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Course Details

Muhammad Ikram Niaz

C++ Programming Training

By: Muhammad Ikram Niaz

View All 1 Course


Ch1: Introduction

  • History of Computers
  • Computer System Components
  • Language of a Computer
  • Computer Programming Language Evolution
  • Sample Program Code
  • Compiling and Running a C++ Program
  • Processing a Program
  • Programming Cycle
  • Structured Programming
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • C++ Reference

Ch2: Basic C++ Elements

  • Introduction
  • C++ Programs
  • Symbols
  • Identifiers
  • Data Types
  • Arithmetic Operators and Operator Precedence
  • Expressions
  • ASCII Table
  • Input, Memory, and Data
  • Increment and Decrement Operators
  • Output
  • Creating a C++ Program
  • Sample Program Code
  • Compiling and Running a Program

Ch3: Input/Output

  • Input/Output Streams
  • Standard I/O Devices
  • cin and cout
  • cin and Extraction Operator ( >> )
  • Standard Input
  • Data Type of Input
  • Reading Data
  • Input Failure
  • Predefined Functions
  • Standard Output - Member Functions and Flags
  • Standard Output - Stream Manipulators
  • Common Stream Flags and Manipulators
  • Output Considerations

Ch4: Selection Structures

  • Control Structures
  • Relational Operators
  • Logical (Boolean) Operators
  • Tutorial to Understand IEEE Floating-Point Errors
  • Operator Precedence and Associativity
  • Logical (Boolean) Expressions (also, short-circuit evaluation issues)
  • One-Way (if) Selection
  • Two-Way (if...else) Selection
  • Compound (Block) Statement
  • Nested if and if...else Statements
  • Preventing Input Failure Using if Statement
  • Conditional Operator (?:)
  • switch Structures
  • assert() Function

Ch5: Repetition Structures

  • Why needed?
  • Types of Repetition Structures
  • while Loop
  • for Loop
  • do...while Loop
  • break and continue Statements (alter flow of control)

Ch6: Functions 1 - Predefined and Value-Returning Functions

  • What are Functions?
  • Predefined Functions
  • User-Defined Functions
  • Flow of Execution
  • Microsoft MSDN Library - Standard C++ Library Reference
  • Microsoft MSDN Library - C/C++ Languages

Ch7: Functions 2 - Void (NonValue-Returning) Functions

  • What are void (nonvalue-returning) functions?
  • Differences Between Value-Returning and Void (NonValue-Returning) functions
  • Function Parameters
  • Function Parameters And Memory Allocation
  • Void or Value-Returning Functions?
  • Scope
  • Lifetime
  • Stub Functions
  • Function Overloading
  • Functions with Default Parameters

Ch8: UDTs (User-Defined Types), Namespaces, and string Type

  • What are user-defined types (UDTs)?
  • Classes
  • Enumeration Data Type
  • typedef Statement
  • ANSI/ISO Standard C++
  • The C++ Standards Committee
  • Namespaces
  • string Data Type

Ch9: Data Types, Arrays and Strings

  • Simple and Structured Data Types
  • Arrays
  • Intro to Vectors
  • Arrays vs. Vectors

Ch10: Pointers

  • What are Pointers?
  • Declaring Pointers
  • Pointer Operators
  • Initializing Pointers
  • Pass-by-Reference with Pointers
  • constness of Pointers
  • Pointer Arithmetic