Discover a diverse range of CIMA courses in Al Ain tailored to meet your educational needs. Explore accredited programs, expert instructors, and flexible learning options to excel in your chosen field. Enroll today and embark on a transformative educational journey.
As per Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan's words, on land and in the sea, our fore-fathers lived and survived in this environment. They were able to do so because they recognised the need to conserve it, to take from it only what they needed to live, and to preserve it for...[Read more]
This workshop is aimed at all staff who work with children in schools. The session aims to enhance awareness of the reasons why safeguarding should underpin every aspect of a school’s work. We can offer on-site induction or refresher training for whole staff sessions, di...[Read more]
As said by Lockwood & McLean, if assessment is to be a positive force in education, it must be implemented properly. It cannot be used to merely sort students or to criticise. Its goals must be to improve education. This workshop examines reliable, easily planned alternati...[Read more]
Positive Behaviour Management is an interactive workshop designed to apprise teachers of strategies to win over even the most recalcitrant student and create a classroom climate conducive for all learners. The program contents: Senior Staff and Principals on forens...[Read more]
Many schools use baseline assessment to establish student performance and measure progress over time. But how can such data be used to create specific, measurable student targets that underpin student performance on a daily basis? Managing the relationship between challenge an...[Read more]
School principals, or any other leader for that matter, do not single-handedly lead schools to greatness; leadership involves an array of individuals with various tools and structures. This workshop examines how the responsibilities and duties necessary to manage a school well...[Read more]
An opportunity to look at single or multiple aspects of the school with a view to diagnosing areas for targeted improvement. This could be one department or a whole school focus such as display or literacy. The focus will be decided at a planning meeting prior to the visit. Th...[Read more]
The CICTL is a practice-based qualification for continuing professional development, relevant to all teaching and learning contexts. Candidates can be teaching in Cambridge programmes, e.g. the Cambridge Primary Programme or IGCSE, or in other international, national or local ...[Read more]
Cambridge International Certificate in Educational Leadership (CICEL) is a practice-based qualification for continuing professional development, relevant to serving or aspiring leaders that are ready to take up a leadership role in the near future. Candidates can be teaching i...[Read more]
The Cambridge International Certificate for Teachers and Trainers has now been given an updated syllabus and is now called the Cambridge International Certificate in Teaching and Learning. This is still a practice-based course focussed on classroom teaching skills. Focal Point...[Read more]
Effective allocation of time and resources is the key to realizing improvements in student achievement. How effectively do school leaders use time? How much time falls into the ‘value-added’ category and how much is wasted? How often is the physical environment and...[Read more]
There are many different types of professional development experiences, but most have exposure to just a few. Most define professional development as traditional training workshops, though many other strategies should be part of the professional development system. A top-notch...[Read more]
Effective learning to include relevant, accessible, successful learning may require re-aligning the curriculum. Changing curriculum and setting higher expectations is all well and good, but it will only lead to frustration unless ways are found to help students meet these expe...[Read more]
This course will provide delegates with insights into assessment and the tools to critically examine practice in their own schools. Results from schools prove that effective assessment and instruction make the greatest difference to school improvement. There is a wealth of res...[Read more]
Communication is a two-way process involving an exchange of ideas and the hallmark of effective communication is the coherent verbal projection of those ideas. This course examines how successful school leaders encourage meaningful dialogue around student achievement and high ...[Read more]
Schools need people to work together efficiently and effectively to realise continuous improvement. Teams enable smoother movement towards targets, prolong forward momentum, and can help the organization to overcome obstacles. The benefits to be gained from teamwork synergies ...[Read more]
Effective educational leadership makes the most significant difference in improving learning and successful student outcomes. This may be direct or indirect leadership and be exercised in a number of ways. Ideally, school leaders are ‘instructional’ leaders while t...[Read more]
You will learn essential inter-personal skills, how to really listen effectively to people, and then how to communicate convincingly and effectively in this course. Your work relationships with colleagues and clients will be enhanced, and your productivity greatly increased; a...[Read more]
The course gives managers a strong foundation in understanding the various facets of projects and what is involved in efficient strong project management. Managers are led from the foundations, through design of the project scope, right through the various constraints and moni...[Read more]
This course is designed for managers and leaders, who desire to understand and build effective teams, in a variety of settings and for various functions. The manager will understand the types of teams, the forming process of a team, and discover excellent methods for improving...[Read more]
Through this program you will gain essential skills in the art of supervision. Understanding different styles of leadership better is a crucial part of this program. The student is made to feel more confident as a supervisor, and will be able to guide and direct the employees ...[Read more]
In this course you will understand leadership principles and learn practical methods to improve your leadership style. Gain an appreciation for characteristics of a good leader and the importance of different leadership styles, with practical steps to develop your personal sty...[Read more]
This course is for managers, marketing personnel and sales staff who want to gain a greater understanding of how to interact with colleagues and customers in a sensitive and effective way. In this program learn how to utilise your personal style, body language, tone of voice a...[Read more]
Sales team, marketing staff and telesales personnel who want to understand the full aspects of delivering outstanding customer service and equip themselves with essential skills to take their own customer service provision to a level of excellence; should take up this course. ...[Read more]
If you want to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your emotional makeup and how to best interact with people in your work and social environment, then this course is for you. You will gain a new powerful understanding your emotional makeup and how to take control of t...[Read more]