SAP SCM is a leading Supply Chain Management solution that covers supply chain networking, supply chain planning, supply chain coordination and supply chain execution. Chapter 1 Forecast, Procurement, Manufacturing, and Warehouse Processing Sales, Upon completing this unit, participants should be familiar with the following processes and how they integrate:
CHAPTER 2 SCM Master Data Upon completing this unit, participants should be familiar with Master Data pertinent to SCM including:
CHAPTER 3 Forecasting Upon completing this unit, participants should be familiar with various ways of forecasting demand:
CHAPTER 4 Demand Upon completing this unit, participants should be familiar with demand drivers in SCM:
CHAPTER 5 Order to Ship Process Upon completing this unit, participants should be familiar with the Order to Ship Process and the integration with procurement, manufacturing, and warehouse processes:
Procure to Receipt Process Upon completing this unit, participants should be familiar with the Procure to Receipt Process and the integration with sales, manufacturing, and warehouse processes:
Demand to Manufacture Process
Upon completing this unit, participants should be familiar with the Demand to Manufacture Process and the integration with sales, procurement, and warehouse processes:
Demand Planning in ECC and MySCM Upon completing this unit, participants should be able to define the differences between demand planning in ECC versus MySCM and how ECC and MySCM integrate.