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Notes On Action Words Used In Accounting And What They Mean

Often students misinterpret the required of questions which lead to missing marks / losing out of marks These notes assists in understanding what each action word actually means

Avash / Abu Dhabi

6 years of teaching experience

Qualification: Post graduate qualification in accounting - ACCA equivalent

Teaches: Communicative English, Creative Writing, Creative Thinking, Business Studies, Economics, Accountancy: Management, Bookkeeping, Accounting, Business, Cost Accounting, Financial Accounting

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  1. Action word Analyse Apply Comment Compare Contrast Criticise Define Describe Discuss Design Distinguish Evaluate Explain State/give Identify Illustrate List/name Motivate Summarise Use Description Destr'üe ent Pd.rLS o: e [apit arid exp!di.'l Ltney LcgeLtne.r or (Ave arguments for and against each situation. A reasonable amount of insight must be shown in terms or knowledge already gained in this regard Show the application or acquired knowledge or given information in practjce, or in relation to what is asked. use knowledge to find an answer to the questjon Give your awn opinion regarding the subject matter and illustrate il througtl examples Interpret and evaluate Conlrasl facts. events or problems and indicate the similarities and differences, or analyse the similariljes and differences between statements, ideas, etc Point out the differences between certain objects, facts, events or characteristics Point out the good and bad characteristics or viewpoints and give your own opinion arter taking into account all the facts Give a clear, to the point, systematic explanation/descriptjon or concepts. to reflect the precise meaning thereof Give the characteristics, basic facts or results in a logical, systematic and well-structured manner Comments and your own interpretation are nol necessary. Give terminology and concepts in your own words with comments or your own interpretation Compare, contrast and debate Create and plan Portray by means or illustrations or concrete objects. Create a model Wilh a specific objective in mind and indicate the planning phase Show [he difference between Iwa or more objects or topics Make an assessment of values hased on specific points of reference or criteria and give your own opinion Do not describe. Persona' viewpoints may he given Clarify the term, concept or topic by presenting it u'hth your own knowledge/uvords If required you can use illustratjons. descriptions, or a simple logical layout of the facts State only the [acts without any discussion. Name the most important characteristics of the topic. use a sketch, picture. diagram, graph or concrete item to explain a concept or solve a problem. This can also mean to give examples in wen-chosen, descriptive words Give the required information in short sentences/vvords, hut do not discuss in detail. Prove, give reasons and comment_ State the key or most important aspects of a topic without detail, illustrations, critical analyses and discussion. Make use of inrorrnation or facts supplied to illustrate/explain a specific viewpoint