the impact that WW1 had outside Europe. All: will know why the ANZACs fought in the war and be able to describe the events at Gallipoli Most: will be able to describe how this affected Australia Some: will be able to examine multiple impacts of the campaign on Australia. Homework: complete the sheet (use Google, you don't need the textbook) for next lesson
  3. Using sources A CALL FROM THE DARDANELLES Cob— ee- Yon7 U - SARO ENLIST Nov Why do you think that people in Australia and New Zealand were willing to help out and fight with Britain in WW1? Think about the propaganda lesson! Ext.tasks 1 Complete this-sentence7 "Troops from... ,..also fought with the British duri g W 1" 2) Write down 3 events of the war that appened outsideEuro e. NB ANZAC = Australia & New Zealand Army Corps
  4. Gallipoli The Gallipoli campaign was a disastrous attempt by allied forces to make a direct route to Russia, via Turkey, to cut Turkey off from Austria-Hungary, completely surrounding the Germans and cutting off much of their supplies. Many of the soldiers were ANZACs. [steeds Brihsh Isles WAY NORtH SEA t. O.NIA SEA R u-s SIAN KEÜ topcco
  5. Waltzing Matilda This is an Australian song. It is like a second national anthem. Waltzing Matilda is about a lonely swagman/hobo, who at the end of the days settles down to make a cup of tea and a meal. The police then come to arrest him for stealing a sheep and he ends his life rather than being sent to jail. The police and hobo represent the two side of a short shearers strike and civil war in Queensland. The song stands for the Australian spirit of independence, stubbornness and never giving up.
  6. Waltzing Matilda Waltzing Matilda was sung by the Australian soldiers as they boarded their troop ships. It was also a marching song for them. Years later, it was rewritten. Task: Whilst the song is playing, you need to illustrate it in your books, with no words! Wa ltzi wa I k. au.s-x
  7. Waltzing Matilda Waltzing Matilda was sung by the Australian soldiers as they boarded their troop ships. It was also a marching song for them. Years later, it was rewritten. Task: You need to read through the song: How does he describe the war? What happened to him? au.s-x
  8. Remember: you are all aiming to do your own PE Points: Australia's identity was formed at Gallipoli. o L 2+). You should be stretching yourself to aim for a L3 by peeling too. Evidence: Everybody still remembers ANZAC Day A generation of young men were wiped out. mertPnFFy(.LA11 1 today. How many died? Links: 2 Australians were affected in some way. These effects lasted a long time. People pull together in times of hardship. Why were they willing to fight or die? 3 Like UAE Martyrs' Day, Australians remember their dead from all wars. Impacts or farming, rebuilding etc.? 4
  9. Ittay stia!l craw nnt 93 wo that are ktt chan not weary thorn. nor tha yeara cantin:nn At tho coma down sun and io too morning Wa rernnmh8r thum Lest wa forgat Using the Gallipoli articles, you need to discuss the impacts of the Gallipoli campaign on Australia. Write down as many different ways in which Australia has been effected by WW1 as possible. Categorise them as long term and short term Ext. task: Categorise them cial, ec r mic or polit:A21 even socio-economic.