Course Details
Foundation Course
The Internet of Things or IoT is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDS)and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.
Introduction to the internet of things
Learning about what the internet of things really means Understanding the four main concepts of it. Understanding what are IOT enablers and their characteristics. Understanding application domains and modern applications of iot
IOT Development Boards
Learning about different IOT development boards and their characteristics
Learn about ESP8266 Different types of Deep sleep modes and how to use them. Learning onboard components on the nodemcu(ESP8266) development board
ESP8266 on Arduino IDE
Installing Esp8266 Board on Arduino IDE. Understanding Basic Arduino Code. Coding ESP8266 DHT11 Web Server. Learning the basic principle of Relay and working with esp8266.
Basic Electronics
Learning Basic electronics such as how to use the Digital Multimeters. What is voltage, current and many more. Creating and coding ESP8266 Weather Station(Project 1)
IOT Communication Protocols
Learn about different iot communication protocols such as BLE, WIFI, LORA, and many others Work with I2C LCD Display. ESP WiFiManager.
IOT Cloud Platforms and Introduction to Node-red
Learn about different iot cloud platforms Introduction to Node-red Sending weather station data to things board and creating a dashboard (Project 2) Sending weather station data to Node-red and creating a dashboard (Project 3)
Advance Temperature monitoring Project (Project 4)
Adding an LCD and Alert system to our already made weather station project
ESP8266 Multisensor Shield with Node-red (Project 5).
RFID Door Security System using Node-red (Project 6).