10 Must-Have Tools For Online Learning

Sep 16, 2020

Online learning is not a new approach, although 2020 is the year that has seen an increase in its demand as Covid-19 led to many schools’ closure. Institutions that had online learning programs were somehow advantaged while the rest had to start from scratch.

There are various tools that teachers and learners use to make online learning a reality. However, it is worth noting these tools will not replace a teacher and the students. The tools are there to provide a platform where learners and teachers can interact. Let us explore the different tools you need for online learning:

An interactive website

It is time that schools came up with websites where they can post updates and learning materials for both parents and students to follow. The ideal website should be easy to navigate and have no downtimes. Getting a good web host is the first step in guaranteeing uptime. For example, if you are in India, you then have to consider the best web hosts in India as they understand your needs and what the learners are looking for. The schools should post all the recorded sessions on the website where learners can come and refresh. The students also need to observe online security measures while studying online.


There are many files shared between the teacher and the learners in a typical online class. Think about the notes and assignments that teachers have to send to students. On the other hand, the students will submit assignments as well as assessments to their teachers. Dropbox is an essential tool that allows people to share such files. The beauty of it is that teachers can create a universal folder where all the students will upload their files. Teachers can also create links to their classes and make them available to all, irrespective of the distance.


This platform claims to make teaching simpler while at the same amplifying learning. Teachers can build classroom communities where they will interact with their students. The teachers can also add peers who will provide real-time feedback in classes. There is also family access, where parents can follow the learning journey and give feedback. There is a personalized public class page where teachers can share the students’ accomplishments in their class. Wabisabi has thousands of unit plans from educators around the world. The platform also features educational content in different forms, such as text, audio, videos, and infographics.


It is a platform that connects teachers, students, and parents. Edmodo enjoys over 34 million users drawn from different parts of the world. Teachers can share class materials at the click of a button from this platform. It is also a great communication tool where teachers can send instructions and clarifications to students and their parents. Students can enjoy a stress-free learning experience as they take advantage of a built-in planner and class folders. There are also hundreds of games and activities that students can enjoy once the session is over. Parents can support learning activities by following the activities from Edmodo.


TEDEd is a platform that connects students, educators, and parents. The platform shares high-quality video-based lessons on different grades. The students can interact with these videos to make learning more fun. Students can receive lesson plans through daily emails, depending on the category indicated. Educators can use this platform to add discussion topics, interactive questions, or even animations to help students understand the concepts better. TED-Ed has ready templates that parents can use to customize lessons for their kids. Teachers, educators, and students can browse through millions of educational videos on different topics.


If your kids love games, then this is the platform to try today. Kahoot! combines games and questions to help students understand different concepts. Teachers can create discussions, questionnaires, and surveys that complement normal academic lessons. The teacher will project the material in a classroom while the students answer the questions while enjoying the gaming experience. The platform creates a fun, dynamic, and social educational environment for both the teachers and the students.


Learning materials, especially books, are somehow expensive, making it hard for ordinary people to access education. cK-12 is a platform that aims at reducing the cost of educational materials by creating an open-source interface where people can share educational materials. These materials can be modified into different forms, such as text, audio, videos, and presentations. The platform also provides materials that can be printed based on the editorial standards of a particular region. The books and materials in the cK12 platform can also be adapted to any student or teacher’s needs.


Teachers and students can explore and share educational materials and references found on the internet. A teacher will create a group where he or she will share different educational materials with students. Participate makes it easy to manage content found online, create a digital record of learners' activity, and improve research techniques. Teachers can create a virtual class through this platform. It is also a portfolio that stores all the interactions between students and their educators.  


It is a platform with a collection of thousands of courses. Coursera grants students an opportunity to learn the latest skills in graphic design, business analytics, and computer programming, to mention a few. The platform also partners with various colleges where you can earn a certificate or degree in business and computer science. Coursera allows students to stream on-demand videos from expert lecturers drawn from different parts of the world.

Pear Deck

Pear Deck is a platform that enables educators to make class presentations through formative assessment and active learning. Students can use a wide range of tools to respond to the questions that teachers pose.

Educators and students need to understand online learning myths and then make a combination of several tools to make online learning a reality. We expect schools to continue with online learning even after the pandemic is long gone.

Image Credit: https://www.elucidat.com/

Article Posted in: Academics

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