The program provides access to high-quality learning content, simulation exams, a community moderated by experts, and other resources that ensure you follow the optimal path to your dream role of data scientist. With this course You will be able to do following independently: 1. Fundamental R and Python programming skills 2. Statistical concepts such as probability, inference, and modeling and how to apply them in practice 3. Gain experience with Numpy, Pandas and scikit library, including data visualization with ggplot2 and data wrangling with dplyr 4. Become familiar with essential tools for practicing data scientists such as Unix/Linux, git and GitHub, and Jupyter 5. Implement machine learning algorithms 6. In-depth knowledge of fundamental data science concepts through motivating real-world case studies Rolla’s Data Science Program will help you master skills and tools like Statistics, Hypothesis testing, Data analysis, Data wrangling, Data Visualization, Classification models, Regression models, Hadoop, Spark, PROC SQL, SAS Macros. These skills will help you prepare for the role of a Data Scientist.