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Find the Perfect Physical Education Tutor for Primary Students in Al Marfraq, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Explore tutor profiles, send quick messages, and connect on WhatsApp to plan your learning. Review their qualifications, teaching experience, session options (one-on-one or group sessions), hourly rates, and past students feedbacks to choose the best fit for you.
Currently, I am a student with a goal of changing the business world.
Identify the learning objectives, specific learning activities, assess student understanding, and lesson closure. Tutor techniques include teamwork, subject expertise, listening, patience, and understanding knowledge gaps. Chemistry is my special subject.
Empowering every learner with inclusive and personalized education.
Approachable, where you can feel free to ask questions for your needs without embarrassment.
Specialized tutoring in Arabic, Maths, Child Psychology & more with Maham Jabeen near Nad Shamma, Dubai.
Empowering students to achieve academic excellence with personalized and dynamic tutoring.
Most of our experienced teachers have a 5 star rating with over 5 positive reviews.