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Chemistry (intermolecular Forces)


Published in: Chemistry

Intermolecular forces detailed notes

Hina N / Dubai

11 years of teaching experience

Qualification: BS(HONS) chemistry,B.Ed,M.Ed

Teaches: English, Urdu, Chemistry

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  1. INTRAMOLECULRR AND INTERMOLECULAR FORCES INTRRMOLECULRR FORCES:.1he aEorns in molecule.' ton oy compound is called inExomolecutoy oy chemical bond, these me shong byceg. Ionic bond, coyolenl bond, co-oriir± coyoten\ bond oye the Etdpeg inhamoleculm byc.e.g. INTERMOLECULRR FoRCES:. a*hacEion beEween the molecules a compound is coned intccmolecutoy %oyces, these ate u:eokey otyactiye is IS time weakey thon oyatenl, bond. exompte in Hi0 molecule iE Nemuiyes q6Y kjlmot energy to bleak the H-O bonds within a molecule, while intyamo!eculm between I.votey molecules yemuWed Xjtmol energy. Ife physical pyopeffies mattey dQerd upon the stie.ngti inteymoleculm byceg, the dåieyenE •t&xmoteculoy ate. Dipole- Dipole inteyecEion gtdyogen bonding, london Dispexsion. these aye mttec±ively Van t.»aal lotce9, DIPOLE- DIPOLE INTERRCTION:. The between the posiEive pole one polar moteute and negative pote othey polay molecule ate catld dipole- dipole int-exaction, Explanation:.lfiege ave bund in polay molecules, R potat molecule has two end oy poles due Eo elecHonegaEiYiEies abrns in a potat molecules, one end (pole) the molecule has a paffial posiEive while the otü has payEiai neiatiye charge, posiEiye poles _ is at the less elechonqatile abms whueas Scanned by TapScanner
  2. elecbostoEic 08 atlacEion between the opposdel chmae tons, Some ImpolEont tomc ompourdä me given below c') tonic compound have high metEin and boiling poinE due %ona i01ces abacEion bebween tonic compound aye SEyon etechottdtes in molten oy sott±ion the cnndocl ekcfiicibd tii) tonic compound me solid at yoom Eernpeyatue CiY) Ionic compounds ate soluble in potm golvenE like lhe Nendion Ionic compour•å ate lad in molEen 01 in sotuEion form tvi) bonds in Ionic compounds me non- dimEiornl. Ionic compounds me urnp09d o} cnt.iong ard onions ÄysEattine bm in the popey±ies mewtic compourd? PtopetEieS 01 metallic compourd;• morns mehls aye held b} Speial type bond meEallic bord. compu Show the bltowing ptopeflies. (i) metals me Solid aE uorn tempeyaEu1e excepE Mutctny (Ng) which is timuid, (i) haye high meltin and boiling points ti) ttteå ate good o} and electriciE8 Metals me maltable. they can be beaten tnto 9heets. Mehls me ductile the8 can be dtatun inb wires Meknts me lushous. haye Shiny sußaces Metals ate sonmous,th pxoduce spe.ilic m8ina sound have iah dmsit.å. Scanned by TapScanner
  3. tngefhey by htddyoqen bondin h}dY08 Substance whi&l can en bond With Water ate Soluble in tvatey Rtcohol, glucose etc Wyite the popeyEies ot coralent ømpounds ? COVALENT compounds which by the mutual 3h01ing yotence elechon is covalent ompound oy molecu!ay compound PyopeyEies covalent compound:. pwperbes of Q)YQtenE compounds depends on cn Geometlioal Shape molecules tii) ard int.2tmdeculoy {orceg among molecules. (i) Bond Whefiey Sin8te, double oy Some ImpdanE covalenl ompound9 ate: &yalene oompourds hove genmaltg low melting poinE and biding points CoyotenE compound Ote non elecbol Ees in tfieir $tuEion {mm, tfiet.d do noE conducE elehici%, Ømpourd aye pxesenl in all thyee physical Solid. liquid ard gases, Hay coyalent ompound ate soluble in polay solvent like Alohot etc, While non polay covatenE mmpourds me soluble in non poloy like bmzen and coybon tetvaehloude etc The cmaten± compounds aye Slowey tfiah Imic bord in covalent ale ditecbonal Solid coyalenE compounds un bun rmleeulat the pyopqlies tonic ? Pyopeüies oi Ionic compound9:. tonic compounds me iovnd b! shon8. Scanned by TapScanner
  4. tone pail oi electton RddiEion Compound of totmin ammonium ion (NRq) NH' and niEtoqen atom 01 NH3 has loon pm oi election and is ete±on lich Specie, fie boron dom oi BC13 is 8h0TE etechons to complete its octet, NiEtogen 01 NH3 donate this loan pair elechon to he emon BC13 Which aupE it and Birn adibionol @mpound, Ammonia - boron chi01ire AND NON-POLAR BONDS POLAR COVALENT ovalenE bond which is brrned bä the muEuoI shming 01 etecfrons between qurns, having diHetenE etecboneaaEiuities ig potm covalenE bond Explination:• When coyatenE brd is beUveen uuo dissimilar atoms, the elechonegaEiviEy one atom is hi h than othet so attacE eldron mme bt.uayd iEsel md a pattial negative chaTte on it while othey abm um paltiql psitive Chav on iE, due eo this opposite poles me cleated and polm bond is btrne4' Scanned by TapScanner
  5. Polay bond ioxmation in HCI Rn HCI tnolecule the cl ig is more elecEroneaaEive fian tH, atoms, the+e the Qhtorine has the terden EO affra the paired etecfron totuard b! Ione. 90 {orm partial neaoEtve chmae on iEsel{, tUhile atom {Otmed paltial positive chalae on So opposite poles ore in H-ct molecule and the bond is Said {o be polar covalenE bord) Other eyomple 01 polm moleculeg are. H20, NH3 etc NON Cl htar bond in NCI molecule NON-POLRR UVRLENT BONO:. bond which is buned ? between atoms havin some ete±toneaativit} is catted non-polat covalent bond Explination:• Non- covatent bond is bett»een tuo tfiaé0'e both the atoms atyact the ghaxed etectrons eoualt!, due to game etectxoneaatiyit} atoms in non -polar motecules. the opposi±e potes not created in frese bonds, Examples•e Hx. Nx, clx. etc Non-polat bond Hydroaen Scanned by TapScanner
  6. negative pole is created the mole etectxoneoaEive ato e.} when polm molecules axe close Eo Oeach otbex the posiEive pole o! one molecule atyact the negabxe pote the other molecule, the 8Hert8tå o} dipote- dipole {oxce.S deperds upon poloyihd the molecule. Csyg±ey the the molecule, *longer is its dipole- dipole {c*ceg and •oce W9Q. Dipole- Dipole intexection in NCI HYDROGEN atyaction between the positively charad hydyogen abrn one molecule and tone poir elechons 01 N,o. fie Otta molecule is hydrogen bonding OR hydyogen bord is the abacEive krce beEween the hi8h!å ete&on ddicienE Htådtoaen atom and neaxbå highly Olive atom with lone pair etecEyon9 such as F. o. oy NY Explanation:. *oaen bonding is {oupd in att polm molecules as HD. NH3, NF. etc, uhen hydwaen is covalently bondd high E.N, such as, o' N, F. 8bong posibve ch0Y8e &yeloped on hydyogen and neaative chmge appeat on high E.N Qbms, When tese motecutes cbse to Scanned by TapScanner
  7. the positive hydrogen one molecute the high electronegaEive Othey rmteculeg, 03 a xegulE {orce attraction is Htddroaen bond s- SS R&fiogen bondina in HXO Properties 01 Hydyoaen bondina:, H}droaen bond is serongey than dl*— dipote intera:EioÈ but uzakcr fian coutent bord. is about 20 tirnes weakey than coyatenb bord and Een time *yonaey than dipote—dipole tntuaéion di) H}droaen bond tona Chaing and help in {ormaEion hetu.jotk moleculeg. dib HYhoaen bord iS direcEionQl. Application Hydroeen BorAina:, bondinq is extreme!y Imporiaft in det.etrnininq the prope'ties al bioloaiè6t moleule such ptotein. DNR etc. adhesive action 01 paints ond dgeg &ehpd due to b0hdina Ci) Synfietic reging atso bind Etuo guéaces Scanned by TapScanner
  8. METALLIC BOND9 The chemical Ending that yesutE horn tht atyacEion beEween metol posiEive tons and the soxyoundin 8 sea etecåon9 ig metallic bondin Explana±ion:. The metallic bond con not explained on the basis 01 tonic. covalent bond 01 Von der t.vaalg thete me yni0t.)8 theoyieg Ohich exptain the metallic bonds, the meffie bond eon be explain on the basis etechon sea ot elechon gas theory, EtecHon SO model:. Recoding to this made! the yatence etehons in metal aEom9 me loselg held, due Eo lat8e atomic Size and low Ionization eneyu oi meEal aEorns. Metal atoms lose their valence elechong and bea'tne positively charted tons, mean that the outer etectton do not belong to ony one atom but move Heelå between fie metal' Ions like cloud 01 neaative chayae. these mobile etectxons btm a 9m 01 electtons avound the meta! aEom9 Which aye beld baeathev in a meEaI laEice, this geo ot ete±on bind tfie metal abm t.øaenlhey mebttic boras Metallic bondin Examples:. cu. Ni. RI. PE. Fe. 2m Ma, qu, NO' Scanned by TapScanner