Image by: urban_data https://www.flickr.com/photos/urban_data/ “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”, thi...
Image by: urban_data
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”, this speech has moved thousands more that the 25000 present at Lincoln Memorial on the memorable day of 28th August, 1963.
But have you ever thought why these incredible leaders like Martin Luther King never cease to amaze us long after they are gone? This is because great leaders have one thing in common. They inspire us, every day and in everything we do. So the question is, can this trait of reaching people beyond an intellectual level be learned? No and yes. Leadership is an in-born talent, but for those who are not born with such super-powers, leadership skills can be acquired, honed and refined.
The next bit of this article will take you through a few inspiring TED talks on leadership to help you acquire this marvelous trait.
Everyday Leadership: Drew Dudley
Leadership educator, Drew Dudley portrays a whole different take on leadership. He urges everyone to stop following the stereotype and try to find the leader in all of us. He speaks about how our failure to think ourselves as a leader makes us step back when confronted with the question: How many of you are completely comfortable with calling yourselves a leader? He has incorporated a very charming incident into his speech. A simple idea to redefine leadership is all this talk is about and it sure can change the way you look at things or at yourself.
What it Takes to be a Great Leader: Rosalinde Torres
Rosalinde Torres breaks down leadership into 3 crucial questions which involve letting go of the past ideas of leadership and form new ones based on what is and what is to come. It is imperative for anyone to break away from the throes of past stereotypes and embrace the future. This is the primary way to thrive. The ideas that she has floated in this speech have been based on case studies performed on 4000 companies to understand the effectiveness of the leadership development programs being implemented rigorously. But the results have been disastrous. Such recurring incidents have urged her to delve deep into the problem and she has come out with a candid idea to help reshape leadership for everyone.
Lead Like the Great Conductors: Itay Talgram
This beautiful TED Talk by an orchestra conductor and consultant Itay Talgam will captivate you. A charming flow of his speech fused with an effortless incorporation of music will leave you reeling to his voice for a fleeting moment. He talks about the most crucial leadership challenge that an orchestra conductor faces. He provides an alluring demonstration of the unique styles of 6 great 20th century conductors that can teach us how to face the everyday challenges and emerge a true leader.
Recommended Read: 10 must-see TED talks for students, parents and teachers
How Great Leaders Inspire Action: Simon Sinek
Simon Sinek begins with an inspiring idea. He questions a very basic fact. “Why is Apple so innovative?” He goes on to say, “They’re just a computer company. They’re just like everyone else. They have the same access to the same talent, the same agencies, the same consultants, the same media. Then why is it that they seem to have something different?” He comes up with a solution to this, which goes by the name of ‘Golden Circle’. You need to understand the purpose behind whatever you are doing. When you have a clear purpose in mind and you portray it to others, they would respond to that and this is how a leader is born.
How to Start a Movement: Derek Sivers
This could just be one of the most incredible TED talks under 4 minutes. Derek Sivers demonstrates leadership with the help of a short and surprising footage. But it isn’t the leader that snatches the limelight in this speech, it’s the first follower who stands up to get ridiculed with the leader that initiates a movement. He urges everyone to take a stand next to the leader since that is what makes a difference and that is what pulls in the other followers to form a team.
Learning form Leadership’s Missing Manual: Fields Wicker-Miurin
Social entrepreneur Fields Wicker-Miurin, shares her views on leadership through three interesting stories of people she has come across. These remarkable stories of leaders will help you understand how a great leader’s mind works. This speech is a classic illustration of leading by example. She goes on to say that leadership does not come with a manual, it something that we can look into others for inspiration. You can look for some in this powerful and moving talk.
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