A beautiful quote of Shakespeare that hits us painlessly is that if music is the food of love, play on. Music can be considered as the most exceptional communication of the world. It is beyond the barriers of language and words. The music connects two ...
A beautiful quote of Shakespeare that hits us painlessly is that if music is the food of love, play on.
Music can be considered as the most exceptional communication of the world. It is beyond the barriers of language and words. The music connects two people and conveys profound messages.
The expression of the individuality is advancing through the digital tools in the current phase. The digital world is inputting more magic in the traditional form of music class.
The fusion of age-old traditions and innovative digital tools
The wonderful world of internet has broken all the barriers of distance as the students can connect through the reputed artists for master crafted music lesson through social networking sites like Skype, Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, etc. The opportunity is knocking our door as we can write unique musical creation on the free notation programs such as Noteflight and MuseScore. Own playlists can now be created on YouTube and Spotify. Collaborative work on music projects can be done via the Flat extension of Google Suite.
Wonders of digital Flat from Google
Flat helps the students to connect to Google Classroom and allow them to do assignments jointly with their peers and make and edit music. You have to pay for getting the subscription.
The learners can practice together
The young musicians can exercise their musical journey jointly via FaceTime. They can Work on the Computer musical programs such as SmartMusic. Garage Band gives the suitable occasion for creating backing tracks. The students can schedule their practice time via Google Calendar and sent the recordings later to their respective tutors via Google Classroom.
Unleash the creativity through digital media
Music is the ultimate medium of innovation. It led the people to think beyond the ordinary parameters of being successful. The digital tools have led to the revealing of the inner potential of the active minds of talents and present them to the whole world and earn recognition. The single thread of electronic digitalization connects many people from anywhere and learns and shares their creation.
Digital spell in the Cloud
The modern technology has led the students to take part in active musical creation. They can tune into musical education that is more personal, meaningful, and can be accessed smoothly. The computer has made it easier for the kids to learn fast as they can tap few buttons to get the complete assignments on the screens. If the students get to use the access of touch screen in the music class, they can loop in Soundtrap for the identification of the rhythmic patterns alongside the instrumentation.
Take the ownership of individual creation
The digital music classroom gives the right to property of the self-created music.
An important thing to remember:
Technology can’t do all by itself
If you think that you will only sit in the front of your computer and the musical creation will all go on by itself, you are wrong. You have to involve your brains to create something and then click the exact buttons for its final formulation. Moreover, your music can be stolen or manipulated when shared online and used in the negative aspects. Take help of the authorities to make ownership copyright of your creation.
A universal approach
The students can use the musical apps via multiple operating systems and devices. For example, Soundtrap works efficiently on Chromebook, iOS, Mac, Windows, and Android. Therefore, the approach becomes universal as the students working on various kinds of operating systems can come together for a single mission irrespective of the differences in the gadgets that can’t be done in any traditional class.
Teachers can form a global classroom
The global classroom can only be achieved through digital technology. For example, if you are located in a corner in the USA, you can connect with a student residing in Australia. This will help the students to be aware of the outside world and can realize that the essence of music is universal.
A warning for the students
Don’t get engrossed and lost in the digital world by spending most of your precious time on the social media sites leaving all your essential works aside. Many people will try to trap you and misuse your talent. Be careful. The youngsters tend to chat for hours that affect their health and education adversely. Be careful.
Want to globalize your jazz, rock, pop, etc.? Join digital music classroom and make your dream come true faster and in a sophisticated manner. Be a part of the exciting digital journey to create fantastic shorthand of emotion that is, Music.
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