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Find the Perfect FIA Tutor for Exam Preparation Students in Al Hamra, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Explore tutor profiles, send quick messages, and connect on WhatsApp to plan your learning. Review their qualifications, teaching experience, session options (one-on-one or group sessions), hourly rates, and past students feedbacks to choose the best fit for you.
Great Tutor. Would recommend to anyone wanting to get a good grade.
Tasniien is a very good tutor. She has patience and the ability to teach and most of all she is very encouraging. This ability in her helps students to build their self-esteem which is important in today's time.
Aside from how well-versed she is in humanities, I'd say the way she explains and elaborates on the concepts is informative and entertaining. If you're bored of feeling like you'll never use or apply the facts being crammed into your brain then discussing things you learn with her will not only help you learn them, but help you to enjoy the subject and apply yourself to it.
She is a good teacher who has subject knowledge, good teaching experience, tips for examination and well versed in her curriculum. I was immensely satisfied with her tutoring and my child achieved desired grades as well.
She has complete knowledge of the curriculum and exam preparation and guides accordingly. Gives good and relevant examples regarding her subjects of Sociology and Psychology. Is capable of teaching till university levels.
Mubarak is awesome teacher. Today we had the first demo class for the physics. Since he is IIT graduate. It was wonderful experience to have a teacher like Mubarak. Thanks for this opportunity.
Highly experienced trainer. I am able to learn each and every concept with much clarity.
Learning process is going on. All over good.
Samira is a master in English. Highly recommended.
My goal was to find a tutor who would cultivate an interest in Mathematics for my daughters in grades 8 and 5. Ms. Humeira has definitely made an impact in terms of creating this interest and improving their scores. She focuses on Mental maths as well and uses many online resources. Additionally, she helps with exam preps by giving tips and strategies.
She is highly committed and knowledgeable. Tries out a range of strategies with my daughter. My daughter is very happy with her and has improved remarkably.
Mechanical Engineer With A Zest For Teaching. Excellent Results For Students.
The way she teaches is excellent. The classes are fun and interactive. She teaches through different reference books and explains the concept clearly
Her method of teaching and dealing with children is excellent.
Very clever and devoted while teaching. My daughters got high grades as a result of her tremendous efforts and professional teaching skills. They also gained confidence thanks to her support and enthusiasm to ensure her students understand well the concepts. She is a very great teacher and always updates me about my children progress. I strongly recommend her to any parents who want their children to excel and succeed.
Excellent teaching experience. I will definitely recommend to my friends.
Very knowledgeable, easy handling. Real life examples for better understanding of topics.
Sapna's friendly but stern approach really helped me improve in mathematics. I am students who responds best to an honest and open teaching style which is exactly what I got from Sapna. She is a dedicated and hard working teacher who loves to see her students excel. Definitely one of the best tutors I've ever had.
She explains complex concepts in simple terms. She demonstrates how math is a matter of mastering the pre-requistes of a concept before tackling the concept itself, the same way one needs to know how to use cooking equipment before deciding to cook a delicious meal. She is very passionate about her love for math and allows the student to love it too regardless of their current level. She also tailors the classes to the students abilities and identifies their weaknesses within the first lessons so that any gaps in their knowledge do not interfere with future progress. I highly recommend her for a student who is willing to learn.
Worked As A Lecturer In Amrita School Of Engineering For 4 Years,2 Years In Research Oriented Company,one Year In Vssc
She teaches very good. Concepts are very familiar and easier to understand
Explanation is good. She teaches us with care. Always recommend her to students.
Excellent. Helps to the maximum for students to achieve their marks. Would suggest Miziya for students. Thanks for the help. I have passed my last attempt Maths exam, B.Tech.
Has in-depth knowledge of the subject and have a passion for teaching.
The teaching method is easy to understand and she will make sure that your fundamental becomes clear. The pace of teaching is also good.
We are family of three - myself, my wife and my son. We have been trying to learn Arabic without much success even after learning from Native speakers. However, the result we got from Mr. Zafar is phenomenal. He is by far the best comprehensive/professional teacher we ever had. Being a passionate teacher, he goes extra mile to inspire & motivate you to learn and make you understand/appreciate the subject being taught. His unique style make him stand apart from the rest of the crowd. Not to mention, the way he conducts classes with such dedication that he makes the class so lively, interesting & entertaining all at the same time. I highly recommend with 5 stars to use his service and benefit from his impressive knowledge on various subjects.
His teaching skills arenรยขรขยยฌรขยยขt like any other tutor. He is a very exceptional teacher and every student should have a tutor like him.
Patient and knowledgeable. Recommend to every student.
Zafar Sir is passionate, patient and detail oriented teacher. I will strongly suggest to take Arabic language personal training course to change your dreams to reality
Highly recommend Zafar as a Tutor. His skills and the way of his presentation is very to understand his classes.
Her patience and willingness to commit to only one student at a time and give personalised focused attention.
Good experience with the tutor. I will recommend to others.
Most of our experienced teachers have a 5 star rating with over 360 positive reviews.