This Short-Term Program – designed by veterans in the Analytics industry; helps you master the ‘R’ tool, which is predominantly used in Data Science. This course will help you learn and master the R language specifically for Data Science, wherein it is widely used to build methods, processes, and systems to extract knowledge or insights from data in various forms. You can become a Data Science Expert once you have mastered R – one of the most popular tools for data science. Learners are required to complete 10 weeks of faculty led Online mode. The following are the modules covered Machine Learning with R & Python Introduction to NumPy Introduction to Pandas Slicing Data Exploratory Data Analysis Exploratory Data Analysis (Continue) Missing Value Imputation and Outlier Analysis Linear Regression Motivation Linear Regression optimization objective Linear Regression in Python Introduction to Regression Tree Introduction to Classification Tree Measures of Selecting the best Split Cluster Analysis – Hierarchical Clustering & k-Means Clustering Customer segmentation in Telecom Industry using Cluster Analysis k-Means clustering Association Rules mining Market Basket Analysis
This program is brought to you by Praxis B schoolThe course is designed to enable the candidates to be responsible for business analytics, building data products and software platforms, along with developing visualizations and machine learning algorithms.