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Are you searching for SAT tutors in Golden Sands, Dubai? Our website connects you with qualified and experienced tutors in your local area. Explore some of our hand-picked, highly-rated SAT tutors in Golden Sands below. Browse their profiles to review their experience, academic qualifications, and student feedback, and choose the best tutor for your SAT lessons.
Very knowledgeable.
I Have Given Actual Gmat Exam And Have Scored 49/51 In The Math Section. Have Years Of Experience In Helping Students In Math For Competitive Exams And School Math
He makes learning experience with fun. So, students don't get any bored with the lesson.
Hands down, the best teacher ever. Has material quality that nobody else can compete with that trains a student's mind to be highly competitive (in a healthy way).
He is one of the best teachers. He is very helpful and dedicated towards his job.
A Puntucal Teacher And Tutor Who Will Create A Stable Environments For Productivity And Learning To Suit The Learners Needs.
Craig tutored my 8-year-old daughter for about 6 months. He was very conscientious and actively involved in her learning. I would have no hesitation recommending him.
She really helped me to improve my Math and Science.
- Very Professional, Experienced, precise and accurate in Training Schedules and appointments Tutor. - Tutor got wide knowledge in GRE Quantitative various types of questions, Always tries to simplify the facts, rules and minimizes the number of steps in solving most of the problems with reasonable answers to save time during the exam.
I like his friendly personality. He is able to to make math fun and he can teach very well. I am able to have a conversation with Amith sir and that is pretty hard to have with most teachers. He can explain very well and is very focused on making me good at maths. In just a few months he has made me improve a lot in math as my scores are going higher up. In my opinion, he is a great math teacher.
Amit Sir is very patient and is able to explain maths concepts very, very well. I was very poor in Maths in CBSE, so switched to a GCSE school. In just one term, I am earning 6 A grades. Amit Sir is superbly punctual, is always up to date and is able to make Maths learning fun and interesting. He has taken away my fear of Maths completely, which means I am doing well in Physics and Chemistry as well.
He taught my cousin for 10th CBSE mathematics.He is excellent at mathematics.He finds out new and interesting methods to solve complicated problems.He also gives sums that are of varied types to improve the mathematical skills of the student. He is an amazing teacher who gives his best to bring out the best in his students.His methodical approach to problems in order to obtain solutions is commendable . I strongly recommend opting for his classes.
He is a good trainer/ coach. He has a thorough understanding on different curriculum and the gaps and he caters to individual needs. Amit was the face to face trainer for our award winning learning portal and he has taught students from various curriculum . Students find him knowledgeable and he keeps them engaged and motivated. He is very patient with his students and ensure that they understand the concepts and NOT the shortcuts. He has taught SAT/ ACT and school level maths for students. He has worked both one to one and group tutoring for me.
Passionate Professional Competent Reliable
Teaching style, punctuality, professionalism. He is a bit strict about conceptual mistakes but it is also helpful in the long run.
Her experience helped my children a lot. They are improving day by day.
Ielts Gre Gmat Toefl Sat Ap Instructor Call Me For Any Test Prep Examinations.quality Guaranteed.past Experience In Magoosh Usa
Versatile, Results-oriented Tutor, Whose Goal Is To Improve Students' Grades And Learning Experiences Through A Unique Teaching Style.
Most of our experienced teachers have a 5 star rating with over 330 positive reviews.