How to start preparing for UCAT

University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) has been a nightmare for the students dreaming of admission into the prominent medical and dental universities in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. The entrance test was launched in 2006 in the UK as UKCAT. Of lat...

Article Posted in: Academics Exam Preparation

University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) has been a nightmare for the students dreaming of admission into the prominent medical and dental universities in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. The entrance test was launched in 2006 in the UK as UKCAT. Of late, universities from Australia and New Zealand also joined the consortium. Therefore, the name of the entrance test was changed from UKCAT to UCAT in 2019.

The number of students aspiring to get into the universities has been increasing every year, turning the competition tougher. It is always the aptitude and attitude of the student that decides where he or she reaches and how well they perform at a particular role. And that’s exactly what the UCAT entrance test intends to confirm. Rather than testing a student’s technical and scientific knowledge, the UCAT exam concentrates on analysing the attitude and aptitude of him or her.

The UCAT test consists of questions on Verbal Reasoning, Decision Making, Situational Judgement, Abstract Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning. The test does not follow a specific curriculum. A student high in mental aptitude and has the right attitude will only be able to clear the exam.

Difficulties of UCAT

The students appearing for the UCAT are supposed to possess the inborn quality for entering into the premium medical and dental universities in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. As is the case, the exam does not follow a specific curriculum. This, in turn, puts students and parents into a dilemma.

There are three facts that douse the enthusiasm of the students. An ever-increasing number of students attending the exam, lack of adequate vacancy in comparison with the number of students attending the test and uncertainty regarding the curriculum.

Multitudes of students from around the globe attend the test. The number has been increasing enormously each year. They toil day and night passionately. The struggle the students undertake is immeasurable. However, in the end, most of them miss out the target. They must have tried with all their might but in vain. The mantra here is hard work along with smart work.

How to get good UCAT score for Medicine

Getting a perfect score in the UCAT is the only way to ensure a medical seat in one of the best universities from the UK, Australia and New Zealand. There are 03 basic steps for ensuring that you are among the few to succeed. Those are Planning, Preparation and Execution.


A perfect plan of action is the foundation. The planning must be undertaken well in advance to allocate enough time to each subject while concentrating on the weak areas. Identify your flaws and formulate a strategy to overcome those issues.


Prepare the subjects based on your plan. Preparation for the UCAT entails understanding the subjects and widening your point of view to assess, ascertain and answer according to the questions asked. As the questions don't need to follow a particular pattern.


The student must be prepared enough to perform well during UCAT. Any kind of slipup during the final test can fail your dream.

Following the above-mentioned steps is not easy. Support from a well-established education agency is of paramount importance to reach your goal. Experience matters a lot when it comes to planning and preparation. A planned and prepared student only can execute it during the highly demanding UCAT exam.

Successful preparation for UCAT

We, Sage Education Services, has been training and preparing students for UCAT for years. The time-tested method prepared by our experienced professionals has been helping students in performing to the optimum level. We observe the changing pattern of questions and assimilate the trend into the training pattern. The training scenario thus formulated has been proven successful with the majority of our students delivering the result.

Sage Education Service has been one of the pioneers in the field. We monitor each student and assess their potential in each of the UCAT subjects. Each student will be provided with a custom-tailored UCAT/UKCAT coaching that will strengthen their weak areas. Sage has a dedicated team, encompassing elite teachers from across the globe. Their unwavering and relentless support has been the mainstay that ensured us excellent results.

It has always been our endeavour to enrol a maximum of our students into the prime medical universities in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. Therein Sage Education Service offers both Individual course and Group course.

The tutors at Sage Education Services are available around the clock for enhancing the student’s capabilities, clarifying their doubts and advising them the best way ahead. The individual course at Sage concentrates on monitoring each student individually to guide and train them to push their limits and make them an achiever. The individual course has flexible class schedules to facilitate UCAT coaching without affecting a student’s requirement.

The group course will have classroom sessions, practice tests and weekly review based on the student’s performance during the test. The review and subsequent guidance are beneficial for the student to limber up to the required level.

Sage Education Service has instituted a range of facilities for the benefit of the students. Live classes, constant mentoring, several online tests, motivational counselling and guidance and many more. We do not settle for anything less than an excellent result. Sage never rest without extracting the best from our students. Our exuberant professionalism has made us one of the leading education services in the UAE.

We welcome you to join the UCAT prep course at Sage Education Service and embark the journey to success.

Article Posted in: Academics Exam Preparation
Tags: exam preparation examination tips

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