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Are you searching for Political Science tutors in Al Taawun Mall, Sharjah? Our website connects you with qualified and experienced tutors in your local area. Explore some of our hand-picked, highly-rated Political Science tutors in Al Taawun Mall below. Browse their profiles to review their experience, academic qualifications, and student feedback, and choose the best tutor for your Political Science lessons.
Great Tutor. Would recommend to anyone wanting to get a good grade.
Tasniien is a very good tutor. She has patience and the ability to teach and most of all she is very encouraging. This ability in her helps students to build their self-esteem which is important in today's time.
Aside from how well-versed she is in humanities, I'd say the way she explains and elaborates on the concepts is informative and entertaining. If you're bored of feeling like you'll never use or apply the facts being crammed into your brain then discussing things you learn with her will not only help you learn them, but help you to enjoy the subject and apply yourself to it.
She is a good teacher who has subject knowledge, good teaching experience, tips for examination and well versed in her curriculum. I was immensely satisfied with her tutoring and my child achieved desired grades as well.
She has complete knowledge of the curriculum and exam preparation and guides accordingly. Gives good and relevant examples regarding her subjects of Sociology and Psychology. Is capable of teaching till university levels.
Most of our experienced teachers have a 5 star rating with over 5 positive reviews.