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Note On Data Transmission And Modes

Published in: Computer Science

Data Communication and Networks

Muhammad F / Dubai

4 years of teaching experience

Qualification: Ms Computer Science

Teaches: Computer Science, Education, MATLAB, English Language, Product Design

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  1. DATA COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING Topic : Presented by: Presented to: TRANSMISSION MODES Muhammad Faizan Mam Sobia Yaqoob
  3. DATA TRANSMISSION Data transmission is the physical transfer of data (a digital bit a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint stream) over communication channel. Communication channel is any physical media like cables etc.
  4. TRANSMISSION MODES The transmission of binary data across a link can be accomplished in either parallel or serial mode. In parallel mode, multiple bits are sent with each clock tick. In serial mode, I bit is sent with each clock tick. While there is only one way to send parallel data, there are three subclasses of serial transmission: asynchronous, synchronous, and is hronous.
  5. DATA TRANSMISSION AND MODES Data transmission Parallel Asynchronous Serial Synchronous Isochronous
  6. PARALLEL TRANSMISSION Transmitted simultaneously on separate wires. Multiple circuits for connection. @ Devices close to each other. E.g. Data transmission between computer and Drinter
  7. DIAGRAMMATIC REPRESENTATION OF PARALLEL TRANSMISSIO The 8 bits are sent together Sender We need eight lines Receive r
  8. Advantages of parallel transmission: l. Time required is only one clock cycle. 2. Clock frequency can be kept low. Disadvantages of parallel transmission: l. Number of wires. 2. Too many wires.
  9. SERIAL TRANSMISSION Transmitted serially on same wire. Requires 1 wire to connect. iit Close or far doesn't create any problem. E.g. Data transmission between computer and computer.
  10. DIAGRAMMATIC REPRESENTATION OF SERIAL TRANSMISSION The 8 bits are sent one after another. 1 o o 1 Sender 1 Para Ilel/serial converter Receiver We need only one line (wire). Serial/parallel converter
  11. Advantages of serial transmission: l. Only one wire is required. 2. Reduced cost due to less number of conductors Disadvantages of serial transmission: 1. Speed of data transfer is low. 2. To increase speed of data transfer, clock frequency to be increased.
  12. TYPES OF SERIAL TRANSMISSION In data communication, Timing control of the reception of bits is important. There are two methods of timing control for reception of bits. U ASYNCHRONOUS TRANSMISSION • SYNCHRONOUS TRANSMISSION
  13. ASYNCHRONOUS DATA TRANSMISSION Data bytes transmitted at any instant of time. One byte at a time. Ideal time between two bytes. Different clock frequencies. 'start' and 'stop' bits are used. Not Asynchronous here means "asynchronous at the byte level," but the bits are still synchronized; their durations are Ideal time is not constant, also known as gap the same.
  14. DIAGRAMMATIC REPRESENTATION ASYNCHRONOUS TRANSMISSION Direction of flow Stop bit Start bit Sender 01 101 Data Gaps between data units Receiver 11
  15. Advantages of asynchronous transmission: l. Synchronization not necessary. 2. Cheap scheme. Disadvantages of asynchronous transmission: l. 'start' and 'stop' bits and gaps makes transmissio 2. Timing error. ow.
  16. SYNCHRONOUS DATA TRANSMISSION Carried out under common master clock. Transmitted as a block of bits. Operate at same clock frequencies. No 'start' and 'stop' bits required. No gaps between data bytes. Timing of signal is important. Not In synchronous transmission, we send bits one after another without start or stop bits or gaps. It is the responsibility of the receiver to group the bits.
  17. DIAGRAMMATIC REPRESENTATION SYNCHRONOUS TRANSMISSION Direction of flow Frame Sender 110111 Frame Receiver
  18. Advantages of synchronous transmission: l. Speed of data is much. 2. Timing errors are reduced. Disadvantages of synchronous transmission: l. Data entirely dependent on timing. 2. Devices should be properly synchronized.