Why High School Students must Participate in Team Sports

Angela, Sophie, Amaya, Briana and Samira are some of the students who waited with bated breath for their physical education sessions, every Thursday. You could sense their adrenaline rush from those bright eyes that twinkled at the very sound of the bell ...

Article Posted in: College Level Education

Angela, Sophie, Amaya, Briana and Samira are some of the students who waited with bated breath for their physical education sessions, every Thursday. You could sense their adrenaline rush from those bright eyes that twinkled at the very sound of the bell that announced the commencement of their games period…

And the next moment you would be greeted by their warm smiles, as they chased each other at the school’s basketball court, eagerly waiting for a thrilling basketball match.

Be it basketball, volleyball or football – these kids display immense enthusiasm in being involved in these manifold sports activities, giving their best shot to each of them. The thought of playing with their team members, contributing to their team and competing against other teams gives them goosebumps! Obviously, they can never dream of missing their stints with their ‘team sports’ activities at school.

These young souls represent the numerous other high-school students who develop a penchant for different team sports since their childhood.

If your students are yet to harbor a crazy desire in their hearts to let their hair down and indulge in team-building games, it is high time you did something about it, my dear teachers.

Why Team Sports are Crucial for High-School Kids

Modern youngsters are steadily falling prey to the evils of childhood obesity, thanks to their addiction to the various avatars of technology. Consequently, they are more prone to ailments like Type-2 diabetes, sleep apnea, heart maladies, thyroid issues and much more.

Participating in team sports activities is one of the best things that can prove to have a positive impact on the physical, social and psychological health of today’s kids.

Let them move, run, rush and play.

Encourage them to be in a state of motion, at least for thirty minutes every day, in order to ensure them a generous dosage of physical exercise. Teachers and parents must also explain to children that there is more to life than merely ‘winning games’ or defeating their opponents, and that team sports is something to be enjoyed in the true sense of the term, irrespective of the fact whether they win or lose.

Being actively involved in team sports events offers kids the golden opportunity to collaborate with a group of students, striving to meet common objectives – thereby making them more social and enhancing their self-esteem. It also boosts the interpersonal and leadership skills of students, as they constantly communicate with their team members.

Read on to discover the different reasons why high school students must participate in team sports regularly.

high school students

#1. Learning Personal Values

While textbooks are an important source of knowledge, nothing can beat the fact that personal values can be best inculcated in students in a non-academic learning environment. It is through personal interaction with peers and teachers that students learn to respect the opinion of others instead of having their way always.

The values of honesty, integrity and discipline are introduced to them from a tender age, as they participate in all kinds of team sports.

For instance, such games teach students how to share and care.

They pay attention to the instructions of the team leader and learn how to contribute to the success of the entire team, struggling to beat their opponents in a healthy competition.

In this process, they learn one more essential component of personal values, and that is constant cooperation.

Such critical lessons groom students for a successful career, wherein they might be compelled to work in a team and collaborate with the members to complete a project.

successful career​​​​​​

#2. Improves Fitness

When students take an active part in games, their metabolism instantly improves, making them healthier and of course happier.

Their muscles get toned, nerves become stronger and they automatically gain higher endurance power once they start playing different games while at school. In fact, running about the field, or shooting a ball through hoops during a basketball match makes players much more alert, mentally as well as physically.

This goes a long way in boosting the functioning of their brain that in turn rejuvenates them with a great deal of energy!

Parents too, are relieved when they get to know that their children are involved in team sports events, leaving their addiction to social media platforms and video games aside. This way youngsters steer clear of obesity and other health hazards that are unavoidable when you spend a large chunk of time indoors, lounging in front of your favorite electronic gadgets.

electronic gadgets

#3. Helps Overcome Shyness

You must have noticed that certain students find it tough to get along with their fellow classmates while they are at school.

They are incapable of communicating with their friends and teachers. It is simply because they have not been able to overcome their shyness. They just feel too shy to express their thoughts about a lesson or an opinion put forward by their peers, or a topic discussed in the class by their teachers.

Either they are reluctant to share their views in fear of social isolation or they are too timid to express themselves simply because they feel that their peers might make fun of them.

Dear parents, you would soon realize that your kids have overcome shyness once they are active participants in team sports.

For, they have to interact with a large number of people while they are playing games and it might even include those who are not their classmates. Games teach young people social skills to a great extent.

teach young people

#4. Teaches the 3 “P’s”

School athletes would tell you how important it is to know and follow the three P’s religiously.

Do you know what they are? Well, the three P’s stand for ‘practice’, ‘persistence’ and ‘patience’.

And let me remind you parents, your child might be receiving the best kind of education in school, but he would be deprived of the three P’s if he is missing out on sports activities. Continue reading to know the importance of the three P’s in the life of a high-school student.

First of all, practise ushers in perfection in all endeavors, as you already know.

Spending time in playing games would make sure that children are always ready to make repeated attempts before they finally give up. They need to learn that they cannot afford to give up hope even before trying their level best, be it in sports or academics or any extra-curricular activity.

With practice, comes persistence.

Games are absolutely amazing when it comes to teaching persistence and patience to students. They start realizing, that in order to win, one must be patient and persistent in his / her efforts.

teaching persistence

#5. Imparts Leadership Skills

When students manage a group of players, guiding them towards achieving their goals, they are actually progressing towards emerging into great leaders in the near future.

For, senior athletes generally motivate the younger members of the team and hold them accountable.

This creates an environment of skilled guidance, wherein the team leaders identify the loopholes of the team members, explaining to them how they must overcome the problems in order to win a particular game. Leaders set an example for the members to follow.

You cannot discount the significance of leadership skills in the field of academics and even in one’s career. When the teacher asks students to complete a group project, some students are appointed as the group leaders. Thereafter, it is the duty of the group leaders to assign tasks to the group members and check if they are completed to the best of their abilities.

Imagine your child being a part of a corporate team, being asked to be a part of a project while at work. Even in this scenario, he would be required to exhibit his leadership skills.

leadership skills

These are a few important reasons why team sports are extremely important for high school students. These sports activities account for the 365-degree development of young brains, and improve their aptitude in academics as well.

If you are aware of more such reasons that would motivate high school kids to be actively involved in team sports, do share them with us!


Article Posted in: College Level Education
Tags: College Level Education Extracurricular Activities Career Counseling Trends and Insights Events and Workshops

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