Employers have always avoided the termination either because it is not easy to terminate someone or because it can be difficult to defend any allegations of wrongful termination. Cases of wrongful termination have emerged and increased since the late 2000 year. Research has identified the following factors in this increase:
Because of these and other factors, Employers are now more than ever, at risk of litigation against termination decisions. The EEOC has established definitions and guidelines of what constitutes discrimination and what employees are part of "protected classes" and discrimination claims. Now that there have been additional protections under EEOC, Employers should consider these regulations and prepare for those potential Risks.
Why you should Attend
Employers need to be aware of the cost of these actions via litigation, fines & penalties and even criminal sanctions. Employers need to ask if they have the protections they need when they make decisions on termination, reduction in force, demotion, suspensions and disciplinary actions.
Areas Covered in the Session
Who Will Benefit