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Carbon And Its Compounds


Published in: Chemistry


Rami M / Dubai

4 years of teaching experience


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  1. CARBON AND ITS COMPOUNDS 1) What are the properties of carbon compounds? Catenation: Carbon has a unique property of direct bonding between atoms Of the same element to form long chains, to form branches, or to form close Structures. This property is known as catenation. This property is due to The small size of the carbon atom. The great strength of the carbon-carbon bond. Carbon can also form stable multiple bonds (double or triple) with itself and with the atoms of other elements. Straight Chain Propane Branched Chain 2 • M ethyipr opane Rings Cyclohexane Butane 2, 2— Dimethylpropane Cyclobutane
  2. Tetravalency: tetravalency is another important property of carbon atom. As we all know that carbon is an atom that has 4 valence electrons. Since carbon can neither lose nor gain its valence electrons to attain an octet, it forms a covalent bond via sharing its 4 valence electrons with other atoms. They are poor conductors of Electricity Force Of attraction between these molecules are not very strong therefore M.P and B.P are very low 2) What is mean by covalent bond? OR How covalent bonds are formed? A) A covalent bond is formed when pairs of electrons are shared between two atoms. It is primarily formed betw•een two same nonmetallic atoms or between nonmetallic atoms with similar electronegativity. 3) What are Valence Electrons? A) A valence electron is a negatively charged particle, located in the outermost shell Of an atom. 4) Define Electron Dot Structure? The electron dot structures provides a picture Of bonding in molecules in terms of the shared pairs of electrons and octet rule. 5) Covalent Bonding of Hydrogen Molecule * Single Bonding
  3. 6)Formation of a double bond in an oxygen molecule: 7) Formation of a triple bond in a nitrogen molecule: :N 8) What would be the electron dot structure of carbon dioxide which has the formula CO ? or O —C = 0 9) What would be electron dot structure of sulphur which is made up of eight atoms of sulphur. or s—s Electron dot structure of sulphur molecule, ss Structure of SS molecule
  4. 9) Formation of H2S Molecule Atomic number of Sulphur = 16 [2, 8, 6] Number Of valence electrons = 6 aco Q) What would be the electron dot structure of Chlorine which has the formula C12? Q) What woud be the electron dot structure of Hcl? Q) What woud be the electron dot structure of NH4? Q) What woud be the electron dot structure of Cc14? Q) What woud be the electron dot structure of Ethane C2H6? 9) Define Allotropes of Carbon The phenomenon in which the element exists in two or more different physical States with similar chemical properties are called Allotropy. Carbon has Three Main Allotropes Diamond: In this, carbon, an atom is bonded to four other atoms of carbon forming three- dimensional structures.lt is the hardest substance and an insulator. It is used for drilling rocks and cutting. It is also used for making jewellery. Graphite: In this, each carbon atom is a) bonded to three other carbon atoms. It is a good conductor of electricity and used as a lubricant. Ici b) C) d) ABC
  5. Buckminster Fullerene: It is an allotrope of the carbon-containing cluster of 60 carbon atoms joined together to form spherical molecules. It is dark solid at room temperature. 10) What are different types of Covalent Bond? Single Covalent Bond: When a single pair of electrons are shared between two atoms in a molecule. For example; F2, C12, H2 etc. Double Covalent Bond: When two pairs of electrons are shared between two atoms in a molecule. For example; 02, C02 etc. Triple Covalent Bond: When three pairs of electrons are shared between two atoms in a molecule. For example; N2 etc. 11) Define Hydrocarbons? A)Compounds of carbon and hydrogen are known as hydrocarbons. For example; Methane (CHO, Ethane (C2H6), Ethene (C2H4), Ethyne (C2H2) etc. 12) What are the two types of Hydrocarbons? Explain it? A) Saturate d Hydrocarbon Saturated Hydrocarbon (Alkanes) roca r Un saturated Hydro c ar bon (CWHzn-2) Aromatic Hydorcarbon Ex. Benzene Unsaturated Hydrocarbons (Alkenes, Alkynes) Saturated Hydrocarbon (Alkanes): General formula is C H n 2n+2• n = number of carbon atoms.
  6. In this, the carbon atoms are connected by only a single bond. For example; Methane (CHO, Ethane (C2H 6) etc. Methane (n Ethane (n— l) Unsaturated Hydrocarbons Alkenes: General formula is C H propane (n 3) where n = number of carbon atoms. n 2n' In this, the two carbon atoms are connected by double bond. Ethene (Ethy lene) B utene Alkynes: General formula is C H where n = number of carbon atoms. In this, n 2n-2' the two carbon atoms are connected by triple bond. H H H H Ethyne (Acetylene) 13) What is isomerism? Butyne A)Compounds having the same molecular formula but different structural formula and properties are known as Isomers and this phenomenon is known as Isomerism. 14) Define Structural Isomerism ?
  7. A) Compounds having the same molecular formula but different structures are called Structural isomers. Example: Isomers of butane (C 4 HI 0) n. Butane Isomerism of Hexane Isomers of Hexane (C6H14) n- Hexane (iil) 3 • methyl pent ane CHs 2-methylpropane (Isobutane) C H C H 2—CH3 CH CHs CH 2 , 2•dimethylbutane Formula and structure of saturated compounds of carbon and hydrogen Saturated Hydrocarbon (Alkane) Name Methane Ethane Propane Butane Pentane Hexane Heptane Octane Nonane Decane Number of Carbon atoms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Molecular formula CH C2H c 11
  8. Nomenclature of carbon compound: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) decided some rules to name the carbon compounds. This was done to maintain uniformity throughout the world. Names which are given on this basis are popularly known as IUPAC name. The rules for nomenclature are as follows: (i) Identify the number of carbon atoms in the carbon compound. Name the carbon compounds according to the number of carbon atoms. Example, Saturated hydrocarbon having one carbon atom is named as Methane. Saturated hydrocarbon having two carbon atoms is named as Ethane. • An unsaturated hydrocarbon with a double bond having two carbon atoms is named as Ethene. • An unsaturated hydrocarbon with a triple bond between carbon atoms is named as Ethyne. (ii) If the structure has a branched chain, identify the longest chain and then identify the number of carbon atoms. Functiona I group Alkyl Halogen Iodo- for iodine Alcohol Aldehyde Carboxylic acid Double bond Triple bond Alkyl Chloro-for chlorine, sBromo-for bromine n/a n/a n/a n/a Suffix 01 al oic acid (iii) In the case of a functional group present, write the prefix or suffix of the functional group as given below. Then write the name of the parent compound: Homologous Series Series of organic compounds having the same functional group and chemical properties and successive members differ by a CH2 unit or 14 mass units are known as Homologous series.
  9. Homologous series of Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes Alkanes : Alkenes : Alkynes . Methane (CHO) Ethane (CH.CH 4) Propane —CHJ) Ethene (CH2 - CH2) Propene (CH.—CH - CH2) Ethyne (CH CHI Propyne (CHEC CHI Characteristic of Homologous Series The successive members in homologous series differ by CH2 unit or 14 mass unit. Members of given homologous series have the same functional group. All the members of homologous series shows similar chemical properties. Functional Group: An atom or group of atoms present in a molecule which largely determines its chemical properties are called Functional Group.
  10. Functional Group . Halo- Chloro- Bromo- Alcohol 2. Aldehyde 3. 4. Ketone 5. Carboxylic acid Formula Of Functional Group —OH s O Il —CHO or —C—H o Il —CO— or —COOH or —C02H or Nomenclature of Organic Compounds: It is difficult to remember millions of compounds by their individual common name. Thus, to systematize the nomenclature of organic compounds IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) has given certain rule which is as follows: 1. Identify the Number Of Carbon Atoms in the Compound s. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Number of Carbon Atoms One carbon atoms (I-C) Two carbon atoms (2-C) Three carbon atoms (3-C) Four carbon atoms (4-C) Five carbon atoms (5-C) Six carbon atoms (6-C) 2. Identify the functional group S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Functional Group Double bond (=) Triple bond (z) Bromine (—Br) Alcohol (-0H) Aldehyde (-CHO) Ketone (-CO-) Carboxylic acid (-COOH) Word Root (-) (Suffix) Meth Eth Prop But Pent Hex Prefix Chloro Bromo Single bond Suffix ene yne 01 one oic acid 3. Name the Compounds By Following Order Prefix + Word Root + Suffix
  11. A. Double bond But + • Eth • Ethene B. Triple bond (z) : 1. CH = CH Eth • yne Ethyne 3. CH But + • Butyne C. Chlorine (—Chloro) : iC2H5C11 Chloro • ethane - Chloroethane D. Bromine (—Bromo) : (t) CFL-Br [CH.Brl 2. 2. 4. CHECH - prop ene — CH.—C CH prop = Prom pent pen tyne Chloro Ch IC,H9Brl • b utarw • E. F. G. H. Bromo methane Bromomethane Alcohol (—OH) . (t) [C2HsOHJ Ethan — e + 01 Ethanol Aldehyde (—CHO) : (t) CH3CHO Ethan — e • al — Ethanal Ketone (0 CH3COCH3 (it) €uabs.com Propan — e + one — Propanone Carboxylic Acid (—COOH) . (t) HCOOH Methan — e oic acid — Methanoic acid IC3H70Hl Propan — e 01 Propanol Butan — e al — Butanal CHECH2COCH3 Butan — e one Butanone CHACOOH Ethan — e + oic acid Ethanoic acid (iit) CH3CH2COOH Propan — e oic acid — Propanoic acid Chemical Properties of Carbon compounds The important chemical properties are as follows: 1. Combustion: The complete combustion of carbon compounds in the air gives carbon dioxide water, heat and light. CH3CH20H(1) + 02(g) C02(g) + H20(1) + Heat and light Carbon burns in air or oxygen to give carbon dioxide and heat and light. C(s) + 02(g) C02(g) + Heat and light
  12. Saturated hydrocarbons burn with a blue flame in the presence Of a sufficient supply Of air or oxygen. CH4(g) + 202(g) - C02(g) + 2H20(1) + Heat and light In presence Of limited supply Of air, saturated hydrocarbon forms a sooty flame. Unsaturated hydrocarbons burn with a yellow smoky flame. The gas and kerosene Stove used at home has inlet for air so that, burnt to given clean blue flame. Due to presence of small amount of nitrogen and sulphur, coal and petroleum produces carbon dioxide with oxides Of nitrogen and sulphur which are major pollutant. 2. Oxidation: Oxidation of ethanol in presence of oxidizing agents gives ethanoic acid. Alkaline KMnOg • Heat CH3COOH or Acidified K2Cr207 • Heat CBSELabsMt• - Ethanoic ackl Oxidizing Agent: Some substances are capable of adding oxygen to others, are known as Oxidising Agent. Example: Alkaline KMn04 (or KMn04—KOH) Acidified K2Cr207 (or K2Cr207—H2S04) KMn04 — Potassium permanganate K2Cr207 — Potassium dichromate 3. Addition Reaction: Addition of dihydrogen with unsaturated hydrocarbon in the presence of catalysts such as nickel or platinum or palladium are known as Hydrogenation (addition) reaction. Ni catalvst Ros• = CH2 + H catalyst — C H 3 Ethane Catalyst: Substances that cause a reaction to occur or proceeds to different rate without consuming in it are called a catalyst. For example; Ni, Pt, Pd, etc.
  13. Process of converting vegetable oil into solid fat (vegetable ghee) is called Hydrogenation of Oil. Vegetable oil + H2 Vegetable ghee Vegetable fats are saturated fats which are harmful for health. Vegetable oil containing unsaturated fatty acids are good for health. 4. Substitution Reaction: Replacement of one or more hydrogen atom of an organic molecule by another atom or group of the atom is known as Substitution Reaction. CH4(g) + C12(g) Sunlight CH3C1(g) + HCl(g) CBSEI.aos Chloromethane Methane Some Important Carbon Compounds : Ethanol (CH3CH2—OH): Commonly known as Ethyl Alcohol. Physical Properties It is colourless, inflammable liquid. It is miscible with water in all proportions. It has no effect on the litmus paper. Chemical Properties Reaction with sodium 2CH3CH20H + 2Na Sodium ethoxide H}drogen gas Reaction with concentrated H2S04 (Dehydration Reaction) Hot conc. CH. = CH2 + 1420 Dehydrating agent: Substances which removes water from ethanol (alcohols) is known as Dehydrating agent. For example; Cone. H2S04 Uses: As solvent, as antiseptic (tincture iodine), as anti-freeze in automobiles. Ethanoic Acid (CH COOH): Commonly known as Acetic acid. 5-8% of ethanoic acid in water is called Vinegar. The melting point of pure ethanoic acid is 290 K and hence, it Often freezes in cold climate so named as glacial acetic acid. Physical Properties It is a colourless, pungent-smelling liquid. Miscible with water in all proportions. Turns blue litmus to red.
  14. Chemical Properties (i) Esterification Reaction: Reaction of ethanoic acid with an alcohol in the presence of a few drops of conc. H2S04 as catalyst gives a sweet-smelling substance known as Esters, called Esterification reaction. CH3COOH(aq) + CH3CH20H(aq) CH3COOC2H5(aq) + H20(0 Ethanoic acid Eths I ethanoate (Fsterj Esters are used in making perfumes and flavouring agents. Saponification Reaction: Reaction of esters with sodium hydroxide, gives alcohol and sodium salt Of carboxylic acid (soap). This reaction is known as Saponification Reaction. CH3COOC2H5 + Ethyl ethanoa te NaOH Sodium hydroxide H2S04 C 2 H 5 OH + CH3COONa Sodium ethanoate (soap) (ii) Reaction with Carbonates and Hydrogen Carbonates: Ethanoic acid reacts with sodium carbonates and sodium hydrogen carbonates to give rise to a salt, carbon dioxide and water. 2CH3COOH + Na2C03 2CH3C00Na + Sodium ethanoate Sodium ethanoate H 20 + Ethanoic acid Sodium carbonate C02 co 2 CH3COOH + NaHC03 Ethanoic acid Sodium bicarbonate Used as vinegar. Used as raw material for the preparation of acetyl chloride and esters. Soap: Sodium or potassium salts of long chain fatty acids is called Soap. General formula: RCOCFNa Detergent: Ammonium and sulphonate salts of long chain fatty acids are called Detergent. Example: Hard and Soft Water: Water that does not produce lather with soap readily is called Hard water and which produces lather with soap is called Soft Water. Hardness of water is due to the presence of bicarbonates, chlorides and sulphate salt of calcium and magnesium. Difference between soaps and detergents Soaps Detergents (i) These are sodium or potassium salts Of (i) These are ammonium and sulphonate long chain fatty acids. salts of long chain fatty acids (ii) Ionic part of the soap is —COO—Na+ (ii) Ionic part of detergent is —OS03 Na+
  15. (iii) Their efficiency decreases in hard water (iv) Soaps are biodegradable. (iii) Their efficiency is unaffected in hard water. (iv) Detergents are non-biodegradable. Advantage of Detergents: The main advantage of detergent over soaps is that soaps cannot be used in hard water for washing because hard water reacts with soap to form curdy white precipitate called Scum. 2C H COONa+ caC12 17 35 (C H COO)2Ca 17 35 Calcium streate (scum) + 2NaCl Sodium stearate (soap) Calctum chloride Thus, in hard water, soap does not give lather while detergent does. Cleansing Action of Soaps and Detergents: Both soaps and detergents cantains two parts. A long hydrocarbon part which is hydrophobic (water repelling) in nature and a short ionic part which is hydrophillic (water attracting) in nature. The hydrocarbon part of the soap molecule links itself to the oily (dirt) drop and ionic end orients itself towards water and forms a spherical structure called micelles. The soap micelles helps in dissolving the dirt in water and wash our clothes. Oil droplet Micelle formation