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Grade 12 Organic Chemistry


Published in: Chemistry

Organic Chemistry Notes along with Worksheets and Answers

Nathan P / Al Ain

15 years of teaching experience

Qualification: Higher Diploma in Education. High School. Majoring in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry.

Teaches: Maths, IGCSE/AS/AL, Chemistry, Physics

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  1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 12 KA : MATTER & MATERIALS : Living things are made of ...... compounds. Term 1 ORGANIC MOLECULES Worksheets 1 7. 7.1 What does aliphatic mean ? 7.2 In a chain of five carbon atoms, 7.2.1 draw a single double bond. 7.2.2 draw a conjugated double bond. 13. Write down a structural formula for For the molecule ethane 2.1 Draw a 3-D model. 2.2 Write down the structural formula. 2.2 Write down the molecular formula. 3. For the molecule butane 3.1 3.2 3.3 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 1.3 1.5 11.3 1 2 4 6 How do organic compounds form ? What is meant by a synthetic organic compound ? How many synthetic organic compounds are there ? What are hydrocarbons ? What do we call hydrocarbons that have only single bonds ? 7.3 7.4 8. 8.1 8.2 What kind of electron forms a conjugated double bond ? What is a delocalised electron . What are alkenes ? Draw a structural formula for 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 14. 14.1 14.2 8.2.1 pent-I-ene 8.2.2 pent-2-ene 3-chlorobutan-2-ol. 1 ,5-dibromo-2,2-dichlorohexan-3-ol 1 ,3-trichloropentan-1-01. bromochlorofluoromethanol. What is a substituent ? Draw a structural formula for 14.2.1 methane 14.2.2 the methyl group. 14.2.3 ethyl group 14.2.4 propyl group. Draw a structural formula. Write a condensed structural formula. Write down the molecular formula. What does n-alkane mean ? Write down a structural formula for propane. Write down a condensed structural formula for hexane. Write down a molecular formula for octane. Write down the general formula for alkanes. What is meant by a saturated compound ? Alkanes are generally ( active / unreactive ). Alkanes burn ( well / poorly ). When alkanes burn they produce ( much / little) soot. Alkanes (are / are not) a major fuel source. What is a homologous series ? Do the alkanes form a homologous series ? Can a homologous series be represented by a general formula ? What is the general formula of the alkanes ? Do all members of a homologous series have a similar chemical behaviour ? How do the physical properties of a homologous series change ? What happens to the boiling points of the alkanes as the carbon chain gets longer ? 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 9. 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 10. 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 What are structural isomers ? Do isomers have different physical properties ? If so, mention one physical difference between isomers. Write down a general formula for alkenes. What is meant by an unsaturated compound ? What are alkynes ? Write down a formula for propyne. Write down two names for C H Alkynes are ( saturated / unsaturated ). What is the formula for the hydroxyl group ? What is the functional group of the alcohols ? What is structural formula for methanol ? What is the condensed structural formula for ethanol ? Define a functional group. Why do members of a homologous series have a similar chemical behaviour ? Write down a formula to make ethanol. What by product forms in this process ? What effect does C02 have on global warming or climate change? 15. 15.1 15.2 16. 16.1 16.2 For CH3 CH(CH3) CH2 CH 3 Draw a structural formula. For CH3 CH(CH3) CH(CH3) CH 3 Draw a structural formula. Draw structural formulae for the isomers of pentane and name each of the isomers. Draw a structural formula for 16.2.1 propan-l-ol 16.2.2 methylpropan-2-ol 17. Draw a structural formula for 10.10 Mention one disadvantage of biofuel. 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 18. 1-chloro-2-fluoroethane 1 -chloroethanol 1 , 1-dibromo-3-methylbutane CH3 CHF CHBr CH 3 4-ethyloctane 11. .1 11. 2 12. 12.1 Write down a structural formula for ethan-l ,2-diol. What is this chemical used for ? Write down two isomers which have the molecular formula C H OH. Write down a structural formula for Write names for the following 18.1 18.2 H H 18.3 H H -C—C—C—C—C H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 12.1 .1 12.1 .2 12.2 For 12.2.1 12.2.2 12.2.3 C H OH as a primary alcohol. C H OH as a secondary alcohol. C H OH write down the parent group. the functional group. the alkyl group. 12.3 In the formula R—OH, what does R stand for ?
  2. 12 KA : MATTER & MATERIALS : Term 1 ORGANIC MOLECULES Worksheets 22. Write down the condensed structural formulae and names for the following structural formulae. 2 18. Write names for the following 18.4 O H H-C—C H H 18.6 H c H H 18.7 H 18.9 18.10 18.20 19. H H H O H H H H c H H 18.5 18.8 H H H H H 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 H H -C—C— H H F 1 F O —c 19.1 Write the general formula for alkynes. 19.2. Write the general formula for alcohols. 19.3 Write the general formula for carboxylic acids. 19.4 What is a functional group ? 19.5 Write down 4 characteristics of a homologous series. 19.6 Name 4 substances made from alkanes. 19.7 What is the main source of alkanes ? 19.8 What is the main use of alkanes ? 19.9 Write down 2 uses for alkenes. 19.10 Write down 2 uses for alkynes. 19.11 Write another name for ethyne. 20. Write structural formulae for H H c— H H O H H H H H -C—C— H H H H F 1 H F H H H —c—c H H H H 18.11 —c H H H—C—C H H 18.12 18.14 18.16 H cc H—c— CC 18.13 F I-C—C—H cc c=c 20.1 20.3 20.5 20.7 20.9 pentane propene propyne ethanol 20.2 20.4 20.6 20.8 propane but-2-ene but-2-yne ethan-l ,2-diol H —C—C H H o —c—c— H H H H H H cc cc —c—ce cc 18.15 18.17 H cc cc 20 20 20 .10 .11 .12 20.13 20.14 20.15 20.16 20.17 20.18 20.19 20.20 20.21 20.22 propan-l ,2,3-triol methanoic acid ethanoic acid butanoic acid dimethylpropane 2,3-dimethylbutane 2,2-dimethylbutane 4-ethyl-2,2-dimethyloctane 1 ,2-dichloro-1 ,2-difluoroethane 1 ,3-difluoromethylpropane trichloroethene tetrachloromethane dichlorodifluoromethane 22.6 23. 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 24. Write down a balanced equation to show the oxidation of wine to vinegar. What is the functional group for a carboxylic acid ? What is the functional group for an alcohol ? Write down a structural formula for cc 18.18 23.4.1 23.4.2 23.4.3 23.4.4 ethanoic acid butanoic acid butan-2-ol pentanoic acid H H H cc cc H cc Write the structural formula for 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 methyl methanoate. methyl ethanoate. methyl propanoate. propyl methanoate. butyl ethanoate. 18.19 H H —C—C— H H H H 1 -bromo- 1-chloro-2 ,2-d imethylbutane 20.20 2-bromo-1-chloro-3-methylbut-2-ene 21. Name an isomer of 21.1 1 ,2-dichloroethane 21.2 methylpropane
  3. 12 KA : MATTER & MATERIALS : Term 1 ORGANIC MOLECULES Worksheets 3 25. Esterification H—C—c—C—C—C —c—c O—c—c—c 29. Write chemical equations for the following reactions stating the names of the products 35.2 Write down names for the following 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.7 25.8 26. is the reaction of a carboxylic acid with (a base / an alcohol ). requires the use of H SO as ( an acid / a catalyst / a dehydrating agent ). involves the use of ( ions / parts of molecules ). reactions are (quick / slow ). involves a H atom being donated by the ( carboxylic acid / alcohol ). ( is / is not ) the reverse reaction of hydrolysis. produces water as a ( reactant / product ). What products are produced by a 29.1 29.2 29.3 30. ethanoic acid + water. ethanoic acid + sodium hydroxide (aq) ethanoic acid + methanol + concentrated H SO 35.2.3 CH3 CH2 CHOI-I CH2 CH 35.2.4 3 H O O o—c—c H H H H H O H H H H carboxylic acid an alcohol ? 35.2.5 35.2.6 Write names for : 26.1 26.2 26.3 H 27. O H —C—O-C—H CH3 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH 35.2.7 35.2.8 Write down a COOH H H H O H H o O -o Name the products and write the equations for the reaction of ethanoic acid with 30.1 water 30.2 ammonia 30.3 methanol 31. Write down the IUPAC names and structural formulae for 31.1 the organic compound which contains 3 carbon atoms and forms a solution with pH < 7. 31.2 glycerol. 31.3 two isomers of C H O 32. Ethanol is prepared by the hydration of ethene in the presence of sulphuric acid. 32.1 Write the balanced equation for this reaction. 32.2 What is a homologous series ? 32.3 What is the general formula for the aliphatic alcohols. 32.4 Write the name and structural formula of the compound which is formed when methanoic acid reacts with ethanol in the presence of concentrated H SO structural formula and a condensed structural formula for heptan-l ,7-diol. 36. 36.1 What is the functional group for the carboxylic acids? 36.2 Write down names for the following 36.2.1 Write a balanced equation for making 27.1 ethyl ethanoate 27.2 methyl propanoate 27.3 propyl methanoate. 27.4 Complete and balance these esterification equations . 27.4.1 O H -C—O 27.4.2 33. 33.1 33.2 CH 34. Write the functional group for esters. Write down the structural formula and name for CH2 CH2 CH2 COO CH2CH 3 H H O Write down the structural formula and the molecular formula for propyl methanoate and two of its isomers. Name the two isomers. 36.2.2 36.2.3 36.2.4 O H H H H H H O H H H H CH COOH + 28. Write the name CH CH20H and formula of 35. 35.1 35.2 35.2.1 35.2.2 What is the functional group for the alcohols? Write down names for the following 28.1 an alkene containing 5 carbon atoms per molecule with a methyl branch on carbon number 2 . 28.2 a chloroalkyne containing 3 carbon atoms per molecule. 28.3 a carboxylic acid containing carbon atoms per molecule. 28.4 an ester with the same molecular formula as the carboxylic acid in 28.3. 4 H H O O H H H H H H H H H
  4. 12 KA : MATTER & MATERIALS : Term 1 ORGANIC MOLECULES Worksheets 4 37. Write a name for 40. Write down an isomer of 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 O O H 40.1 40.2 41. butan-l-ol Write down two isomers of 40.2.1 dimethylpropane 40.2.2 pentane CH3 (CH2)3 COOH COOH (CH2)6COOH Complete and balance the following H H O H H H H c H H H 37.5 HOOC(CH2 )4COOH 38. Write down a structural formula and a condensed structural formula for 38.1 pentandioic acid 38.2 pentan-l ,5-diol. 39. Write down names for the following 39.1 41.1 41 .2 41 .3 41 .4 41.5 41.6 42. 42.1 H H H H H H H H KOH c=c c=c c=c cc - 42.8 To make margarine we use a temperature of ( OOC / 3000C 42.9 To make margarine we use a process called ( hydrogenation / dehydration ). 42.10 Polyunsaturated margarine has ( few / many ) double bonds. 42.11 Polyunsaturated margarine is ( soft / hard ). 43 • 43.1 What is the IUPAC name for acetylene ? 43.2 Write down the name for Cac 43.3 What is the formula for acetylene ? Alcohol (is / is not) used as a fuel. 43.5 Alcohol (is / is not) used as a medicine. 43.6 Alcohol (is / is not) used as a solvent. 44. Write structural formulae for c c -c—c H-C=c CZ 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 44.5 44.6 45. 45.1 45.2 but-I ,2-diene buttriene butdiyne 4-ethyl-2-methylhex-1-ene 4-chloro-2-iodohex-2-ene 3,4-dichloro-1 ,2,5-trifluorohex-3-ene Write down a balanced equation to make acetylene. c H H 39.2 H H C— Br 45.2.1 Write down a balanced equation to make ethene. 45.2.2 This process is called ( addition / substitution / dehydration ). 45.2.3 Concentrated ( nitric / sulfuric ) acid is a good dehydrating agent. 45.3 Name the following H H 45.3.1 45.3.3 45.3.4 45.4 45.3.2 H 39.3 H c c— cc cc Which molecules are more reactive ? ( alkanes / alkenes ). 42.2 Which molecules are more reactive ? ( alkanes / alkynes ). 42.3 Amber bromine water turns clear quickly. This is the test for (alkenes / alkanes ). 42.4 Hydrocarbons normally burn with a ( smoky / clear ) flame that is ( yellow / blue ). 42.5 In excess dioxygen, hydrocarbons burn with a ( smoky / clear ) flame that is ( yellow / blue ). 42.6 To make margarine we use ( vegetable oil / animal fat ). 42.7 To make margarine we use ( nickel / iron) as a catalyst. 45.4.1 Write a balanced equation to show the oxidation of wine to vinegar. 45.4.2 Which lasts longer, wine or vinegar? 46. 46.1 Which burns with most soot ? 52.1.1 alkanes or alkenes. 52.1.2 alkanes or alkynes. 52.1.3 alkenes or alkynes.
  5. 12 KA : MATTER & MATERIALS : Term 1 ORGANIC MOLECULES Worksheets ..... ..... ........ through ..... ..... ........ through ..... ..... ........ through 61 .3 5 46.2 Which burns and gives off most CO ? 46.2.1 alkanes or alkenes. 46.2.2 alkanes or alkynes. 46.2.3 alkenes or alkynes. 46.3 46.3.1 Vegetable oils are ( saturated / unsaturated ) 46.3.2 Animal fats are ( saturated / unsaturated ) solids. 48. But-2-ene reacts with hydrogen chloride. 48.1 Write the equation for the reaction 48.2 What is this type of reaction called ? 48.3 Write down the name of the product. 49. Consider the following substances liquids. 1-18 H50H CH3CH CC HCOOH C2H4 55. 55.1 Complete and balance 55.2 This reaction is called halogenation through . 56. 56.1 Complete and balance C2H5COOCH 3 Select one substance which 46.4 46.4.1 46.4.2 46.4.3 46.5 Write another name for glycerol. Write a formula for glycerol. Glycerol (is / is not) also a by product of soap making. 49.1 49.2 49.3 49.4 49.5 49.6 49.7 49.8 50. is a haloalkane. contains a double bond. contains a triple bond. is an acid. is an alcohol. undergoes a substitution reaction with HCC. undergoes an addition reaction with is an ester. 56.2 56.3 56.4 56.5 57. 57.1 This reaction is called . through addition. Water ( must / must not ) be present What happens if water is present State Markovnikov's rule. Complete and balance 46.5.1 Esters (do / do not) cause the pleasant aroma of fruits and vegetables. 46.5.2 Esters with a larger molecular mass are ( more / less) oily. 46.5.3 Hydrolysis means to ( add / subtract ) water. 47.1. Explain a reaction of pure bromoethane with 47.1.1 cold silver nitrate solution. 47.1.2 hot aqueous KOH solution. Write equations of the reactions if possible. 47.2. For each of the given functional groups, name the homologous series and write the name of the first member of each Name the following positive ions 50.1 H30+ 50.2 NH + 4 51. 51.1 Write down a balanced equation to show how ethanol is derived from ethene. 51.2 What catalyst is used ? 51.3 What temperature and pressure is needed ? 51.4 What is the state of the catalyst at the end of a reaction ? 52. Write down balanced equations for the combustion in excess dioxygen of H H H-C=C-H+ O 57.2 This is called addition. 57.3 Which reactant must be in excess ? 57.4 What catalysts must be used ? 58. 58.1 Complete and balance 58.2 58.3 58.4 59. 59.1 This is called addition. ..... ..... ........ through series. 47.2.1 0 -C -OH 47.2.3 47.3. What is the alkene be dissolved in ? What catalyst must be used ? Complete and balance 47.2.2 0 47.2.4 52.1 52.2 52.3 52.4 53. CH OH + 02 pent-2-ene or 2-pentene H-C=C-H + 59.2 This is called addition. 60. 60.1 Complete and balance Using structural formulae, write equations to illustrate an organic 47.3.1 addition reaction involving Br . 47.3.2 substitution reaction with Br 47.4. 47.4.1 State two properties of CCC 4 which make it suitable for use in the dry cleaning industry. ( This CFC is now banned because it destroys the ozone layer ) 47.4.2 Write a balanced equation for burning acetylene in excess dioxygen and explain why this reaction cuts thick metal plates. 47.5. Correct this statement : At a given temperature ethane is more reactive than ethene since in the ethane molecule the C atoms are linked by a single bond whereas in the ethene molecule they are linked by a double bond 53.1 Complete and balance hf H _ C _ H + Br_Br 53.2 This reaction is called halogenation through . 53.3 What is needed for the reaction to proceed ? 54. 54.1 Complete and balance H-C-C-H 60.2 60.3 60.4 60.5 61. .1 61 61 This is called addition. ..... ..... ........ through Water ( must / must not ) be present What happens if water is present ? Whose rule is obeyed during the hydrohalogenation of bromoethene? Complete and balance H H H-C=C-H+ O H 2 SO 4 54.2 54.3 54.4 54.5 This is an .... ..... .... .... reaction. It is also called Conditions for thermal cracking are Conditions for catalytic cracking are .2 .4 This is called addition. Water ( must / must not ) be in excess What catalyst must be present ?
  6. 12 KA : MATTER & MATERIALS : Term 1 ORGANIC MOLECULES Worksheets 62. 62.1 Complete and balance H-C=C-H + H-H ...+ H-C-C O 71.3 71.5 6 62.2 This is called addition. ..... ..... ........ through 67. 67.3 67.4 67.5 68. 68.1 Name two acids that can act as a catalyst. Must the acid be in excess ? What is the role of the acid in an acid catalysed dehydration reaction ? Complete and balance this reaction 62.3 How must the alkyne be treated ? 63. 63.1 Complete and balance H —C —C —C —Br + Na OH -+ 63.2 For a substitution reaction, what solvent must the haloalkane be dissolved in ? Explain. 63.3 Must the mixture be warmed ? 64. 64.1 Complete and balance H H H-C-C-C-Br+ O 64.2 Is this reaction called hydrolysis ? 64.3 This reaction is (fast / very slow ) 65. 65.1 Complete and balance this elimination reaction H H H H 68.2 This is an ..... ..... ......... reaction. 68.3 What is the role of the AC20 3 powder ? 68.4 What is the phase of the ethanol ? 72.2 step 2 If the halogen acid HBr reacts with a primary alcohol as follows in a substitution reaction CH C H CH OH + HBr then complete this equation. 72.3 If the HBr reacted with a secondary alcohol as follows, then complete this equation CH3CHOHCH + HBr 72.4 A ( primary / secondary) haloalkane forms in this last reaction. 73. 73.1 Tertiary alcohols are converted into haloalkanes using HCC or 73.2 The reaction must be ( heated / done at room temperature ) 73.3 Complete the following equation 69.1 H H H H H K2CQ07 A CH 3 H C CH2 CH2 COH CH 3 I-IBr Write down the formula and name of the product. 69.2 69.3 69.4 69.5 69.6 70.1 H What kind of compound is the product ? What type of alcohol is this ? What is the role of the K O ? What kind of reaction is this ? Can this oxidation reaction undergo a further step ? O K2cr207 73.5 73.6 74. Name the products formed. What type of reaction is this ? Must the acid be water-free ? Explain. H-C-C-C-C _ H + Na OH 65.2 Is this reaction called ......................through elimination. 65.3 The solution of NaOH must be ( hot / cold ) and ( concentrated / dilute ) 65.4 Why must the NaOH be dissolved in pure ethanol. 65.5 What is meant by ethanolic NaOH. 65.6 What other base can be used ? 65.7 What is meant by heating under reflux ? 65.8 State two advantages of perform- ing this reaction by heating under reflux. 66. 66.1 What are two possible elimination products for this reaction ? H-C-C-C-C-H + NaOH 66.2 Which of the two products is most likely to be the major product ? 66.3 Name the rule that applies to elimination reactions that have more than one possible product. 67. 67.1 Complete and balance this reaction Write down the formula and name of the product. 70.2 70.3 70.4 70.5 71. 71.1 What kind of compound is the product ? What is the role of the K2Cr207 ? What kind of reaction is this ? Can this oxidation reaction undergo a further step ? K2cr207 Write down the formula and name of the product. H H H H H SO 4 71. 2 71 .4 71 .6 72. 72.1 What kind of compound is the product ? What type of alcohol is this ? What is the role of the K CrO ? What kind of reaction is this ? Can this oxidation reaction undergo a further step ? To convert primary or secondary alcohols 67.2 This reaction is called through elimination. into primary or secondary haloalkanes Step 1 Add concentrated H2S04 and solid NaBr. Complete and balance the equation H SO + NaBr Write the structural formula of the organic reagents used when dichlorine combines to form chlorobutane by 74.1 addition. 74.2 substitution. 74.3 Explain why the addition reaction is faster than the substitution reaction. 75. An antique carbide lamp has a tank (T) into which is placed chunks of calcium car- bide ( Ca C2 ) . Water, when added to the tank, causes a chemical reaction that pro- duces ethyne gas which escapes through jet (J). A basic sludge is left behind in the tank. R J water calcium carbide 75.1 Write an equation for the reaction between calcium carbide and water. Lighting the ethyne stream at J produces a dirty luminous yellow flame that soon leaves a heavy soot ( carbon ) deposit on the reflector ( R ). 75.2 Write an equation for this reaction. 76. Two drops of brown Br liquid are added to propene. 76.1 State what will be observed. 76.2 Using structural formulae, write a balanced equation for the reaction which takes place. 76.3 Name the type of reaction that has occurred in 76.2
  7. 12 KA : MATTER & MATERIALS : Term 1 ORGANIC MOLECULES Worksheets 7 76.4 Why does a straight chain alkane tend to have a higher boiling point than a branched chain alkane of similar molecular mass ? 77. C2H4 C H C 2 1—15 OH ........................+ CH3 COOH 1-15 Br CH3 COO CH 3 80. 80.1 What effect does a dipole have on a neutral molecule ? 80.2 What force causes bonding in molecular crystals ? 80.3 What forces are found between diiodine molecules ? 80.4 What does the word sublime mean ? 80.5 Mention two substances that sublime readily. 81. What kinds of chemical bonds are present between molecules of From the scheme, answer the questions. 77,1 Name any one of the processes A to E which represents a substitution reaction 77.2 Name any one of the processes A to E which represents an addition reaction. 77.3 Name any of the processes A to E which represents an esterification reaction 77.4 Name any of the processes A to E which represents an elimination reaction 77.5 Write a balanced condensed structural equation for process C, naming the organic compounds. 78. 78.1 Explain why under similar condi- tions, the reaction rate of organic com- pounds is normally slower than that of inorganic compounds. 78.2 Is 2,3-dimethylpent-2-ene a saturated hydrocarbon ? 78.3 Ethane and ethyne both contain two carbon atoms per molecule. Why is ethyne more reactive than ethane ? 78.4 Write the balanced equation for the reaction when ethene burns in excess dioxygen. 78.5 How many grams of ethene combines with 9,6 g of dioxygen ? 78.6 Write down a balanced equation to illustrate the chemical process known as esterification. Reactants must only have one C atom each. Name all the organic reactants and products. 79. The boiling points BP of the first five members of the alkanes, as functions of their relative molecular masses M , are shown boiling point 50 0 - 50 - 100 - 150 - 200 16 30 44 58 72 relative molecular mass M 79.1 Name the gas with BP of -880C. 79.2 Why is the mass increase between successive alkanes the same ? 79.3 Explain why the boiling points increase with increased molecular mass. 79.4 Why does the new South Africa use butane but very cold countries like Norway use propane. 81.1 81.3 81.5 81.7 82. 82.1 82.2 dihydrogen 81.2 hydrogen fluoride 81.4 water petrol 81.6 81.8 wax ammonia ice methane ? 84. 84.1 What solid floats on its liquid. ? Explain why this can happen. 84.2 What proof have we got that hydrogen bonds are strong ? Why is a strong hydrogen bond essential for life on Earth ? 84.3 Why is it essential that ice can float on water ? 84.4 Name the type of forces that will be found between the particles in the following substances . 84.4.1 ice. 84.4.2 alkanes., alkenes, alkynes 84.4.3 alcohols 84.5 How do stronger intermolecular forces Why has water ( 1-120) got a higher boiling point than H Te? affect 84.5.1 84.5.2 84.5.3 84.5.4 84.5.5 84.5.6 84.6 the boiling point of a liquid. the rate of evaporation of a liquid the volatility of a liquid the vapour pressure of a liquid the viscosity of a liquid the runniness of a liquid A liquid with a larger molar mass usually has a ( higher / lower) boiling point than a similar liquid with a smaller molar mass. 82.3 Which of the following is a molecular solid at room temperature ? or Hi 0 30 62 82.4 or C H 12 26 State 4 properties of Van der Waals forces 82.5 State 4 properties of non-metal substances that have molecular networks eg. wax 82.6 State 89.6.1 two similarities 89.6.2 two differences between hydrogen bonds and Van der Waals forces. 82.7 Explain why a long chain alkane ( eg. wax) has a higher boiling point than a shorter chain alkane eg. petrol. 82.8 Why is water a liquid at room tempera- ture whereas H2S is a gas ? 83. 83.1 What are London forces ? 83.2 What are dispersion forces ? 83.3 Name three compounds that have hydrogen bonds between their molecules. 83.4 Why are these molecules able to form hydrogen bonds ? 83.5 State two properties of hydrogen bonds. 83.6 How is life on earth dependent on the hydrogen bond ? 83.7 Why is hydrogen bonding between water molecules but not between H S molecules? Liquids that are very volatile 84.6.1 have (strong / weak) intermolecular forces. 84.6.2 evaporate ( quickly / slowly ) 84.6.3 have (high / low) vapour pressure. 84.6.4 have (high / low) boiling points. 84.6.5 Why do alkane liquids with bigger molecules boil at a higher temperature than alkane liquids with smaller molecules ? 84.7 Water ( boiling point = 1 oooc ethanol (BP = 780C) and acetone ( BP = 560C ) are placed in sealed containers at 300C. Which one 84.7.1 84.7.2 84.7.3 84.7.4 84.7.5 84.8 84.8.1 is likely to have hydrogen bonds ? produces the most vapour ? will have the highest vapour pressure? is most volatile. would numb the skin most for a minor surface operation ? Like dissolves like. Water has strong hydrogen bonds and thus readily dissolves liquids that have (strong / weak) intermolecular forces. 84.8.2 Substances with functional groups that can form hydrogen bonds with water (will / will not ) dissolve readily in water. 84.8.3 Name two functional groups that can form hydrogen bonds with water. 84.8.4 Name two functional groups that can dissolve readily in water at 250C.
  8. 85. 85.1 Octanoic acid is not soluble in water but ethanoic acid is soluble in water. Explain why. 85.2 85.2.1 Alcohols can be very water-soluble provided that they do not have more than four carbon atoms in their chain. Why is this ? 85.2.2 If straight chain alcohols have five or more C atoms in their chain, they cease to be water-soluble. Why ? 85.2.3 Why is 2-methylpropan-2-ol extremely water-soluble yet 2-methyl-l-propanol is only about 1% water-soluble ? 85.3 Propan-l ,2,3-triol ( glycerine or glycerol ) is used in moisturising creams. What enables this molecule to hold onto water so effectively ? 85.4 Ethan-I ,2-diol (glycol ) is a very effective anti freeze agent. State two reasons why it is so soluble. 85.5 85.5.1 Write down a balanced equation to make ethyne. 85.5.2 The hydrocarbon that burns with the least soot is an (alkane / alkene / alkyne ) 86. 86.1 Alkanes with branches have ( lower / higher ) boiling points and melting points because their molecules are more ( compact / spread out) and the van der Waals forces are thus ( stronger / weaker ). 86.2 Hydrocarbons with short chains tend to be ( gases / liquids / solids ). 86.3 Hydrocarbons with long chains tend to be ( gases / liquids / solids ). 86.4 The melting points and the boiling points of alkenes ( increases / decreases ) proportionally as the relative molecular mass M increases. 86.5 The melting points and the boiling points of alkynes ( increases / decreases ) proportionally as M increases. 86.6 The melting points of alkanes ( increases / decreases ) proportionally as M increases. 86.7 The boiling points of alkanes with an uneven number of C atoms ( increases / decreases ) proportionally as M increases due to the zig-zag molecular shape. 12 KA : MATTER & MATERIALS : Term 1 ORGANIC MOLECULES Worksheets 91.3 91.5 91.8 8 86. 86.8 The boiling points of alkanes with an even number of C atoms ( increases / decreases ) proportionally as Mr increases due to the zig-zag molecular shape. 86.9 Alkane molecules are ( polar / non- polar) and form ( weak / strong) Van der Waals intermolecular forces. 86.10 Alkene molecules are ( polar / non-polar ) and form ( weak / strong ) Van der Waals intermolecular forces. 86.11 Alkyne molecules are ( polar / non-polar ) and form ( weak / strong ) Van der Waals intermolecular forces. 87. 87.1 Halolkane molecules are ( polar / non-polar ) and form dipole-dipole forces that are a little ( weaker / stronger ) than the Van der Waals intermolecular forces. 87.2 Breaking these stronger forces requires ( more / less) energy. 87.3 So haloalkanes have slightly ( lower / higher) melting and boiling points than the alkanes. 87.4 The boiling points and melting points of haloalkanes ( increases / decreases ) proportionally as M increases. 87.5 The boiling points and melting points of haloalkanes ( increases / decreases ) proportionally as the number of halogen atoms increases. 88. 88.1 Alcohol molecules form weak van der Waals forces at the ends of the molecules where there ( are / are not) hydroxyl groups. 88.2 These ends ( mix/ do not mix) with other non-polar substances. 88.3 Alcohol molecules are able to form ( stronger / weaker ) hydrogen bonds between molecules due to the hydroxyl group. 88.4 Due to the stronger hydrogen bonds, alcohols have ( higher / lower) melting and boiling points than other hydrocarbons. 88.5 The behaviour of alcohols with short carbon chains ( 1 to 4 carbon atoms ) is dominated by the ( strong hydrogen bond / weak Van der Waals forces ). 88.6 Alcohols with short carbon chains tend to [ not mix / be miscible ( mix ) ] with water. 88.7 The behaviour of alcohols with long carbon chains ( 5 or more C atoms ) is dominated by the ( strong hydrogen bond / weak van der Waals forces ). 88.8 Alcohols with long carbon chains tend to ( not mix / be miscible ) with water. 89. 89.1 Carboxylic acid molecules form weak Van der Waals forces at the ends of the molecules where there ( are / are not ) carboxyl groups ( - COOH ). 89.2 These ends ( mix/ do not mix ) with polar substances. 89.3 As the carboxylic acid chain grows longer, the acids become ( more / less ) miscible in polar water. 90. 90.1 90.2 90.3 90.4 90.5 91. 91 .1 91 .2 91 .4 91 .6 91 .7 92. 92.1 92.2 92.3 92.4 92.5 What does chemical behaviour depend on down at the atomic level. What is a free radical ? Why is a free radical so reactive ? Why does a free radical react easily with a double bond? Write down an equation to show how CC • reacts with C H Where is the only industrial process in the world that can turn low grade coal into petrol ? What is crude oil ? Mention 4 products made from the cracking of crude oil. What is the tower called where the crude oil is cracked and separated into smaller chains. What causes the thermal cracking of a long chain ? How many carbon atoms in a chain form 99.2.1 heavy naphtha ? 99.2.2 light naphtha ? When these chains are split up or cracked, what do we form from 99.3.1 heavy naphtha ? 99.3.2 light naphtha ? Since naphtha consists of a mixture of different carbon chains, what is the approximate range of boiling points for 99.8.1 heavy naphtha ? 99.8.2 light naphtha ? What is pyrolysis ? What are two methods for cracking alkane chains into smaller lengths ? What catalysts assist cracking ? What are the 4 free radicals produced when pentane is cracked ? When these free radicals randomly recombine, write down the formulae of 3 chains that form that are shorter than pentane. 93. Disproportionation is a possible reaction during thermal cracking. 93.1 Describe disproportionation. 93.2 What are the products formed by disproportionation ?
  9. 12 KA : MATTER & MATERIALS : 93.3 Show how an ethyl free radical and a propyl free radical can produce two different alkenes. Term 1 ORGANIC MOLECULES Worksheets 9 94. 94.1 94.2 94.3 94.4 94.5 94.6 94.7 94.8 94.9 Steam cracking of ethane is done to produce My must the temperature be very hot ? How are the acidic gases H S and C02 removed from the cooled gases ? Mention four hazards involved in the process of steam cracking. Mention 3 safety precautions. Write an equation to show the homolysis of the C —C bond in ethane. What temperature is required ? Write an equation to show how a methyl free radical abstracts a hydrogen atom from an ethane molecule. Write an equation to show how the ethyl free radical decomposes. 94.10 Write an equation to show how a hydrogen free radical abstracts a H atom from another ethane molecule. 95. SASOL's gas to liquid process involves turning natural methane gas into synthesis gas ( syngas ). 95.1 95.2 95.3 95.4 95.5 95.6 95.7 95.8 95.9 Write an equation for this process. Where does SASOL get its natural gas from ? Is Sasol able to make syngas out of coal ? Describe the Fischer-Tropsch process. What are the products produced by the Fischer-Tropsch process ? Why do we not want CH as a product ? Higher pressures force the molecules together and favour formation of ( longer / shorter) molecules. Why do we not make the pressure too high ? The operating temperature is between 1500C and 3000C. Why do we not use higher temperatures which would produce a higher reaction rate ? 95.10 What catalysts can be used ? 95.11 Why is a branched alkane better than a straight chain alkane for making petrol ?
  10. 12 KA : CHEMICAL CHANGE : Term 2 REACTION RATES 1.1 What is meant by reaction rate ? 1.2 List three factors that can influence the reaction rate of any reaction. 1.3 What factor can influence the reaction rate of a solid reactant? 1.4 What factor can influence the reaction rate of a solution ? 1.5 What factor can influence the reaction 7. 7.1 For an exothermic reaction the surroundings get ( hotter / colder ). 7.2 For an endothermic reaction the surroundings get ( hotter / colder ). 7.3 Endothermic and exothermic reactions both need to be heated to get started. How can you then tell the difference between an exothermic and an endothermic reaction? 7.4 Explain why cooking is an endothermic reaction. 7.5 Explain why dynamite can produce an exothermic reaction. 8.1 8.1 (All / some) of the reactants are used up in an open system. 8.2 (All / some) of the reactants are used up in an closed system. 8.3 Why does all the water in cup evapo- rate after a long enough time? 8.4 Why does water in a sealed container not evaporate completely away? 9. Which substances react faster? 9.1 ( Concentrated / dilute ) acid. 9.2 ( Powdered / lumpy ) zinc pieces. 9.3 (Hot / cold) acid. 9.4 (Catalysed / uncatalysed ) solutions. 9.5 ( Pressurised / unpressurised ) gases. 9.6 ( Reactants that have positive and negative ions to attract each other as in an acid-base reaction / reactants that are formed from neutral molecules ) 10. Using collision theory explain how a reaction rate is speeded up by 10.1 heating the reactants 10.2 powdering a solid 10.3 pressurising a gas 10.4 making a solution more concentrated 10.5 adding a suitable catalyst 11. 11.1 In a water treatment plant the water is sprayed up into the air. Why is this an effective method for treating water. 11.2 What is a variable? 11.3 What is a fair test? 11.4 What is an independent variable? 11.5 What is a dependent variable? 11.6 What is a controlled variable? 11.7 When is an experiment judged to be successful? 12. 12.1 In an open container a reaction ( can / cannot ) go to completion when one or more of the ( reactants / products ) is used up. 12.2 If the product can escape then the reaction (will / will not ) go to completion. 13. Sketch the potential energy curve for an exothermic reaction. Clearly show the Worksheets 14.1 10 rate of a gas? 2. What is meant by the following 2.1 F (g) 2.2 Br (0 2.3 K (s) 2.4 Na+ (aq) 3. 3.1 Where is chemical potential energy stored up? 3.2 Mention two factors that affect the chemical potential energy of particles. 3.3 What happens to the particles of a reactant when their kinetic energy increases? 3.4 What happens to the particles of a reactant when their potential energy increases? 4. 4.1 What are two essential requirements to ensure that the collisions between particles are effective in the production of new prod- ucts. 4.2 What two effects does moving faster have on the collisions between particles? 4.3 How do we get particles of a substance to move faster? 4.4 What energy barrier must be overcome to produce successful collisions that will form new products? 4.5 What is the activation energy of a reaction? 5.1 What is meant by the word "reactants"? 5.2 What formula can be used to calculate the change in enthalpy? 5.3 What is meant by the "change in enthalpy"? 5.4 What is meant by the "heat of reaction"? 5.5 The products formed by an exothermic reaction are ( low energy stable products / high energy unstable products ). 5.6 Is AH positive or negative for an exothermic reaction? 5.7 All reactions have an input of kinetic energy from their moving reactants. This kinetic energy is then manifest as potential energy which moves the atoms further apart until their bonds snap to form ( separate / combined ) atoms. 5.8 When the separated atoms rearrange themselves to form new bonds, they ( absorb / release ) thermal energy. 5.9 An exothermic reaction releases ( more / less ) energy than what it absorbs. 6. 6.1 The products formed by an endothermic reaction are ( low energy stable products / high energy unstable products ). 6.2 Is AH positive or negative for an endo- thermic reaction? 6.3 Energy is ( absorbed / released ) to snap the bonds between reacting atoms. 6.4 When the separated atoms rearrange themselves to form new bonds, they ( absorb / release ) thermal energy. 6.5 An endothermic reaction releases ( more / less ) energy than what it absorbs. Do all collisions between molecules of reacting substances result in a reaction? Explain. 14.2 State 3 factors which can influence the rate of chemical reactions. 15. The graph represents the changes in potential energy during a chemical reaction. a What energy is represented by 15.1 a 15.2 b? On the graph draw in the 15.3 energy absorbed by the forward reaction. 15.4 energy given out by the forward reaction. 15.5 Is this forward reaction endothermic or exothermic ? 15.6 Is AH > 0 oris AH < 0 for the forward reaction? 16. 2S02(g) + 02 (g) AH < O How is the rate at which SO is formed influenced by 16.1 16.2 16.3 17. 17.1 17.2 17.3 18. an increase in temperature ? the addition of a catalyst ? decreasing the concentration of the reactants ? Explain the concept of enthalpy and its relationship to the heat of reaction. An endothermic process is when bonds (form / break An exothermic process is when bonds ( form / break Draw a potential energy graph for the endothermic reaction On the graph indicate 18.1 18.2 18.3 the activation energy for the reverse reaction. the potential energy of the activated complex. What would happen to the rate of the forward reaction if the temperature were increased ? 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 energy of the reactants. energy of the products. activation energy of forward reaction heat of reaction. change in enthalpy.
  11. 12 KA : CHEMICAL CHANGE : Term 2 REACTION RATES 19. Define exothermic and endothermic Worksheets 11 reactions. 20. 20.1 Define activation energy. 20.2 State the role of a catalyst 21. Describe the energy changes represented by each of the arrows. 22. The graphs of two reactions X and Y are shown on the same axes. x Which of the two reactions has 22.1 a positive change in enthalpy ? 22.2 the greatest activation energy ? 22.3 the greatest change in enthalpy ? How will heating affect the reaction rate of 22.4 X ? 22.5 Y ? 23.1 How does a catalyst affect a reaction's rate and its yield or amount of products ? 23.2 How does a catalyst affect the equilibrium of a reaction? ( Which is the stage the reaction reaches when no further changes are seen to happen ). 24. This equation represents the reaction between N2 and H to make ammonia. 25.1 Which chemical reactions are speeded up by an increase in temperature ? 25.2 State two reasons why the exhaust pipe of a motor car is very prone to rust. 26. a C b d 29.4 What is the activation energy for the catalysed forward reaction ? 29.5 What is the activation energy for the uncatalysed reverse reaction ? 29.6 What is the activation energy for the catalysed reverse reaction ? 29.7 The energy of the activated complex for the catalysed reverse reaction is... ? 30. Consider the following reaction . cac03 (s) +2 1-ICC (aq) — CaC% (aq) + 1-120 (C) + C02 (g) The reaction rate of calcium carbonate with an excess of hydrochloric acid is determined by measuring the loss of mass of the reaction components in an open container. The following results were Which arrow represents the 26.1 activation energy for the reverse reaction ? 26.2 energy absorbed by the forward reaction ? 26.3 energy given out by the forward reaction ? 26.4 total energy released by the forward reaction which heats up the surroundings? 26.5 Which energies are altered by the use of a catalyst ? 26.6 Is the reverse reaction endothermic or exothermic ? 27. Phosphine ( PH3) reacts far more quickly with O than NH3 reacts with O Which reaction has the lower activation energy ? 28. Clean, filtered air mixes with ammonia vapour and passes into a tube that contains some platinised ceramic. Heat the platinised ceramic until red hot. Remove the flame. The red glow of the platinum continues as the two gases react. Is this reaction endothermic or exothermic? Explain. Question 29 ( There is one mole of each reactant ) ( One mole of product forms ) obtained . Time 1 (min) mass 2 5 6 7 8 loss (g) 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.5 30.6 30.7 30.8 30.9 31. Write down a suitable investigative question for this experiment. Write down a suitable hypothesis for this investigation. Identify the independent variable. How could you ensure that these results are reliable? What controls are kept constant during the investigation? Why are they kept constant ? What does the loss of mass represent ? Mention a reason why the loss of mass remains constant after 5 minutes. How will the rate of gas production be affected if the temperature of the hydrochloric acid is raised? Has the reaction reached equilibrium? Explain. AH < O 2 3 24.1 Draw a graph to show how the potential energy of the system changes during the course of the reaction. Use arrows to indicate the 24.2 activation energy of the forward reaction. 24.3 the change in enthalpy. 400 300 150 50 29.1 If a reaction has to be heated continually ( eg. cooking ) is it exothermic or endothermic ? 32. If a reaction needs a bit of energy to get going ( eg. light the fuse of dynamite ) and then it sustains itself after that, is it exothermic or endothermic ? 33 33.1 What is the difference between a dependant variable and an What is the heat of reaction for the forward reaction ? 29.2 What is the heat of reaction for the reverse reaction ? 29.3 The energy of the activated complex for the uncatalysed forward reaction is....? 33.2 33.3 33.4 33.5 independent variable ? What is meant by a control ? What is a hypothesis ? How can we confirm if a hypothesis is correct ? What is the basic problem with every hypothesis ?
  12. 12 KA : CHEMICAL CHANGE : Term 2 REACTION RATES 34. A colorimeter can measure the loss of brown colour of liquid Br during its reaction with a pure ketone solvent. The experiment is repeated four times using different concentrations of the initial amount of Br (0 in the pure ketone solvent, to determine the effect on the reaction rate of changing the dibromine concentration. The light transmitted through the clear solvent is regarded as 100%. This reading drops to about 2% when each sample of the Br2(Z) is added to the ketone. When the light transmitted through the colorimeter reaches 75% of the amount of light transmitted through the clear solvent, 36. Why can we dissolve more salt in hot water than what we can dissolve in an equal volume of cold water ? 37. Calcium carbonate decomposes in a hot oven to form carbon dioxide gas. The following graph indicates the concentration of the gas that forms as the gas pressure increases. concen ration ( mo&dm-3 ) time (s) 01234567 37.1 How do we determine the rate of the reaction at t = Is and t = 2 s for the forward reaction? 37.2 How does the reaction rate change between t = Is and t = 2 s for the forward reaction? 37.3 Why is the graph horizontal between t = 5 s and t = 6 s? 37.4 How does the rate of the reverse reaction change between t = Os and 37.5 Draw a graph to show how the mass of calcium carbonate changes during this reaction. 37.6 Draw a graph to represent both the forward and reverse reaction rates versus time. 38. Express the average rate of reaction of the following equation H 2 (g) + (g) 2 HBr(g) represented by the following graph Worksheets 39. 1--12 (g) + (g) 12 2 HBr (g) the time is recorded. Initial [ Bra ( mo&dm ) 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,04 Time (s) for of light to be transmitted 100 91 75 50 Reaction rate At This reaction is endothermic. 39.1 Write down a balanced equation for the forward reaction. 39.2 Write down a balanced equation for the reverse reaction. 39.3 Draw an energy diagram to represent 39.3.1 the forward reaction. On the diagram represent the energy of the reactants, the activation energy E a' the energy given out by the formation of the products, the energy of the products and a possible atomic representation of the activated com- plex. 39.3.2 the reverse reaction. Describe the activated complex. 41. Define the activation energy of a reaction 42. 42.1 What is meant by the term " rate "? 42.2 What is meant by the term " yield"? 42.3 The forward reaction enables ( reactants / products ) to make ( reactants / products ). 42.4 The reverse reaction enables ( reactants / products ) to make ( reactants / products ). 42.5 H2 and F 2 combine to make HF. 42 5 . .1 Write down the forward reaction. 42.5.2 Write down the reverse reaction. 34.1 Write down a suitable investigative question for these results. 34.2 Why must temperature be controlled? 34.3 What other variable must be kept constant ? 34.4 Calculate each reaction rate. ( Ignore the units ) 34.5 Describe the relationship between reaction rate and concentration of Br 34.6 Explain this trend in terms of the behaviour of the reacting molecules. 35. An experiment initially produced the dotted line. 35.1 What variable was changed to produce the solid line ? 35.2 Explain the solid curve in terms of collision theory. relative number of molecules a 35.3 Why is the graph of the numberof the molecules skewed to the right and is not symmetrical around the centre of the curve ? 35.4 The experiment is repeated by adding a catalyst. Indicate on the graph what changes when a catalyst is added ? 35.5 Explain in terms of collision theory why a catalyst speeds up the reaction rate. 35.6 Robert Scott left food buried in the ice near the South Pole in 1912. It was discovered decades later. Was the food safe to eat ? 43 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 43.5 43.6 43.7 9 7 5 4 3 1 0 0 38.1 38.2 38.3 38.4 concentration ( mol•dm-3 ) 2 HBr (g) time (s) 10 in terms of H 2 (g) in terms of Br2 (g) in terms of HBr (g) How do these values for the average reaction rate compare ? What is meant by a reversible reaction " ? Write down the equation for the reversible reaction between dihydrogen and difluorine. What do the double arrows signify? What is meant by " dynamic equilibrium " in a chemical reaction? What is a " closed system " ? How long a time is " unit time " ? Describe chemical dynamic equilibrium from a 43.7.1 microscopic point of view 43.7.2 macroscopic point of view. 43.8 At equilibrium, reactants form products and products form reactants at the same 44. Place only reactant gases into a sealed reaction chamber. 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 Initially there are only ( reactants / products ) present. The forward reaction produces ( reactants / products ). As the amount of products increases the rate of the forward reaction gets ( faster/ slower) as more of the reactants get used up. As the amount of products increases the rate of the reverse reaction gets ( faster/ slower ).
  13. 12 KA : CHEMICAL CHANGE : Term 2 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM Worksheets 13 State le Chatelier' s principle. What three factors influence the yield chemical reaction ? 2.1 If a reaction is in equilibrium and we add some excess reactant, how will the system react to this disturbance. 2.2 If a reaction is in equilibrium and we remove some of the product, how will the system react to this disturbance. 1. (a) (b) of a 2. C (s) + H20 (g) CO (g) + 1-12 (g) 8. Must the following reactions be heated or cooled to favoura higher yield ? 13. Dissolve some cobalt (Il) chloride 8.1 2 8.2 2 KCCO 3 8.3 2 KNO 3 9. crystals in alcohol to get a blue colour. blue cocq2- (aq) + 6 1-120 (C) 6 1-120 (aq) + 4 ce- (aq) pink or light purple AH < O Which reaction is favoured ( and any colour changes) if 2 KNO AH > O AH < O +0 AH < O 3. 1-12 (g) +12 (g) 3.1 2H1(g) If this reaction produces 2 moles of H I (g) then how many moles of H2 (g) and 12 (g) were used up. 3.2 If this reaction produces 4 moles of H I (g) then how many moles of 1-12 (g) and I (g) were used up. 2 4. 3H2(g) +N2(g) 4.1 If this reaction produces 2 moles of 2 NH3 (g) then how many moles of 1-12 (g) and N 2 (g) were used up. 4.2 If this reaction produces 6 moles of 2 NH3 (g) then how many moles of 1-12 (g) and N 2 (g) were used up. 5. 1-12 (g) +12 (g) —+2 HI (g) + cooling 5.1 This reaction is ( exothermic / endothermic ). 5.2 The reaction produces a ( heating / cooling ) effect as a " product " 5.3 AH O or > 0) 5.4 If we heat a reaction it compensates by producing a ( heating / cooling ) effect. 5.5 On a hot day you put on ( warm / cool) clothes. 5.6 Heating this reaction favours producing more ( reactants / products ) as the reaction needs to produce a cooling effect. 6. 1-42 (g) +12 (g) Write this equation to show the effect of 6.1 heating the reaction 6.2 cooling the reaction 7. 1-12 (g) + (g) —+ 2 HCC (g) + warmth 7.1 This reaction is ( exothermic / endothermic ). 7.2 The reaction produces a ( heating / cooling ) effect as a " product " 7.3 AH ( < or > ) o 7.4 If we cool a reaction it compensates by producing a ( heating / cooling ) effect. 7.5 On a cold day you put on ( warm / cool) clothes. 7.6 Cooling this reaction favours producing more ( reactants / products ) as the reaction needs to produce warmth. When working out the influence of pressure on a reaction's equilibrium, which chemicals in the balanced equation must we ignore ? 9.1 solids 9.2 liquids 9.3 aqueous solutions of dissolved solids 9.4 gases . 9.5 what do these symbols represent ? 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 14. the blue solution is cooled ? water is added to the blue solution ? AgN03 is added to the blue solution? the pink / purple solution is heated ? concentrated HCC is added to the purple solution ? concentrated H S04 is added to the purple solution ? the pressure on the system is increased ? 9.5.1 (s) 9.5.3 (aq) 10. 9.5.2 (Z) 9.5.4 (g) Which of the following reactions will favour the forward reaction if the pressure is increased 10.1 (g) + (g) —C2H6 (g) 10.2 cac03 (s) CaO (s) + C02 (g) 10.3 2KCC03 (0 —2 KCC (s) + 3 02 (g) 10.4 -9 Fecg (aq)+H2S (g) 11. What pressure will favour a higher yield ? Dissolve some potassium dichromate crystals in water to get an orange colour. orange Cr2072- (aq) + OH - (aq) yellow 2 Cr042- (aq) + H + (aq) Describe which reaction is favoured if we 14.1 add a sodium hydroxide pellet to the orange solution. 14.2 add concentrated sulfuric acid to the yellow solution. 15. Add methyl orange to acetic acid. It turns red. CH COOH + H O orange CH COO- + H 0+ red What happens if sodium ethanoate is added to the red acid solution ? 16. The equilibrium reaction is in a syringe. 11.1 11.2 2 (g) +02 (g) 1-16 (g) 2N02 (g) brown AH < O N204 (g) colourless 11.3 cac03 (s) 11.4 CaO (s) + C02 (g) H 2 (g) + 12 (g) 12. 2 HI (g) 12.1 Name three factors which would influence the following equilibrium . Describe which reaction is favoured and what colour changes occur if 16.1 the flask is cooled in a deep freeze. 16.2 the colourless gas is heated in boiling water. 16.3 the brown gas is put under high pressure. 17. Heating coal in steam yields a mix- ture called " water gas ". This is the first step in the production of synthetic fuels. NH4ce (s ) AH > O NH3 (g)+ HCC(g) 12.2 Explain how you can use these factors to disturb the equilibrium to favour the reverse reaction and shift the equilibrium position. ( AH 17.1 17.2 Write three methods to increase the rate of the forward reaction. Write two methods by which the yield of CO and 1-12 gas can be increased.
  14. 12 KA : CHEMICAL CHANGE : Term 2 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM Worksheets 14 18. If 8 mol H and 10 mol F 2 react to form 4 mol HF, determine all the equilibrium quantities. 1.....1... 2 1-IF 2 2 10 amount 8 4 19. If 6 mol N2 and 10 mol H 2 2 time react leaving 3 mol N2 at equilibrium , determine all the equilibrium quantities. 2 2 10 amount 6 3 1 20. 3 3 2 H 2 time 24.3 What name is given to this phenomenon referred to in Question 24.1 ? 25. Add concentrated acetic acid to a satu- rated sodium acetate solution for the common ion effect. 25.1 State Le Chatelier's principle. 25.2 What is a saturated solution ? 25.3 Write an equation to show the dis- sociation of sodium acetate in solution. 25.4 Explain why sodium acetate crystals precipitate out when concentrated acid is added. 26. Study the following reversible reaction. 2 NH3 (g) A high temperature decreases the yield of the products at equilibrium. 26.1 Name the industrial process which uses this reaction. 26.2 Is the forward reaction exother mic or endothermic ? 26.3 How would an increase in pres- sure affect the yield of products ? 26.4 What catalyst is used in this process ? 26.5 Since a catalyst has no effect on the yield of products, why then use a This reaction reaches equilibrium. What happened, as shown by the graph of the forward reaction, at t and just aftert ? catalyst ? 27. AH < o 2 NH3 (g) 2 concen- tration 21. 2 2 2 3 2 t time 22. The equation of the following reaction is 12 (g) + H 2 (g) rate time 15 10 22.1 Write down an equation for the dashed line 22.2 If the reaction is cooled after IOS the broken line is (exo / endo ) thermic 22.3 Why do both graphs drop at 10 s ? 22.4 Add a catalyst after 15 s. Show how the graph changes because of the catalyst. 22.5 Does a catalyst establish a new equilibrium ? 23. Exactly 5 moles of X Y 3 (g) is placed in a 2 dm3 container and then sealed. The following equilibrium is established at 400K After 8 minutes the temperature is lowered to 300 K. The graph shows the change in reaction rate for the first 12 minutes. reaction rate time ( minutes ) How is the equilibrium affected if the 27.1 pressure increases 27.2 temperature increases? 27.3 Normally the temperature is about 4500C for this reaction. Can we make ammonia profitably at 1200C ? 28. Consider the reversible reaction taking place in the Haber Process : 0 23.1 4 6 8 12 10 N2 (g) + 3 1-12 (g) (AH < O) 2 NH3 (g) 21.1 This reaction reaches equilibrium. What happened, as shown by the graph of the forward reaction, at t ? 2 concen- tration 2 3 2 2 t time Which reaction, forward or reverse, is represented by the solid line ? 23.2 When does the reaction reach equilibrium for the first time ? 23.3 Is the reaction represented by the solid line endothermic or exothermic ? Explain your answer. 23.4 What is represented by the horizontal graphs between 10 and 12 minutes? 24. A few drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid are added to a satu- rated solution of sodium chloride. 24.1 Write down an equation for the equilibrium situation that exists in the saturated sodium chloride solution. 24.2 What is observed when concen- trated hydrochloric acid is added to the saturated solution? Explain the observation. The yield of ammonia at equilibrium is favoured by a low temperature but this adversely affects the rate of production. 28.1 Why is this industrial reaction heated since heating lowers the reaction yield ? 28,2 Explain the meaning of the terms yield and rate when used in this context. 29. Consider this reversible reaction. 2 S02 (g) +02 (g) AH < o 2 sq (g) How will the yield of SO be affected if 21.2 Draw a graph to show the reverse reaction too. 21.3 Draw a graph of reaction rate vs time. 21.4 Write an equation for the reaction just after time t. 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 the temperature is increased ? the pressure is increased ? more dioxygen is added to the reaction? a suitable catalyst is added ?
  15. 12 KA : CHEMICAL CHANGE : Term 2 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM Worksheets 15 30. The percentage of ammonia produced from dinitrogen and dihydrogen under certain conditions of temperature and pressure is given in the graph. o o o E 90 70 30 250 mooc 4000c åoooc pressure; ( atm ) 600 32. An amount of SO is sealed in a container at 6200C and the following reversible reaction takes place . (g) 2S02 (g) +02 (g) AH > O The following graph shows how the reaction rate, measured from the start of the reaction, changed with time. reaction rate time ( min ) 6 12 18 24 32.1 State, giving a reason, whether the forward reaction above is homogeneous or heterogeneous. 32.2 Write down the equation for the reaction that is indicated by the solid line. 32.3 How long does it take for the reaction to first reach equilibrium from the start ? 32.4 State what possibly could have happened to the system at the 12 th minute. 32.5 Why is the horizontal part of the graph between the 18 th and 24 th minute higher than the horizontal part between the 6 th and 12 th minute? 32.6 How will an increase in pressure affect the amount of S02 (g) present in the container at equilibrium? 33. A reaction reaches equilibrium which is disturbed at time t. A 2 (g) + 82 (g) 2 AB (g) 34. The following reaction inside a motor car engine produces pollution. N2 (g) + 02 (g) 2NO(g) AH > O 34.1 Car engines run very hot and can reach about 2 5000C. What effect does this have on the production of pollutants ? 34.2 If you could get an engine to run cooler, what effect would this have on the environment ? 35. N 2 (g) + 02 (g) 2 NO (g) requires a very high temperature before the reaction occurs 2 NO (g) + 02 (g) 2 N02 30.1 What happens to the % of ammonia when the temperature increases ? 30.2 What happens to the % of ammonia when the pressure is increased ? 30.3 Which pressure and temperature produce the highest % of ammonia ? 30.4 Which factor in question 30.3 produces a high % of ammonia but decreases the rate of the reaction ? The industrial preparation of NH3 requires a high yield of ammonia to be produced under safe conditions. 30.5 Which values of temperature and pressure, would you recommend for the industrial preparation of NH ? 30.6 Explain the reasons for your recommendation. 31. An important step in the industrial process to manufacture sulfuric acid is represented by the following equilibrium reaction. 2 (g) + 02 (g) 2 sq (g) 31.1 What do the double arrows mean in terms of the reaction rate ? 31.2 Why is this process called "dynamic"? 31.3 How will increasing the pressure affect the concentration of SO ? 31.4 Raising the temperature decreases the yield of SO What does this tell us about the reaction ? 31.5 Name the compound SO 31.6 Write an equation for the reaction of SO with water. 31.7 How would adding a catalyst change the yield ? 31.8 What catalyst is used in industry for this process ? 31.9 Why is this a homogenous equilibrium? 31.10 Write down 3 ways to increase the yield of SO ? 31.11 Write down the formula for sulfuric acid. 31.12 Where is sulfuric acid used in motor cars ? concentration 2 AB 2 t occurs easily at room temperature. Explain the difference. 36. 36.1 What is the purpose of the Ostwald process ? 36.2 How many steps does the Ostwald process involve. 36.3 Describe the first step in the Ostwald process. Explain why ammonia is used as a source of nitrogen rather than using dinitrogen gas. 36.4 Describe the second step in the Ostwald process. 36.5 Describe the third step in the Ostwald process. 36.6 What are the two main uses for nitric acid. 36.7.1 How are these two products beneficial to mankind. 36.7.2 How are these same products detrimental to the environment ? 37. H 2 (g) + F 2 (g) 2 1-IF (g) 6 mol H2 and 8 mol F 2 are put into a 1 dm3 reaction chamber. If 6 mol HF is formed at equilibrium, determine all the equilibrium concentrations. 38. cac03 (s) CaO (s) + C02 (g) 6 mol CaC03 is put into a 2 dm3 reaction chamber. If 4 mol CaO is formed at equilibrium, determine the equilibrium concentrations of all the gases present in the reaction chamber. t 1 33.1 What happened between times t and t ? 33.2 Describe the changes that occurred in the system between these two times. 33.3 How can we tell from the graph which two lines represent the reactants ? 33.4 Why does the product line rise more than what either reactant decreases ? 39. C (s) + 02 (g) C02 (g) 8 mol C is put into an evacuated 5 dm3 reaction chamber with 9 mol O 2 and 3 mol CO If 4 mol C remains at equilibrium, determine the equilibrium concentrations of all the gases present in the reaction vessel.
  16. 12 KA : CHEMICAL CHANGE : Term 2 EQUILIBRIUM CONSTANT Worksheets 1.1 If 4 mol N2 and 7 mol H2 react to form 2 moc NH3, determine all the equilibrium concentrations in the 6 dm3 container. 41-12 (g) 7. 3 The equilibrium reaction in a 1 dm 11. This reaction is in equilibrium 2H2(g) + 02 (g) 3 mol 0, 6 g of H2 and 16 2 1-120 (g) container is 3 H2(g) + N2(g) K = at 4500C 2 NH3 (g) 7 amount 4 2 -s 2NH3 (g) 2 2 NH 3 time c 4500C . . add 0,15 0,75 [ NH3] 0,039 0,0435 moc hydrogen 0,1935 This disturbs the equilibrium, favouring the forward reaction. 1.2 Why do all the graphs become straight, horizontal lines after a while ? 1.3 Which statement is correct ? The balanced equation tells us (A) the starting amounts. (B ) the amount of change during the reaction. (C) the final amounts at equilibrium. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8. Determine the new value of K c Did the value of K change? Explain Do concentration changes affect K ? For a given reaction, K can only be altered by changing the ( concentrations / temperature / pressure ). 2,4 x 10 24 molecules of O 2 3 are found at equilibrium in the 2 dm container. Equilibrium is established at 310K. Calculate the equilibrium constant at 310 K. 12. In the equilibrium system at 1 100 K A (g) + 2B (g) + 3 C (g) A 5 dm3 reaction vessel contains 1 mol A, 2 mol B, 3 mol C and 4 mol D at equilibrium. 12.1 Calculate the value of K at 1100 K. c 12.2 How many moles of A will be in equilibrium with 1 mol B, 1 mol C and 1 mol D in the reaction vessel at 1 100 K ? 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 4. What does [CO] mean ? What is the unit for concentration ? Find the concentration if 4 moc of gas is in a 2 dm3 container. Draw a graph of K vs pressure. Draw a graph of K vs concentration. Draw a graph of K vs temperature for an 3.3.1 exothermic reaction. 3.3.2 endothermic reaction. 3 This equilibrium exists in a 2 dm sealed container at room temperature . 13. H 2 (g) +12 (g) (AH is positive ) 2Hl(g) cac03 (s) AH > O CaO (s) + C02 (g) Get an expression for K for each equation At equilibrium there are 2 moc of CaCO 3 0,25 mol of CaO and 0,25 mol of CO 8.1 Calculate K 8.2 Explain how to decrease the K c value. 8.3 Is this reaction homogeneous or heterogeneous ? 9. K = 85 for this reaction at 460 K. Dihydrogen gas and diiodine gas are placed ina 1 dm3 container. 1 g of 1-12 and 254 g of 12 remain when equilibrium is reached at 750 K. - 50 then calculate the c equilibrium mass of HI. 14. ( AH is positive ) 2 HI (g) 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5. C02 (g) + (g) C02 (g) + 1-12 (g) cqg) +2 HI (g) 2 (s) + 02 (g) 1-120 (g) + CO (g) H20 (C) + CO (g) 12 (g) +2 1-ICC (g) -x 2 Ago (s) c S02(g) + N02(g) -e NO(g) + S03(g) Get an expression for K for each equation 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6. Mg C 03 (s) Mgo (s) + C02 (g) The reaction flask contains these gases at the following concentrations , in —3 mo&dm [ son [N02] = 0,003 [NO] = 0,01 0,04 9.1 Prove that this reaction is not yet in equilibrium. 9.2 Is the forward or the reverse reaction favoured in order to reach equilibrium ? Explain. 10. For the following equilibrium reaction S02 (g) + 1-120 (0 NH3 (g) + HN03 (0 2 N02 (g ) 2CH4(g) + 02(g) H2S03 (C) NH4N03 (s) C02 ( g) N2 04 (g) 2 co 4 x 10-3 N2 (g) + 3 1-12 (g) AH < O 2 NH3 (g) 4 mol of H2 and 4 mol of 12 are mixed in a 1 litre reaction chamber which is kept at a constant temperature. If K 36 then calculate all the c equilibrium concentrations. 15. AH > o 2 mol of H 2 and 2 mol of 12 are mixed ina 1 litre reaction chamber which is kept at a constant temperature of 2100C. If K = 1 at 2100C then calculate all c the equilibrium concentrations. 16. Consider the following reaction in a closed 1 drn3 container at constant temperature. N204 (g) 2 N02 (g) (AH > 0) 9 mol of N2 and 15 mol of H2 are put into a 1 dm3 container at room temperature. The temperature of the gas mixture is now raised to 4050C resulting in 8 mol NH3 being present at equilibrium. 10.1 Calculate the value of K at c 4050C. 10.2 Low temperatures favour a high yield. But this Haber process is run at high temperatures. Why ? Initially put 1 mol N204 (g) in the container. Calculate the equilibrium concentration of N02 (g) if K - at this 2CO(g) + O 2 x 10-2 2 x 10-2 are the equilibrium concentrations, in moc•dm 3 at 900 K. (AH < 0) 6.1 Calculate K 6.2 Give a possible value for K at 6.2.1 1100 K 6.2.2 700 K. c temperature. 17. 0 2(g) + 2 NO (g) 2 N02 (g) 2 mol of N02 is placed in a 500 cm3 container with 2,5 mol 02 and 4 mol NO. Calculate K if the equilibrium amount of NO in the container is 3 mol at 1000C.
  17. Worksheets 11. (a) (b) (c) (d) (i) (ii) ( iii ) 2. (a) (b) (c) (d) 3 (a) bases that are usually found in schools. 12 KA : CHEMICAL CHANGE : Term 2 ACIDS & BASES Define a Bronsted - Lowry acid. Define a Bronsted - Lowry base. Acids dissolve in water to form . When an acid dissolves in water, the reaction is ( reversible / irreversible ). Which equation represents a reversible reaction? I-ICC + HO H 0+ + CC - I-ICC + H O I-ICC + HO 4- H + CC - Strong acids ionise ( almost 100 % / partially ) Weak acids ionise (almost 100 % / partially ) Write down the formulae for the three strong acids found in most schools. Write an equation to show how HCC reacts with water. State two characteristics of acids. Write down the formulae for two strong 17 6. (e) A weak acid ionises ( almost 100% / partially ). (f) A dilute acid is dissolved in (a lot of / a little ) water. Complete and balance the following (g ) A very concentrated, strong acid does not have enough water to ionise sufficient acid molecules, thus it is ( strong / weak ) until some water is added to sufficiently ionise the acid molecules, whereupon it becomes strong. (h) What is an electrolyte ? (i) A strong electrolyte has (few / many ) mobile ions and isa (good / poor) conductor of electric current. (j) A weak electrolyte has (few / many ) mobile ions and isa (good / poor) conductor of electric current. 7. (a) What is meant by an " ampholyte " ? ( b) Two other words to describe substances that have both acid and base properties. (c) What substance is the most common amphiprotic substance ? (d ) Write down a balanced equation to show water acting as (i) abase ( ii) an acid. ( e ) Write the formulae of three amphoteric substances. Acid (a) (b) Acid (c) (d) 12. - Oxide 03 + H - Carbonate C a C 03 H Na HCO + so 4 so 4 so 4 H 2 SO 4 (b) (c) (d) (e) 4. Write down two characteristics of bases. Which 4 kinds of chemicals are bases? Is ammonia an acid or a base Write down the formula for (i) ammonia ( ii) the ammonium ion 8. (a) (b) (c) What is an acid - base indicator ? What indicator is used to titrate (i) a strong acid and strong base ( ii) a strong acid and weak base ( iii) a weak acid and strong base ? What is meant by the " end point " For the following equation + I-120 H 0+ + CC - (a ) Two conjugate acid - base pairs are . ( b) Write down the formulae of the two acids. (c) Write down the formulae of the two bases. (d) What is the conjugate base of of a titration ? 9. Fill in the colours for the following indicators (a) bromothymol blue pH = 1 acid (i) H20 ( iii ) FICO 4 7 end point base (e) What is the conjugate acid of 2- (i) 1-120 (ii) CO ( iii) I-ICO 3 5. List the conjugate acid - base pairs . (a) H2S0 + HO H 0+ + HSO - 4 (b) neutralization bromocresol green pH = 1 acid 4 end point (c) phenolpthalein pH = 1 acid base 9 base 14 14 14 (b) HSO- (d) 1-430+ (e) HNO 6. 2- + H O H O + + SO 4 + OH - HBr + NH 3 3 end point 10. Complete and balance the following equations Acid - (a) (b) (c) (d) Base Na OH Ca (OH HNO H H 3 so 4 PO 4 H 3 PO 4 (a) A positive ion is called (a cation / an anion ). (b) A negative ion is called (a cation / an anion ). For salts that are always soluble in water, list (c) two cations (d) two anions (e) What is meant by " titration " ? (f) What is meant by " proticity " ? (g ) What 2 formulae tell us how many moles of ionisable H + ions are in the solution if P = the number of H atoms in the formula of an acid. Eg. In H2S0 P = 2 as there are 4 2 H atoms in a molecule of H SO 13. (a ) Write a formula for a (i) monoprotic acid ( ii) monobasic base ( iii) diprotic acid ( iv) dibasic base (v) triprotic acid ( vi) tribasic base. 14. Calculate the concentration of NaOH if 50 me of it reacts exactly with 80 me of mo&dm-3 of HCC. 15. Calculate the volume of 0,3 mo&dm-3 of AZ (OH) that reacts exactly with 75 me of 0,18 mo&dm-3 of 1-13 PO 16. (a ) Calculate the concentration of NaOH if 50 me of it reacts with 0,02 moc of HCC. —3 ( b) Calculate the volume of 0, 1 mo&dm of Ba (OH) if it reacts completely with 0,004 of H2S0 17. Why can HCO - act both as an acid and as a base ? Write equations to illustrate your answer. 18. 20 cm3 of Na C03 solution of concentration 0,2 mo&dm-3 titrates exactly with 40 cm3 of (a) How many strong acid molecules ionise when the strong acid is dissolved in water ? ( b) How many weak acid molecules ionise when the weak acid is dissolved in water ? (c) A strong acid ionises ( almost 100% / partially ). (d ) A concentrated acid is dissolved in (a lot of / a little ) water. CH COOH (a) (b) (c) (d) solution. Write an equation for this reaction. Calculate the concentration of the acid Write an equation for the reaction of HCC with water. What is this reaction called ?
  18. 12 KA : CHEMICAL CHANGE : Term 2 ACIDS & BASES Worksheets 18 19. HNO + HO 3 (a) What type of reaction is this ? ( b) Select a conjugate acid - base pair. (c) If 6,3 g HN03 is dissolved in 500 me of water,calculate the solution's concentration. (d) Is this the solution of a strong or weak acid ? 20. (a) What is a Bronsted - Lowry acid ? ( b ) The conjugate acid of the base I - is... 21. 25 cm3 of a NaOH solution of concentration 0,1 mo&dm-3 neutralises 20 me of an HCC solution. Calculate (a) the concentration of the I-ICC solution. (b) the mass of NaOH required to make 1 litre of a mo&dm-3 solution. 22. What mass of NaOH makes 250 me of a 0,1 mo&dm solution ? 23. Litmus is a weak acid. It has a seriously com- plicated molecule which we will simplify to H In. The "H" is the proton which can be given away to something else. The "In" is the rest of the weak acid molecule. There will be an equilibrium established when this acid dissolves in water. Taking the simplified version of this equilibrium: t; H + (aq) + In- (aq) H In (aq) 25.4 Complete and balance the following reaction between an acid and an active metal. Zn (s) + HCC (aq) 26. Define 26.1 a strong acid. 26.2 a weak acid. 26.3 a strong base 26.4 a weak base 26.5 Why do acids ionise when they dissolve in water? 26.6 Write down an equation to show how HCC dissolves in water. 26.7 Why does a base dissociate when it dissolves in water? 26.8 Write down an equation to show how NaOH dissolves in water. 26.9 Double arrows are used in the equa- tions to represent acids and bases dissolving in water. What do the double arrows represent? 27. Define 27.1 a salt. 27.2 neutralisation. 27.3 hydrolysis. 34.5 Determine the concentration if 112 g CaO is dissolved in water to make up 500 m! of solution. 34.6.1 How many moles of H2S04 are in a 200 me of a mo&dm-3 solution ? 34.6.2 How many moles of H + are in a 200 me of a mo&dm-3 H S04 solution ? Strong acid . Weak acid . Strong base : Weak base 28. HNO 3 CH3COOH NaOH Zn (OH)2 red 23.1 blue Explain what colour is favoured if a base NaOH is added to a litmus solution. 23.2 Explain what colour is favoured if excess H + (aq) acid ions are added to a litmus solution. 23.3 Which indicator can be used to titrate a 23.3.1 strong acid with a weak base 23.3.2 strong acid with a strong base 23.3.3 weak acid with a strong base? 24. 24.1 List 4 common acids found in our homes. 24.2 List 4 common bases found in our homes. 24.3 Name one neutral substance. 24.4 Which two common liquids are almost neutral? 24.5 List three common fruit or vegetables that can act as an acid-base indicator. 25. 25.1 Complete and balance the following reaction between an acid and a metal oxide 25.2 Complete and balance the following reaction between an acid and a metal hydroxide (s) + H2S04 (aq) 25.3 Complete and balance the following reaction between an acid and a metal carbonate MgC03 (s) + HCC (aq) Dissolve zinc nitrate in water. Add bromothymol blue indicator. 28.1 What colour does the solution turn? 28.2 What is the approximate pH of the solution? 29. Dissolve sodium nitrate in water. Add bromothymol blue indicator. 29.1 What colour does the solution turn? 29.2 What is the approximate pH of the solution? 30. Dissolve sodium acetate ( sodium ethanoate ) in water. Add bromothymol blue indicator. 30.1 What colour does the solution turn? 30.2 What is the approximate pH of the solution? 31. What is meant by 31.1 the strength of an acid ? 31.2 the concentration of an acid ? 32. Define titration. 33. What is meant by 31.1 31 .2 34. 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 CaO a dilute base ? a concentrated base ? What is the molar mass of Ca CO ? How many moles in 112 g of CaO ? Determine the mass of 2 mol CaCO Determine the concentration if 0,2 mol is dissolved in sufficient water to make up 400 me of solution.
  19. N/A
  20. N/A